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Chișinău Forum 2023 poster

What is the Real War Happening?

Hello everyone! I am Maria Freeman, the editor of The Freedom Articles. I want to say a great thank you to Iurie Rosca for organizing this for a second year. I am honored to present, and I thought I would do it outside this time, so we inject a little bit of Nature into the proceedings.

The overall forum topic this year is Unrestricted warfare as the multidimensional strategy of a Luciferian élite for full-spectrum domination of the world. I touch this exact topic in a lot of my work, a lot of aspect of it, but today I want to talk about “What is the Real War Happening?” We're talking about unrestricted warfare ― what kind of war are we referring to? How much of war is real, and how much is performative? If war is real, then what is the real war happening? How is it actually affecting us?

Let's start with Israel vs. Hamas, because that's war that is definitely happening. People look at it, but what's really going on with that? To understand this, you have to understand that Israel created Hamas as a counterbalance to the secular PLO. So Hamas was helped into existence by Israel in 1987 at the start of the first Palestinian Intifada. The first leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and he was a Muslim Brotherhood member. There was a former Israeli official, Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s, and he told a New York Times reporter that Israel had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat. We also have Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, who told the Wall Street Journal in 2009 that Hamas is “Israel's creation.” In his 2006 book, Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam, American investigative journalist Robert Dreyfuss explored “Israel's Islamists” and quoted American diplomat and former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Charles Freeman: “Israel started Hamas,” says Charles Freeman, the veteran U.S. diplomat and former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia. ”It was a project of Shin Bet [the Israeli domestic intelligence agency], which had a feeling that they could use it to hem in the PLO.” There is lots evidence; it is undeniable that Israel created and funded HAMAS from the start.

In my book Break Your Chinas I delve into the history of this, because Israel has basically created its own brand of terrorism, which I dub Zio-Islamic Terrorism, a mix of terrorism, deception and false flag attack. Israel is all about deception; Mossad's motto is “By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War.” Israel has a very long history of this Zio-Islamic Terrorism (framing Arabs and Muslims) that started in 1954 with Operation Susannah/the Lavon Affair, conducted in Egypt. It continued on with many other events such as the 1967 attack on the USS Liberty (for which Israel went unpunished), numerous attacks throughout the 1980s and of course the granddaddy of all attacks, the 9/11 false flag operation on American soil. You can read the writings and admissions of former Israeli military intelligence operatives Ari Ben-Menashe and Victor Ostrovsky if you want more of the details of this.

Basically, what happened on October 7th 2023, last year, almost exactly 50 years to the day from the start of the Yom Kippur war, Israel orchestrated another false flag operation, this time on its own soil. It allowed Hamas to infiltrate. It stood down any military response for around 6-7 hours. Then, when it did respond, it executed the Hannibal Directive, killing its own citizens to elicit worldwide sympathy for its planned and premeditated invasion of Gaza. Reports indicate the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) killed Israeli citizens and around 800 of the 1200 people that were killed that day. The Zionist controlled MSM sprung into high gear by pumping out reams of atrocity propaganda (such as Hamas beheads children, Hamas bakes babies in ovens, Hamas rapes women) when none of this turned out to be true.

Ultimately however the Zionist Regime doesn't really care about the interests of the Israeli people, and Hamas doesn't really care about the interests of the Palestinian people. Why would Hamas attack Israel knowing it would retaliate and cause massive death and destruction to Gaza? How does Hamas doing this actually help the Palestinians, over 40,000 of whom (at this time of me speaking right now) have been murdered in an ongoing genocide? In a May 2019 interview with Israeli news website Ynet, retired Israeli Major General Gershon Hacohen, a conservative associate of Benjamin Netanyahu, made the following statement: “The truth must be told, Netanyahu's strategy is to prevent the two-state option, and that is why he made Hamas his closest partner. In the visible dimension Hamas is an enemy, in the hidden dimension it is an ally.“ That is a very powerful statement, and that statement can be applied to a lot of things we see on the stage, whether the domestic stage or the international stage. There are two sides that are being given to us, and we are encouraged to pick a side, and to cheer for one team versus the other, when in the hidden dimension, it's all the same force orchestrating it all, so they are all on the same team.

