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Joseph's Dream: Technology and the Destiny of Man

Good afternoon, everyone.

It's a pleasure to be here and I'm deeply grateful to Yuri Roshka for inviting me to this conference. This conference is very special. We're here to find solutions to the wars that are being waged against humanity. And my talk is going to be about the war on the father, because I think the war on the father is the war of all wars. And that is the war against God. We can talk about conspiracies and the many conspiracies that are out there, but the ultimate conspiracy is against God and his church.

And so the title of this talk is Joseph's Dream. The inspiration for the title comes from the gospel, where Joseph receives in a dream, news of the coming of the word in the flesh. And I was starting to thinking about this when I looked at a painting by Francisco de Herrera, a Spanish painter in the Prado, where St. Joseph is dreaming in his atelier, he's surrounded by tools and he's sitting up. It's a dream that's in a sense more like a meditation. It's a dream that's more like prayer. And I got thinking about this kind of notion of this type of dream. And I found out that the Hebrew word for dream, tardimah, it doesn't necessarily mean dream in the sense of an unconscious state.

But this dream is first of all encountered in Genesis when Adam dreams. And when he dreams, Eve is made from his rib and Eve is life in Hebrew. So there is a war on life, a war of course on children. But this is a prefiguration of course of the crucifixion. When Christ dies on the cross from his side, the blood and the water is spilled, which essentially is the beginning of the church. So I think it's extremely important to see the figures, the prefiguration of Christ in the Old Testament. And so that's kind of the background to the title.

This quotation here from Heidegger, which I think sums up the problem of our time.

I would say that man, for example, communists have a religion when they believe in science. They believe absolutely in modern science and this is absolute faith. The trust in the data of scientific experiment is a faith and is in a certain sense, something that emanates from people and is therefore a religion. No man is without religion.

We live in a supposedly secular society, yet we find that, as the former French minister of education said, the Freemasons are the clergy of the Republican state. I didn't know that living in a secular society I had a clergy who ruled over me. I think most people don't.

So the concept of Freemasonry as a governing, a global governing body is something that fascinates me. And this is why I think Joseph is important, because St. Joseph in the gospel is referred to as technites in Greek. This is from the word techni, and techni in Greek means art. Art, not just in the aesthetic sense, but skill, craft. And Joseph is the patron saint of workers.

So God chose his foster father as a simple worker. The most humble man possible. And the actual word used for Joseph is technites. This is where we get the word technology, from techni and logos, and we know from John's gospel that Christ is the logos. So I've tried in my recent work to, to suggest that we need to rethink long and hard about how we can live in a technological world, but not be dominated by technocracy. In other words, we need to put the logos back in technology.

And I think the image of St. Joseph protecting his child, who is God, is an image we should consider. Because I think one of the fundamental problems facing us today is the actual moral reformation of man. We are all coming from this secular world. We've been ruled by this Masonic clergy for a very, very long time. And it has broken us.

I think one of the biggest problems is pride in this world. It's no surprise that we have a month dedicated to pride, which should be, is the month of the sacred heart. You know, the month of the sacred heart is now the month of gay pride, which of course is imposed on us.

So the St. Joseph is extremely important in that sense. But it's important in another sense as well, which is that when we look at the history of Freemasonry, we see that it essentially comes from the church. The first Mason, the Freemasons who built the cathedrals of Europe. And so the Freemason essentially was the model worker, he was the worker who built the most beautiful buildings in the history of the world, he built buildings, the house of God.

So in a sense, I'm trying to argue here that we should consider St. Joseph, as the master builder, as the ultimate Freemason in the proper sense of the term. I think that Freemasonry is the term to describe secret societies, that Freemasonry is a mystery, there is a kind of a counter church being built. And I as a Catholic, we believe that the church is the mystical body of Christ. And so when we go for communion, we commune with Christ, we're taken up into his mystical body. And I believe that there is an attempt now to incorporate us into the mystical body of Satan.

And that the whole obsession with putting nanotechnology inside of us. They already have control of people's minds through propaganda, but now the injections they want the body. And I think the Christians, we often forget that the message of Christianity is the resurrection of the body, the resurrected body. We're not spiritualists. We do believe in matter and the importance of matter and the sanctity of the body as a temple. And Christ of course says, destroy this temple and I will rise up in three days.

