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UN Agenda 21 and the Great Reset: The Fall from Liberalism to Technocracy and Transhumanism



I am Makia Freeman and the editor of The Freedom Articles. I want to thank Iurie Yosca for inviting me to give a quick speech on this topic today. Thank Iurie for hosting and this and getting the message. The topic today is UN Agenda 21 and the Great Reset: The Fall from Liberalism to Technocracy and Transhumanism.

So, first of all, let’s start with defining a few terms. Agenda 21 is now known as Agenda 2030, and it really is the same thing as The Great Reset and the New World Order. These are all basically the same agenda: different terms, but talking about the same thing. And so ― what is thing? Well, it is basically the ruling class, a very small number of elite bloodlines, that are trying to engineer a world of total control, where they control every nation (so that every nation would be subject under a world government), where they control the currency (via CBDC [or Central Bank Digital Currency]), where they control the police or military (through a world army), where they control people’s behavior (and that could be via constant monitoring in a 15-minute Smart City, mass mind control, control of thoughts, and again, it could be via microchips or other mass mind control techniques). So this is really what we’re talking about. This is the endgame ― the ultimate goal of this agenda.

So, the topic of this conference is how the world is falling from and transforming from liberalism into technocracy and transhumanism, and we can easily see this if look back to how society was. So for example, let’s go back about 60 years. Now, the word liberal is associated with the political leftwing. Back then in the 1960s, in American society, the political leftwing was much more a force for good than it is today. I must preface this by saying that, personally, I am a voluntaryist, a libertarian, so I believe the political left-right dichotomy is a distraction, however despite that, I can still recognize that Left, in the time of John F. Kennedy’s, were pushing for civil rights and an end to segregation and discrimination, and I hope we can broadly agree that these are positive things for society. So the word “liberalism” comes from the same root as words like “liberty” and “liberation” meaning freedom, but today’s leftwing has become extreme and tyrannical, promoting anything but true liberalism and freedom. It frequently censors that with which it disagrees. Much of the Agenda 2030/Great Reset/NWO Agenda is coming through the Left these days: through the trans agenda, and through the manmade climate change scam and its associated agendas such as 15-minute Smart cities, the carbon-based economy and the personal carbon allowances ― all of which are a giant fraud, which I will get into.

This planned NWO its going to be very robotic, because it will be technocratic ― rule by technology, rule by machines. It is planned to be run by AI (Artificial Intelligence). It is ironic, therefore, that one of the main ways, and arguably, THE MAIN WAY, that Agenda 2030 will be ushered in, is via the green movement of environmentalism and sustainability. In short, they want a world run by robots, a synthetic world, but to get there, they appeal to the green natural world as a ruse, as a cover, as a pretext to trick people into giving up their freedom and rights.

The ruling class are trying to convince people to willingly reduce their standard of living via relentless propaganda, and what they can’t achieve through this brainwashing, programming and propaganda, they will try to do by enforcement, by creating a fake carbon-based economy, then introducing a carbon allowance.

The fact that the green movement is really about control is becoming clearer to see every day. For example, there are now 14 American cities which have become part of a globalist climate organization (funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg) known as the "C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group" which has the following target by the year 2030, because a lot of these agendas all culminate in the year 2030. That is a focal point for this ruling class.

So this C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group are basically pushing the following goals. They want:

  • 0 kg of meat consumption
  • 0 kg of dairy consumption
  • 3 new clothing items per person per year
  • 0 private vehicles
  • 1 short-haul return flight (which is defined less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person

So these are the kinds of limits they are trying to encourage people to voluntarily sign up for, and unfortunately a lot of people are doing that, because a lot of people believe it’s for some noble cause, and believe they are saving the planet, when actually there’s nothing that’s going to be happening that’s saving the planet. This is all just a trick to get people to give up their rights and freedom.

There’s nearly 100 cities across the world that make up this organization. In the US, there are 14 cities are Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington D.C. and Seattle that have already signed up for this. So you can see that there’s already a lot of propaganda that’s been pushed, and people are already buying a lot of unfortunately, but it’s not too late. There’s still a lot of chance for people to wake up to this before it’s too late and realize what’s going on.

I like to draw parallels with the COVID scamdemic. Just as with the COVID scamdemic, where there was a complete fraud, based on lie after lie after lie ― for example the fake PCR tests, the fake case counts, the fake death certificates, and most of all, a virus that has never been proven to exist to this day ― so too is today’s modern green movement of Net Zero based on lie after lie. The lie at its foundation is that carbon is somehow a pollutant, despite the fact it is the gas of life (alongside oxygen). In fact, if CO2 levels get too low, below around 150ppm, plant life would struggle to survive, and so therefore human life would also struggle to survive. Further examples of the insanity of the green agenda are the recent ideas to sequester carbon under the ground (that’s called carbon sequestration, and Bill Gates and other people like this are funding this), and that would take carbon out of the atmosphere. Just recently in the last few weeks there has been the idea promoted to cut down trees and to bury them underground, as though that is somehow is going to help. This is absolute insanity! It’s crazy, because trees already take carbon out of the atmosphere, by taking into carbon dioxide that humans breathe, and transforming it into oxygen. You would think, for the people pushing the green agenda, they would want more trees, because it’s obvious that that is good for the health of the planet, but also because it goes along with they narrative, that it transforms and takes carbon out of the atmosphere. But no ― they’re actually suggesting cutting down tress and burying them underground, and that is somehow going to help with the whole carbon balance.

The whole thing is insane! We need to challenge it at its roots. We need to remember that this is really coming back to 6th or 7th grade biology, that carbon dioxide is the gas of life, that we breathe it out, plants breathe it in, and it’s symbiotic relationship. It doesn’t make any scientific sense to attack carbon when it is the building block of life.

The deeper reason for all of this is that this new green agenda is an anti-human agenda because it is a cover for transhumanism, which is also an anti-human agenda. Transhumansim is about openly advocating for the end of humanity. They do that by falsely promising to augment or improve it, but in reality they are trying to destroy it. So, the green agenda and the transhumansim agenda go hand-in-hand together ― they are both an anti-human agenda. When we can see that, hopefully we can see through the lies and propaganda and stand up against it.

In conclusion, this march towards technocracy and transhumanism is all about reducing the standard of living for the average person, bringing people down into poverty and wiping out the middle class, so as to leave 2 classes: rulers and slaves. If you, like me, don’t want to live in a world like that, and if we care about freedom, we must see the methods by which this ruling class are trying to bring about this Agenda 2030, this Great Reset and this NWO, and we must refuse to cooperate with our own enslavement.

Thank you for listening today. Once again, my name is Makia Freeman, and I am the editor of The Freedom Articles. You can check out my book where I get into this called Break Your Chains, available as an ebook and paperback on Amazon. Thank you once again to Iurie Rosca for hosting this event. I’ll see you later.

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M. Freeman
The editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and Odysee/LBRY. Born in Australia, lives in Hawaii