So let's move now to Israel and Iran. Is that the real war that is happening? Is it's not Israel- Hamas, is it Israel-Iran? As Ari Ben-Menashe, who I have already referred to, revealed in his 1992 book Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, Israel was selling arms to Iran around 1980 during the Iran-Contra scandal, so these 2 countries have a history of helping each other and they have a history of armament trade. During April 2024, Israel attacked the Iranian Embassy in Syria on April 1st 2024, then in unprecedented fashion, Iran directly attacked Israel by shooting missiles into it on April 13th. The strange thing about Iran's attack was that it was signaled far in advance; they gave both neighboring nations and Israel itself plenty of warning. Some analysts say that this was to potentially lessen the escalation, and that might be true, but it also underscored that there was something performative about it.

Israel is a Zionist creation; Zionism is a Rothschild creation. Iran, too, has been shaped by Freemasonic influences. What if it were the same dark force controlling both sides?

Let's move now to the East versus the West, because this is another false dichotomy that is being set up. We're being given these two opposing sides. Are they really that different? There's a lot of people in the Alternative Media, in the English-speaking world, who say that “BRICS is the savior” and the “Putin is fighting the NWO” and all of that. I want to make it clear that Russia is not anti-NWO. For example, they started building a 15-minute city. This was planned in December 2021. It's called Dobrograd or Zil-South in Moscow. There were more reports of this as the project progressed, because it's coming up 2.5 years now since the project started. Russia also banned VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) which help people surf the web anonymously. There was a report on March 6th that they did this, around 2 months ago. They also banned Rumble, the video platform, last month in April 2024. Russia is engaged in a lot of the same things that the West is, whether it's building 15-minute cities (part of the United Nations agenda 2030), or banning VPNs and Rumble (this is more censorship, which is what the West is doing). So, we do't really see any difference between Russia and the West with regards to how they operate.

Russia and China have put out at least 2 joint statements where they promote the UN as the place to resolve world disputes and fully endorse UN Agenda 2030, with everything that comes with it: this means “sustainability,” (the word has been hijacked), the manmade climate change hoax, carbon credit economies and so on. Putin and Xi are good friends, and both remained in close contact with Henry Kissinger while he was still alive. They both were meeting with regularly last year. China is the model blueprint for the NWO, as stated by the Rockefellers, Klaus Schwab and others. China is a technocracy (rule by technology, rule by technocrats and engineers), with ever advancing rule by machines and AI, where “offences” like jaywalking are captured by cameras using facial recognition technology linked to citizen's bank accounts, and where fines are automatically deducted. This is the society China is becoming.

BRICS itself is a Western invention; it's an acronym, originally created by Goldman Sachs when it was just BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India China). In short, Russia and China are not bastions of freedom by any means, but are just as controlled as Western societies, if not more so, due to the former or current Communist influence. Communism is a form of collectivism underpinned by the idea “the needs of the group come before the individual” which inevitably leads to a ruling class claiming to represent the group and to a situation where the few control the many. Aspects of the Russo-Ukraine War seemed performative. If we think back to how it started, Russia seemed like they were not even trying at the beginning. Russia wasn't using any of its true potential. Russia tried to claim this was to prevent civilian death and unnecessary casualties, and this may be partly true, but is this the full truth?

To answer all these questions, all this strange things that don't make sense, and all these so- called enemies that we are served up on a plate that don't seem to be real enemies, we have to look at the concept 4GW or 5GW ― in other words, fourth generation warfare or fifth generation warfare. So what is that? Fifth generation warfare (5GW), like 4th generation warfare (4GW) (there's not really that much difference) is a war of information and perception ('non-kinetic' military action) rather than traditional 'kinetic' military action which means such as soldiers, bullets, missiles and tanks. 5GW blurs the lines between war and politics, and between soldiers and civilians. It takes the fight to other spheres: it includes politics, finance and technology and also of course propaganda/“perception management.” It uses social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks and emerging technologies such as AI and nanotech. Since the 1991 Gulf War, conventional military violence has decreased, but political, economic and technological attacks have increased. Governmental agencies carry out cyberattacks and disinfo operations often using AI to socially engineer the masses. Here's the important point: 5GW is aimed not at enemy nations but is aimed at the average citizen: that means you! In the US in 2013 under Obama, the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act was overturned and the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 went into effect, allowing the USG to legally and officially use 5GW propaganda/“perception management” not just against its foreign enemies but also against its own citizens.

