Three Complementary Academic Events
We live in an extremely somber historical period. The year 2020 precipitated an agenda about which only a small part of experts in the field were aware. The Covid-19 pandemic farce and “the Great Reset” served as a “historical opportunity” by the WEF accelerated the imposition of the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, shattered the last democratic and legalistic illusions, pushing humanity into a beastly race to establish a New World Order. The world discovered with astonishment that, beyond rivalries and conflicts between countries, all states without exception follow a single common plan, imposed through the UN, WHO and other entities that serve as instruments for a single world power center. All kind of desagrements are minor compared to a single agenda that all countries follow with total obedience. I have called this new reality the end of classical geopolitics.
The “New Normal” has invaded the entire world; statesmen are imposing the same liberticidal policies everywhere, presenting total digitization as an inexorable destiny. The apostles of transhumanism preach the transcendence of the human condition, promising earthly paradise and eternal material life to the “augmented man”. We have entered the age of technocracy and transhumanism.
What are the religious and cultural origins of this form of tyranny that ends both human freedom and politics? And how could be overcome this nightmare situation?
Personalities from the academic world, authors and experts from the most diverse countries are persistently looking for answers to these challenges of unprecedented gravity in world history. Naturally, the challenges that affect all societies cause similar concerns.
Not at all surprisingly, the challenges that affect all societies cause similar concerns. Thus, by pure coincidence, three international meetings will take place in the next period, at which the fundamental aspects of the phenomenon of technocracy will be addressed. Although at the time these meetings were initiated none of the three teams knew anything about similar events planned elsewhere, thanks to the rapid flow of information in the digital age the junction occurred. The cooperation between these groups of researchers and experts will be felt both within the three events and in the future. The effect we aim for is a synergistic one, so our common voice will become much stronger worldwide.
So here are the three events of major importance:
- August 29
The Galileo Commission and the Scientific and Medical Network: “Sacred Responses to the Human Crisis of Meaning: Transcendence not Transhumanism”

- September 9-10
Chisinau Forum: “UN Agenda 21 and the Great Reset. The Fall from Liberalism to Technocracy and Transhumanism”

- September 28-29:
Jagiellonian University, Kraków: “The Rise of the Digital Technocracy”

Don't miss these three academic debates. This concerns us all.