Z-patriots and their allies from MAM (mainstream alternative media ― David Icke) cannot admit that in Russia could exist not only one official understanding of national interest, but several or even many. And if in the “democratic West” this ideea is acccepted as normality, in case of Russia the zealous confessors of Putin's cult are qualfing any deviation from state narrative as betrayal to the Fatherland and collaboration with the external enemy i.e. “collective West”, globalistst etc. (By the way, the globalist agenda is imposed without any deviation in Russia too!).
This war logic tailored to the communist model vitiates the largest media personalities from the international alternative media network who became the hostages of Kremlin propaganda. Here the false dichotomy works perfectly. Since they oppose the corrupt and tyrannical Western system, they side with those who are in conflict with it.
This perverted logic contradicts the natural existence of social dialogue and political debates or cofrontations in all non-tyranical societies. This kind of “new normal” shows how efficient could be social engineering and mind control exercised by such monstrous political figures as Sergei Kiriyenko (Israitel) who use to be the economic hit man nr. 1 as PM in 1998 and who is now nr. 2 in Putin's administration. This dubious person is officially responsible for “internal policy“ and for ”liberated territories“ in Ukraine. Some very serious sources from Russia suggest that namely Kiriyenko is personally in charge of Russia on behalf of the Jewish Masonic Super Lodge B'nai B'rith.

The Kinder Surprise of Russian politics dishonored by Putin with the supreme honorary title ”Hero of Russia”
By the way, in particular, former Russian Prime Minister Kiriyenko, nicknamed “Kinder Surprise”, was the one who in 1998 proposed Putin to the position of director of the FSB. Watch this historic video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIMBybcAN90
The enthusiasts and admirers of monumental and glorious personality of the Russian president couldn't accept the hypothesis that behind this solar figure is hidden another one or several men who incarnate the dark side of this very sophisticated political game. Maybe some of “alternative militants” have to ask themselves who is the real ruler in current Russia and who is only a puppet, a frontman or spokesman of real masters.
There are no new things under the sun. The real power is always a hidden one.

Berel Lazar, the symbol of the confluence between Hasidism and Sergianism
To conclude, when you are looking to the Putin's picture, don't forget to place on either side of him two other pictures, namely of Sergei Kiriyenko and Berel Lazar, the Chief Rabbi of Russia, who was parachuted in 1990 from the New York headquarters of the fundamentalist Chabad Lubavich Hasidic sect directly to Moscow. Beside them, don't forget to place the photo of the London-based “Russian” oligarch Roman Abramovich, the Kremlin's chief negotiator in relations with the Kiev regime. Absolutely at all rounds of negotiations, in Belarus or Turkey, for the prisoner exchange or for “the extension of the grain deal” Abramovich was invariably present. And of course, above this splendid collective portrait do not forget to put the picture of the Black Angel of the Death Henry Kissinger so dear to Putin.[1]

Roman Abramovich, Putin's golden friend
Russians have a proverb that exists among other peoples as well. Tell me who your friends are so I can tell you who you are. It perfectly fits the situation described above.
There is an extremely eloquent phrase attributed to Lenin that I would like to invoke again here: “useful idiots”. Therefore, whoever does not want to be mentioned in this degrading category should keep their eyes wide open and mobilize their cognitive capacities towards a lucid and pertinent analysis of the political establishment in Russia and its inremovable symbol, Mr. Putin.

Putin and his mentor Henry Kissinger
P.S.: In time I remembered another major player in today's Russia who would be upset that he is not included in the above group picture. It is about Mr. Alexander Gintsburg, who is responsible for the mass euthanasia of Russians by injection. This brave statesman, the inventor of the magic vaccind Sputink V, was decorated with the highest state honors by his advertising agent of these poisoned serums V. Putin. What a nice character this sorcerer is!

Alexander Gintsburg, the wizard-in-chief who imposed murder by injection on the Russians