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Foreword to the Great Tribulation


Dear Friends and Colleagues.

I was looking forward to be amongst you today but unfortunately will be unable to owing to events out of my control.

This being said, I nonetheless wish to thank my dear friend Iurie ROSCA for inviting to speak to you and and wish to congratulate him on what I know will be the flawless organization of a very important event in the midst of the tremendous changes that are now reshaping our world.

And so let us address the nature of these changes.

Victor David Hanson recently stated that what is currently underway isn’t merely a political revolution. It is in his own words a “holistic revolution”. Something comparable in his opinion to the “French Revolution” or better yet, “Mao’s Second Revolution: the Cultural Revolution.”

One can only concurr with such a description for we are witnessing a complete redefinition of the terms characterizing our perception of what the world (is supposed) to be. Ludvig Von Wittgestein wrote abundantly about the power of semantics in the forging of cognitive perception.

As such, “Newspeak” has entered our reality and we must address it.

As with every “revolution” imposed from above, the stakes of what Klaus Schwab refers to as the “stakeholders” are tremendously important because behing their being shrouded in cryptic signifiers, the objectives are nothing short of Humanity’s complete surrendering of its Free Will.

This explains why no effort is now spared to undermine the transcendental religious movements that we have grown accustomed to live with.

The “Fourth Industrial Revolution” aims to substitute itself to the Divine in the most unapologetic promethean fashion. This ultimate powergrab is the latest attempt to shoot an arrow at God Himself from the top of the Tower of Babel.

Many are speaking of “Multipolarity” as an alternative model rising in opposition to this technocratic Moloch. It is to be sure too early to judge if such is indeed the case. Technological control over the masses and resources are certainly too tempting to be used no matter what narrative the State and its Controllers rely onto to sell its benefits to the unwashed masses.

What we know to be certain is that as Lord Acton famously quipped: “Power corrupts and absolute Power corrupts absolutely.”

It should therefore be of paramount importance to fight the Leviathan over the consciousness of the cattle and there lies the biggest challenge for the conditioning has been relentless and executed using the most insidious techniques.

Societal ideologies are but the final layers of a hacking of the body politic which began long ago and which benefitted from the considerable means of the State apparatus.

We might be able to “unplug” but a fraction of the entire sheptel. Will this be sufficient to derail what is presented as unavoidable? Nothing is ever set in stone but we must adopt a resolute stance grounded in humility and stoicism in the face of such daunting task.

The early Christians underwent systematic vilification for centuries, with countless suffering the martyre before the State (for whatever reasons- one can posit that it realized that it couldn’t defeat an idea) opted to absorb the new Faith into its cavernous belly.

I suggest that we may find ourselves in a similar situation and so it would seem that as a priority, we abandon the confort of old and embrace asceticism.

Let us reify the cardinal values of selflessness at the root of real revolutionary movements.

Millions (some say billions) will likely perish in these times of Revelations. Moloch demands it.

We shall thus attempt to first survive what is coming in order to find ourselves in a better position to squarely confront the Godless Technocracy amputated of its unwitting allies once the smoke clears.

I wish you all a productive event.

God Bless you all.

Poza de profil

A. Develay

a French lawyer and political consultant based in Russia