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The ruler of this world and the abundant printing of fake money

So, hello to everybody and I am very grateful, first of all, about this event. Thank you all for being here and thank you for this organisation. I am very grateful because, as you know, at this point of time, that kind of events are not very usual and there aren’t any resources and we’re actually chased by everybody. This is a common thing for the last years because till 2020 we could say that the situation was a bit different. So, at this point of time it was maybe hard to explain to people that something was wrong in humanity. But 2020 things changed radically. And we came to a point that was crystal clear that something was very wrong. Everybody, all these institutions, literally every institution went on the same page. All these immature leaders that in the past used to fight with each other and couldn’t connect and couldn’t find an agreement, suddenly went on the same page. So, we can say that their masks really dropped at that point. And we saw them that they were following the exact same directions. At that time they told us to wear masks. And it was the point that ironically they dropped theirs! This was a situation that became crystal clear that things weren’t as they were describing them. And they forced people to these fake injections that were genetically engineering our DNA which was extremely important.

After that, we continued and even before the dust was about to settle, another thing happened in 2022. And was this war in Ukraine. And we were supposed at that time again to believe that this happened by accident. And the European leaders, the previous years, didn’t know that there may be a problem with Putin. So, we became very reliant to his energy and it appears that we had then this energy crisis and this food crisis. So, we are supposed to believe that these crises were happening by accident and it was something that we were supposed to accept. But if we think straight from the horse’s mouth, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, saying that this crisis, especially that of the Corona, was a great opportunity to implement the Great Reset. And at the same time if we think of the Hegelian Dialect which is Problem-Reaction-Solution, we may come to a better understanding of what is going on in the world. Therefore, we’re supposed to believe that these crises were happening by accident but how they happen by accident when on the one hand we have that great technology, we have these satellites, we have these digital technologies and on the other hand many people don’t have food to eat or there is a problem, we can’t even turn on our light bulbs home. This, I think, proves the point that something is not exactly the way they describe it and for me is a crystal clear proof.

Now, at the same time we have the creation of BRICS. BRICS is supposed to be a different pole, the other side, which is trying to create a free humanity. But this is not what is doing because from their own words, they follow every direction from the United Nations. And everytime they talk, this is what they say, about sustainable development and all the words we have been used to hear all the time. Therefore, is just a way to stop what they were saying as liberalism before and the power of the United States that was promoting capitalism. But, this was a fake liberalism due to the fact that the only thing that really mattered was for the big companies to become bigger and reach the point now that very few of them have all the resources. So, they told us that maybe we can create a shop and we can be independent. But the reality was that they were just letting the big companies become huge. Now, this has come to stop and the world has to become China. And, this is where the BRICS comes; this is what we see. When we say the world has to become China means we have to implement the systems of China. Klaus Schwab calls it stakeholder capitalism. This stakeholder capitalism means that most of the resources of the world-all of them-will be in these few companies, creating a type of capitalism, a type of communism, but instead of having one leader, the government, we will have very few leaders which would be these companies. Therefore, we’re reaching a point that, the great digitalization and the technology, is gonna help a lot in this thing, I am afraid, and we go clearly towards this direction.

As we are looking at these things, we describe them and we try to analyse them, we may ask “how do they manage and have this power?” These big companies have just made big profits because they are very good businessmen and they handle very nice their things? I don’t think this is true because we see many companies that are not profiting, they are at loss all the time and they still can take loans. Why is this happening? Do the banks not care about making a profit? They don’t care. Because the central banks are creating money out of thin air. FED and the European Bank and all the central banks are creating money out of thin air. They can just print it, or they can just write the numbers in a computer. This is the reality. As much as they like. They can print as much as they like. And they can lend as much as they like to anybody they like. And they can starve the ones they have to be starved, and they can push as much money as they like to the ones that implement the agenda 2030. This is what is going on and this is why they have that huge power and they can do whatever they like.

Since we made this clear, I believe, because this is how the system works. Any agenda they can have, the Corona, the investments, even China was created by capital from the United States. But it doesn’t have to do with the United States. It has to do with the bankers that are printing money and they pushed it outside of the United States and they built China. And they invested a lot of money there. If we continue, now, our way of thinking since we established that, we have to think who is behind all these. Who might be behind all these? The oligarchs? The bankers? The businessmen? Was humanity ever free? If we look at history humanity was never free. Humanity was always suffering. Now we can actually say the Rothchilds, now we can talk about the Rockfellers but before them was the Pope. Before them was Babylon. Before them was Egypt. How can we say that the elites are just doing it now and the elites are behind everything? They are not. Who is behind everything was mentioned exactly by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ;where He said in the Gospel of John, that the Ruler of this world has been judged. And He called him Satan. And He also said that I can tell a lot more things to you but you will not be able to understand. Now is the time to understand.