Another key important concept to understand in all this is the Horizontal versus Vertical War: this is the war of the people against their own governments or ruling class. It doesn't really alter what the ruling class is. The war in every nation is that of the citizenry vs. its ruling class, regardless of whether it's a democracy, a constitutional republic, a monarchy, a theocracy or any other type of government. The average person in each country has much more in common with each other than the politicians trying to rule over them. Remember a key point in history; remember the 1914 Christmas Truce in WW1, where British, French and German soldiers let go of hostilities (they had literally just been shooting at each other that day) and they enjoyed a peaceful evening of exchanging chocolate, tobacco and a game of soccer, before the next day when they began it all again, shooting each other. There is something really mad and crazy about all that, but there is also something beautiful that shows there is a connection among human beings, especially among the common people in all the countries, where they know each other and can feel that connection. There are farmers, there are workmen, there are average people in all countries who are basically the same. They're just in a different country speaking a different language, but there's a common bond of humanity.

What we're really up against here is the people who have forgotten their humanity who are waging a war against the people who are in touch with their humanity.

So if we bring this back to what I've been saying earlier, Hamas is not really representing the true interests of the Palestinians. Neither is the Zionist Regime representing the true interest of the Israelis, and certainly not representing all Jews. The Iranian Regime is not representing Iranians.

It's time to bring in now some quotes from George Orwell, who wrote his wonderful masterpiece 1984, because he saw all this happening. There was a famous part in the book where he talks about how the ruling party said: “We are at war with Eurasia. We are not at war with East-Asia. We have never been at war with East-Asia.” So they just flipped the switch, and suddenly there was a new enemy, and they erased all records and all history of whom they had been fighting, and now they were fighting a new enemy ― if they were even fighting an enemy at all. The point is that war does not serve the purposes of what we think. When we ask whether a war is real or not, we have to ask right now: “What is war?” War has changed; war is not what you think.

War serves at least three main purposes:

  1. It unifies the public behind their government, and makes government stronger and more powerful.
  2. It destroys the excess or surplus production of a society, keeping the ruled poor and powerless
  3. Thus, by virtue of these first two points, it contributes to the stability of society and the structure of tyranny better than anything else.

War benefits the ruling class way more than the common people for many many reasons. The ruling class don't physically fight it, but common people have to fight it, and they have historically spilt blood for it. Now, we are moving into an era where wars may be fought just by robots, but nonetheless, it is still the ruling class that just benefits, because war keeps their structure of power intact. It makes them more powerful. People unite behind or the government of the area, and think that there's some enemy that they're fighting. It achieves all the aims that they want.

The point for these three power groups in George Orwell's 1984 (Oceania, Eurasia and East-Asia) was the they wanted to be in a perpetual state of war with each other, because they all propped each other up. There was no purpose or point for them in actually trying to win. The point was to create a state of continuous warfare, burning the surplus production, keeping people poor, keeping people scared and afraid, hating some external enemy that had been fed to them on a platter. Even though it's ostensibly a work of fiction, 1984 has such massive implications for what is happening today. Look at how this idea of war that Orwell talked about manifested in the American concept of the forever war or continuous war. America was in Afghanistan for 20 years. Clearly, war is not just about what we think it is. We used to think it was about conquest and stealing another nation's resources. Sure, maybe that is still part of it in some ways, but that is not the main thing that is going on here when we look at war.

