Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to listen to me today. A special thanks to Yourie Roshka for putting this conference together and for inviting me to record a message to you all. I will be speaking on the theme of the ruling class’s vision for a so-called Great Reset, driven largely by the ideology of transhumanism. I am a Nebraska-based author of three books, all published by Antelope Hill: The Transgender-Industrial Complex (which was banned from Amazon by a coordinated censorship campaign led by at least one individual explicitly named in the book), The Open Society Playbook, and the text most relevant to the theme of this conference The Plot Against Humanity.
As Mark O’Connell writes in his book To Be a Machine of the transhumanists, “It is their belief that we can and should eradicate ageing as a cause of death; that we can and should use technology to augment our bodies and our minds; that we can and should merge with machines, remaking ourselves, finally, in the image of our own higher ideals.” According to a 2018 article in The Guardian by Robin McKie entitled “No death and an enhanced life: Is the future transhumanism?”:
“Ultimately, adherents of transhumanism envisage a day when humans will free themselves of all corporeal restraints. [Ray] Kurzweil and his followers believe this turning point will be reached around the year 2030, when biotechnology will enable a union between humans and genuinely intelligent computers and AI systems. The resulting human-machine mind will become free to roam a universe of its own creation, uploading itself at will on to a “suitably powerful computational substrate”. We will become gods.
Ray Kurzweil titled his 2005 book The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology with the express purpose of referencing John the Baptist’s cry that “the kingdom of heaven is near.” Indeed, it is with such messianic pretentions that the self-styled masters of mankind approach remaking our planet and our biology ― if not dispensing with the latter altogether. It is not coincidental that the World Economic Forum’s Internet of Things (IoT) and its vast network of sensors and the free flow of information will by “necessity” beget the Internet of All Things (IoAT), the bringing-online of an all-encompassing network representing the coup de grace of humanity and ― very possibly ― all living matter. The IoAT may well, as Yuval Noah Harari writes in his book Homo Deus,
“pervade the whole galaxy and even the whole universe. This cosmic data-processing system would be like God. It will be everywhere and will control everything, and humans are destined to merge into it.
Some transhumanists already speak of the human being as a hackable organism, one which can be commanded by the algorithm and modified in innumerable ways. According to World Economic Forum participant and speaker Yuval Noah Harari, “To hack a human being is to get to know that person better than they know themselves. And based on that, to increasingly manipulate you… The world is increasingly kind of cut up into spheres of data collection, of data harvesting… It’s data about what’s happening inside my body. What we have seen so far, it’s corporations and governments collecting data about where we go, who we meet, what movies we watch. The next phase is surveillance going under our skin.” Further, he says, “Certainly, now we are at the point when we need global cooperation. You cannot regulate the explosive power of artificial intelligence on a national level.” We would be wise to read between the lines here and recognize that when Harari says regulate, we should hear “use.” Additionally, echoing Kurzweil, Harari says, “The whole thing is that it’s not just dystopian. It’s also utopian.” This would in one vision of the future signal a clear bifurcation of humanity into gods and mere mortals fashion. In another potential scenario, a superintelligence created by man may surpass his capabilities to such a point as humans are rendered obsolete and eliminated entirely.
We are, without question, on the cusp of a Brave New World, turned upside-down by the forces unleashed on the back of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether the virus was intentionally released or the powers that be simply did not want a good crisis to go to waste is at this juncture irrelevant; what is of the utmost importance is where we are being led, by whom, and why. The virus has proven to be the justification for catalyzing certain things and accelerating others that have been building quietly in the shadows ― though not altogether hiding ― for some time. An unholy alliance ― with much overlap ― of technocrats, eugenicists, collectivists, occultists, deviants, and transhumanists form the nucleus of what deigns to be the permanent ruling class of humanity, provided they don’t precipitate the demise of the species as we know it or altogether.
In The Plot Against Humanity, my entry point was in exploring the network of control and its aims through the deep interconnections of the COVID establishment with governments, universities, well-funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and private corporations and high finance, including entities that are enabling governments dedicated to surveillance of citizens and enforced conformity in attitudes and behavior. These trends are increasingly apparent throughout the West and are particularly welcomed by the political left. Quite clearly, the COVID crisis is seen by such “elites” as a golden opportunity to ratchet up control and conformity in not just Western societies, but across the entire globe. Although it remains an open question as to whether it will be one continuous global bloc, two or more competing factions, or some other scenario, in any of the pre-planned cases the outcome will result in a complete loss of privacy, individuality, meaning, and quite possibly our very humanity.