Everything, since 2020, has come to light. And we know who is behind everything because we have all the proof. And he is only one; and all the elites in all the centuries were just puppets. And the ones that play that they are fighting with each other are just pieces of the same game. So we have a chess player who is the Ruler of this world, Satan, and he is playing the chess game and he has the whites and the blacks. And they are being used as a distraction for us to pick sides and don’t really understand that they are just manipulated to create crises in order for the agenda to go further. For example in Ukraine, they created the food and energy crisis that we said it doesn’t make sense since they have so many billions investing wherever they like. They have that technology but at the same time we said we cannot turn on the lights at our home. Since now, we established that the Ruler of this world is beyond the physical level, we have enough proof to understand that the fight is spiritual, is beyond the physical level. Thus, what we need to better understand now is what we can do now about that. Because now we know who is against us. We know who is our enemy. He is our external enemy and is very important to understand exactly the way he works and that’s what we are analysing. He is creating crises like we heard straight from the horse’s mouth, Klaus Schwab; like what we said, the crises are a great opportunity, the problem- reaction-solution. So, these crises are the way to move the agenda forward. Since we understand that we are ready to protect ourselves because we can see things clearly. And we know that, since the beginning of our lives, from our first breath, he put all these slanders in us, he put in our minds wrong things. He didn’t explain to us and he taught us to be egoistic. He taught us to be afraid. He taught us to not believe in the good and just try to fight others because life is hard and life is difficult and that we have to be mean. And all the ideas that you can clearly see which are so different than what Jesus Christ has taught us, His Word. Therefore now, we understand that our spiritual fight is what we are gonna do inside of us. Which is the other point. Because, alright, we know who is the Ruler of this world and we know what he is doing. But what are we gonna do about that? We ought to extinguish from inside of us everything that he has put in us. We have to look clearly inside of us because at the moment that we can say “I am” and we can look at ourselves, we can change. And we can see everything, little by little because these are at a subconscious level, and the propaganda is in everywhere, everywhere there are lies.

So, we can look deeply inside of us, and can start understanding the differences between the Word of the Lord and what we have been taught by the Ruler of this world, who has been judged now and his time is coming. Because everything, I say again, has come to light, and is a great opportunity now to see that. So, the important thing for us because as I say, what are we gonna do? What is the most important thing to do? The most important thing to do is to save our soul. The most important thing to do is to look inside of us and see what we have been mistakenly taught. To look at our thoughts, and see if they are towards love or if they are towards ourselves fulfilling only our needs. Let’s look at ourselves deeply and understand where we have been mistaken. What can we change. What thoughts, what emotions, what actions we are doing and are only for our fulfilment. And they are not for the good of others. This is the huge difference. This is the way to go. So, the idea is that the fight: Whatever they can do to us, they can do whatever they like; They can do whatever they want but God gave us free will. In our mind we can always have a choice. In our predispositions we can always have a choice. And this can never be taken. So, the point is to really choose. At any point, look at ourselves and know. Because, many things are at a subconscious level, many things have been habits and most of them we cannot even see because we have been used to that. But if we put the predisposition inside of us to look from outside and observe ourselves and be able to change; At the same time the darkness is all around. The darkness is everywhere and we have been used to that. And we have felt so bad about this, we have so many bad experiences. Isn’t now the best opportunity that the darkness is crystal clear and our motivation is at the highest level because the darkness is so huge to go to the opposite side? When we see how clear and what are the qualities of the Ruler of this world, isn’t crystal clear now what is the correct direction? What is the way to go and how important it is? So let’s use it. Let’s use what they are doing, let’s use what they are saying as a great opportunity to go against that and not accept them and take a different direction as people. I think this is the most important thing. And being clothed with the Word of Jesus Christ we can never be afraid. And we can always know that freeing ourselves and saving our souls in the very end is a matter of our choice. And whatever they do, I am saying again, doesn’t really matter because at the very end it is our choice what we are gonna do. So, let’s take these things very seriously, let’s think about them very deeply. And I believe that independently of what happens, we have this choice. And we can do whatever is needed. And anytime even when we do something externally, by always having this predisposition, it can always have a blessing. I am sure about that and the opportunities and the chances in our lives will become better and better. And God will always be helping us, as long as we’re trying to be connected with Him. Thank you very much.

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A. Karageorgos
An independent analyst of the current apocalyptic events trying to distinguish between truth and deceit mainly through long online videos, wishing for the help of God and hoping for the salvation of every soul.