We have to understand and adapt to what is really going on now. We now live in a world of 5GW, and this is a war of information and perception. At the top, there is a secret alliance between all the world powers. There are many examples of evidence and proof that I could give you, but I want to take a quote from “Behold a Pale Horse” by the famous researcher Bill Cooper. He wrote: “A public charade of antagonism between the Soviet Union and the United States has been maintained over all these years in order to fund projects in the name of national defense when in fact we are the closest allies.”

The point is that war helps the ruling class of each society stay in power. Yes, power is moving east. The NWO criminal class is shifting the power to China-Russia under the guise of the term “multipolar world order,” however this is a ruse. This multipolar world order is not really designed to be different than a unipolar world order; it is still designed to end up promoting a One World Government. China and Russia fully endorse the UN, and are pushing for the UN to have even more power, and to resolve all international disputes. They're just hoping to have a seat at the table, a larger seat at the table than what they have now, when this World Government comes into play, but they still want a One World Government. They want the Agenda 2030 plan to be rolled out, and that's going to include all sorts of tyranny, authoritarianism and centralization of control. The multipolar world order is just a way that the power can move east, that the US can be taken down a notch, and brought down to the same level playing field as all countries, so that all countries can be united under this One World Government. That's what the New World Order really is; it is a One World Government with a planned One World Army or Police Force and a One World Currency (with the CBDCs that are now being planned and are trying to be rolled out, notice with the CBDCs how they keep using the term ‘interoperability.’ Why are they using that term? Because they want each country to have their own CBDC, and then link them all as one giant CBDC, so that every citizen will just be a world citizen, answering to a World Government, and there will only be one currency, and that currency will be completely digital, and the authorities will have access to people's bank accounts. They will be able to take money out at will. They can invent laws and find people guilty, and with control of the courts, they can automatically deduct money from people's bank accounts. The CBDCs also are planned to have expiration dates, so that you can't even save money, so that it will vanish and disappear if you don't use it by a certain time). This is a horrendous plan. It's going to give a lot of control and power to the nth degree down to these power hungry control freaks who are trying to rule over this One World Government, using the multipolar world order to get it into place.

Finally, cast your mind back to this horrific scamdemic that just happened in the last few years, and remember if you want to see the real cohesion behind the world forces, you need to look beyond the stage, beyond the puppets that are given to us domestically or internationally, and you need to look at this real cohesion. Look at how virtually every nation in the world acted in “Lockstep” during Operation Coronavirus or the COVID scamdemic. The Rockefeller Foundation put out a paper where they envisaged a scenario where this kind of thing would happen, and one of their scenarios was called “Lockstep.” That's what was happening during COVID. Lockstep was happening. All these countries were acting together, following the same script. That is the plan for the future if these NWO criminals and psychopaths get their way.

So to answer the question of What is the Real War Happening?, we need to look beyond the surface level stage of geopolitics, and focus instead on the dark force behind the scenes, pulling the strings on both the domestic political stages and the international geopolitical stage. Much of the narratives we are fed ― in fact it's fair to say all of the narratives we are fed ― are created and concocted by NWO think tanks; much of the wars we are fed are likewise created and concocted. They are 'real' in the sense that people are dying, but there is a fake or performative aspect to them, because they are being orchestrated and executed for entirely other purposes that have nothing to do with conquest or 'beating the other side.' We need to wake up to this. We need to remember that humanity is strong, powerful and that we are all one, that there is a war being waged, a 5GW war by the ruling class against its own citizens in whatever country you are in. You have much more in common with your fellow citizens all across the world in all the other countries who are also trying to fend off their ruling class.

So, that's my presentation for today. I hope that was informative and enlightening to you. If you're interested in my work, you can catch me at (my main website). I also have video channels on Rumble, BitChute and Odysee. Please check out my two books Break Your Chains and The International Satanic Network Exposed. Break Your Chains is available in ebook and print. The International Satanic Network Exposed is available in ebook, print and audiobook. All available on Amazon. Thank you very much listening. Hope you enjoyed this. Thank you once again to Iurie Rosca.

Poza de profil

M. Freeman


The editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles, author of the book Cancer: The Lies, the Truth and the Solutions and senior researcher at Makia is on Steemit and Odysee/LBRY. Born in Australia, lives in Hawaii