There are multiple avenues by which this outcome might occur, ranging from massive global conflict and upheaval, making what for many people would be otherwise-unpalatable alternatives of transhumanism suddenly appear all right by comparison, to the slow slouch to a dopamine-hit-addicted slug race of the future. No matter, we are promised this future will be glorious and utopian. Despite the looming climate apocalypse we keep hearing about, the “elites” nevertheless promise to have turned earth into an Edenic paradise by the year 2030. All on board the 2030 train include such institutions as the United Nations and its various affiliates, the World Bank Group, NATO, the World Economic Forum, a slew of national governments, and the list goes on. As the Sierra Club describes the year 2030 for their 2030 Strategic Vision, “It is meant to provide a cohesive narrative about our vision, values and priorities.” The narrative is quite cohesive, as virtually every institution of note is constantly hitting the same notes: social justice, climate change, pandemics, trans rights. As Steve MacFeely wrote in a November 2018 international policy analysis paper Friedrich Ebert Stiftung entitled “The 2030 Agenda: An Unprecedented Statistical Challenge”:
“At the beginning of 2016, the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) replaced the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which had been in place since the turn of the century… These 17 goals and their 169 targets are universal, integrated and transformative. They are applicable to all nations, and they cover the whole sustainability agenda: poverty, human development, the environment and social justice.
The terms Internet of Things (IoT), the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the Great Reset are all concepts owing their genesis or popularization to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab. The IoT is, according to Alexander S. Gillis, “a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.” The Fourth Industrial Revolution is, for Devon McGinnis of Salesforce, “a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. It’s a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies,” including blockchain. Finally, the Great Reset is a WEF initiative launched in June 2020 capitalizing on the COVID-19 pandemic that explicitly links “recovery” from the pandemic with the various constituent parts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; for Schwab, “the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” In other words, the world that was must be no more. The previous era ― neo-liberalism ― is now rapidly coming to an end, giving way to the transhumanist-informed, bio-digital age. Through various intersecting ideologies and their applications, we are being directed into a bio-digital hive. If this all sounds rather conspiratorial, well ― it is. But not all conspiracies are mere “theories” or wild fiction.
At the end of my first book, The Transgender-Industrial Complex, I intentionally broadened out the scope to illustrate that despite the indoctrination we are subjected to in order to make us ever-more specialized and more generally useless, the “masters of mankind” are not siloed; their project is all-encompassing, and transgenderism is but one aspect of the efforts to completely re-make (or un-make as the case may be) humanity. Whether it’s computer engineers or social engineers, there is an overarching belief that if we can just build the right system, then we can finally have it all. It is the utopian terrestrial dream that’s really little more than a delusion, the same as it ever was. The ruling class is rabid in its faith of transhumanism, and possessed with their religious fervor, they aim to convert the whole globe by whatever means necessary.
In my second book, The Open Society Playbook, I diagrammed exactly how the power structure “opens up” a society to feminism, mass immigration, LGBTQ “rights,” and everything else we recognize as destructive to the fabric of a healthy, functioning society. The open society is permissive of everything antithetical to its former core values and people, wearing a smiley face as it stabs you in the back. This is one of the central features of the era of neo-liberalism, with its soft comforts along the march to atomization. More stuff, less meaning, and a constant slow grinding away of both individual and community ― and especially of the family. It’s how the West got to the inflection point of 2020 and why it’s proven largely unable to mount any appreciable resistance to the abuses to which we have been continually subjected. If you do not understand what is good, then you cannot understand what is evil, especially if evil is wearing kid gloves. Atomized and terrified, such a population is mighty easy to control ― and if it believes the highest virtue is supporting the very things destroying it, so much the better.
Though not entirely uniform in that there are subsets within the Establishment jockeying for position as ultimate hegemons with sometimes competing visions, the general thrust remains uniform in its support for the noxious policies that have been so central to neo-liberalism, from open borders to the erosion of civil liberties to vast amounts of wealth accruing in increasingly-few hands. For the transhumanists, as globalism becomes lockdowns, social credit scores, and forced injections, we would do well to remember that those hands are the architects of this system, and the obvious beneficiaries; the only real disagreements are how they will allocate power to themselves, who will occupy the very top, and what form humanity itself will take. It has been a long and step-by-step process, and the role of creating an “open society” with fertile ground for what comes next is an essential step in the agenda for its implementation in the West and across the globe.
Given the relatively brief nature of this talk I could not go into exhaustive depth, but it is my sincere hope I have given you an idea of the existential threat we face in the form of this agenda and the ideology of transhumanism. If you value liberty and human sovereignty ― if you believe you have a soul and it is valuable ― then it is incumbent upon you to resist this agenda with all your might. We all must. Thank you for your time and Godspeed.