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The vectors of power at the advent of a multipolar world

Dear friends and colleagues gathered at the Chişinău Forum,

a warm greeting from Italy, the homeland of great men who have traced many routes of multipolar thought.

I thank my fraternal friend Prof. Iurie Roşca for the invitation. As I am unable to attend this prestigious forum in person, I have decided to forward you my speech, hoping that these simple words will help the work that will take place in the meetings.

We have been hoping, studying and planning for the advent of a multi-polar world for years, long before the media and analysts talked about it. This Forum has in the past produced a Manifesto of the Multipolar World, when nobody was talking about it yet, a document that served as a prophetic guideline for the fate of the world. Professor Dugin had drafted the Theory of the Multipolar World, the doctrinal heart of multipolarity, and since then many of us have worked to embody those ideals and projects, contributing to the transformation of this world in many ways. We have been explorers and pioneers, one day they will speak of us, rest assured.

As events unfolded, however, we must consider that the adversaries, i.e. those who oppose our worldview, and the enemies, i.e. those who oppose both our worldview and us personally, were able to devise strategies and tactics to respond. What we habitually call the 'system', using a term that means many things and at other times means nothing at all, knows how to handle dissent: there is a boundary, a field of existence within which dissent is tolerable and manageable; only when that boundary is crossed does change really occur. We all know that the 'system' is very clever, it has huge economic resources, it has think tanks, power groups, governments, armaments. It is the eternal battle of David against Goliath.

This should make us reflect on certain aspects of power, a key word in global transformations. Power has vectors that are precisely managed, directed, channelled through a complex network of hierarchically ordered powers. In the world, hardly anything moves randomly. Political, financial, strategic decisions are intimately connected, even if we are talking about things that happen in opposite parts of the planet. However, it is equally true that multipolarity itself is made up of vectors, as we well know. Multiple vectors moving in various directions, but without having that centralisation of power that belongs to the 'system'. It is a minimal but substantial difference. Multipolarity involves several poles, each of which is free in its own power, in relation to the others but not subordinate according to gears and status quo. This transition to a plurality of independent, equidistant and similarly influential powers takes a long time. No system can be suddenly unhinged, especially in an interconnected world like the globalised one we live in today. Political strategy is about planning over long periods of time and distance, and so it must be for us too. Among the vectors of power of the 'system' we can recognise power groups (freemasons, lobbies, etc.), international finance, war industries, mass media, Big Pharma, Big Tech, corrupt and perverted religions, supranational political structures promoting world government and world order.

Years of harsh trials lie ahead. On one side, there is the 'old world', on the other the 'new world', but in both cases we are in this world, and this is where the battle takes place. Power constituted and consolidated over centuries of interactions and sophisticated alignments, comes to clash with an emerging power of a different, eschatological and metaphysical origin, triggering the social transmutation we are witnessing. The Alchemy of the Political, however, requires sacrifice: sacrum facere, from Latin, meaning 'to do something sacred', and sacred comes from sacer, meaning 'set aside'. This means that the unhinging of the power of the old world requires a Nigredo phase in which we burn and consume everything that belongs to the old world. There is no possibility of skipping this phase: in order to have something new, the old must be cleansed. The second phase, that of Albedo, is what in a certain sense we are preparing here, today, and in so many other occasions and places: we are a laboratory of ideas, we are planning the future, we are moving forward to pave the way for those who will come after. It is a very delicate phase because we do not know exactly what 'multipolarity' means in the fullness of the term, we only grasp a few aspects of it. The third phase of the Alchemy of Politics, the Rubedo, is in my opinion the one that will be experienced by those who will succeed in confirming and definitively establishing a new world, the eschatological fulfilment, an era of love and peace. We will not build any multipolar world if we do not work an inner alchemy that is then reflected in the political and social one. Change starts with us.

After this philosophical and metaphysical digression, returning instead to the geopolitical and cratesiological dimension, it is appropriate in my opinion that we remember that our ideas and intentions cannot be delegated to any group, economic and political partnership, or government of any country. The phases of the advent of a multipolar world will be long and numerous, we must move magmatically between the plots of this world, we cannot declare war on everything and everyone openly, because the system has the tools to defuse our dissent, to ridicule, to make our projects fail. Instead, we must act prudently and with the art of irony of which Plato was a great master in his dialogues. Politics, as we already know, requires at this stage the use of communication strategies in which we speak more with silences and unspoken phrases, wanting to address not the public of the masses, but specific groups and individuals. Equally important is to carefully preserve our groups and communities, not exposing them unnecessarily and not falling into the trap of provocation. Works of art require time and confidentiality, only at the end does the artist reveal his or her work. We are aware that this intermingling of 'the world' and 'us' is temporary and will not last forever, so we must prepare ourselves to bear the brunt of open clashes, persecution and divisions, but it is inevitable when promoting two completely different worldviews, unipolarism and multipolarism.

The world we live in is the same; what is different is the future we want to give it. Therefore, our vectors will not be a mere copy of the previous ones, but will also have to be something else: noology, communitarianism, multipolarity, new political ideas such as the Fourth Political Theory, vertical existential topographies, tradition, true economics and not crematistic usury, sacred science and respect for the integral man as an individual substance of rational nature.

The proposal of these vectors follows centrifugal dynamisms for outward dissemination and exploration of inner worlds and terrestrial geographies, centripetal ones for inward placement in a holism, in an integration that is necessary to create the new man, clothed and embodied with a radical subjectivity that makes us bridges to the new world we want to realise. The question of power is and will be central: as an energy of great value, power will continue to be present and must be managed as sacred and divine energy. The imperium will not be a question of space and military hierarchies, but the realisation of sacred power given to man, and thus an instrument for the realisation of the Common Good of all humanity. Awareness of the sacredness of power must remind us of the enormous effort needed to transmute the power found in the world, putting an end to that of the 'system' and replacing it with sacred power. There will be little use in making agreements, partnerships, trade and strategic routes, if we do not change the heart of that power that moves them. We must purify and renew our thinking around this power, our awareness of it.

Most of the problems in the world stem precisely from a lack of awareness. The 'system' was formed through the ignorance of the people, who continually delegated their freedom and will to others, and over the centuries built up an apparatus with great power. That is why one of the vectors of multipolarity is and will be education: forming heads and hearts, forming consciences, forming men and women who are fully themselves. We can no longer delegate the education of young people to external agencies that are part of the system, for the outcome will inevitably be inner corruption, non-consciousness of self and the world. Educating for multipolarity (a topic that requires a separate discussion) is one of the challenges that we must address promptly if we are to trigger the inner alchemy necessary to change this world.

In conclusion, dear friends of the Forum, let us fix our eyes on the future we must build. As our dear friend, philosopher and journalist Darya Dugina used to say, 'we must have the courage to die for our ideas'. This Forum is an opportunity to realise that we are not alone, that the mission we feel in our hearts is bigger than ourselves, that what we are doing is sacred and we must shape our actions every day along the lines of this sacredness. Many lies still have to be unveiled. Let there be Truth in us.

May the Most Holy Mother of God, dawn of the new world, guide us.

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L. Pacini
PhD, Associate Professor of Political Philosophy and Geopolitics at University SUPDI of Zug (Switzerland) and UniDolomiti of Belluno (Italy), Journalist, Italian referee of International Eurasian Movement