As we speak, the Jews are talking about the reconstruction of the temple in Jerusalem. They are lobbying the United Nations to bring about the global inauguration of the Noahide laws. Christianity is being effectively banned in the United States. It's now pretty much impossible to even quote scripture when it comes to, for example, the crucifixion.

So the New World Order is a Judaic world order. It has Judaic messianic eschatology. It really is about a global order where the Jews are a governing sacerdotal class that essentially rule over humanity on behalf of the Mashiach or their Messiah, who is the Antichrist.

So when we think about the end times, this is when St. Joseph is important because he is described in the litany as the terror of demons. He is a protector of the family. He has a state of mind which makes him receptive to truth. You know, he receives the logos. He takes it and he protects it.

We live in a very rational era. The technological world is extremely rational. Yet there's no reason. Reason has died, logos has died.

Technology can be a great thing. It's thanks to technology that we're here today, that we're having this conversation, that these conversations can be had globally. The potential for knowledge is incredible, but I do not see any political solution to what we're facing. I think politics has a role, a very important role, but if we don't have this internal spiritual, moral, reformation of ourselves, I don't see how we're going to achieve anything, because as soon as people get power, they're corrupted by it.

So essentially, we have the return of paganism. It's Kratos who is ruling us and not Logos. And Kratos is the Greek god of brute force. And, this is my suggestion to you, that the only enemy of the synagogue of Satan is the mystical body of Christ. And the Catholic Church is the mystical body of Christ. And there's only one church. So I think when we get to a point in history, if they succeed in bringing in Noahide laws, we will have extreme persecution. I think that's important to emphasize.

I have notes here, but talking to Mr. Delingpole there yesterday changed my mind about notes, I think he was right. So I'm just going to read you some thoughts here.

In 2014, the Italian grandmaster, Giulio Magaldi, published the book “Massoni, la scoperta dell'orologe”, (Mason's Discovery of Orologies). And he revealed that most of the world's leaders are actually members of these super lodges, including Vladimir Putin, who's apparently a member of the same lodge as Angela Merkel. The idea that there is a political, a multipolar alternative to this is a dangerous illusion. We saw the tyranny recently in Russia. The lockdowns there were awful. There was no attempt by Russian government, for example, to invite dissident doctors to Russia. And there's been, as Yuri Roshka has explained in his book very well, a draconian repression of scientists in Russia. So I think we need to abandon any illusions about the possibility of a multipolar order being in some sense a bulwark against this or some kind of a possible way out. I don't see that at all.

So to conclude ― I'm going to keep this fairly brief ― I think the goal of the new world order is to put people into a kind of a dream reality. The whole idea of the metaverse is that essentially virtual reality becomes the only reality people know. And what I'm suggesting is we need to rethink work, the whole concept of work.

We have a crisis of work in our society where, for example, young people don't want to work or there's no motivation to work anymore. And the whole revolution of the 20th century, the major revolutions were about the worker and the dictatorship of the proletariat and so on. What we're facing, I think, politically is a form of communism, it is the same type of idea, but it has different characteristics, of course.

But we need to think about what it means to work. We were just discussing this morning with Yuri the importance of manual labor. And again, the Holy Family is a model for that. And it was referred to, in particular by Pope Leo XIII. He talks about the dignity of simple labor, the dignity of manual labor. And I think this was the great revolution of Christianity is that it restored the dignity of the laborer and, of course, of the father.

So again, thinking about Joseph and this whole idea of labor could be as a form of prayer. The Hebrew word for prayer is avoda, it's also the word for work. So it's worship and work are the same word. And imagine, for example, if you were a cleaner, but just by cleaning that floor, you were doing it as a form of offering that up to God or you were doing that in a sort of prayerful way.

I think what we're facing is massive alienation. This is the whole problem of being a cog in the machine, that there's no motivation because who wants to work for these corporations? The divorce of the product of labor from the worker. Marx talks about it, but obviously gives the wrong solution.

So this is something that I've been thinking a lot in my own life after the lockdowns. I went back to Ireland and rebuilt my grandfather's cottage and started reclaiming land. And preparing in my own way for what's coming, because I think growing your own food is gonna be extremely important. And Joseph is a model there because he's the protector of the holy family. He goes to Egypt when it's necessary. He takes the child to Egypt and protects the family. He protects the privacy of the family. We don't learn about Jesus until he's 30. The protection of the privacy of the family, the sanctity of the family.

The war really is on the family because God himself is a family, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And the Noahide laws, which the Chabad-Lubavitch cult want to impose on humanity, is going to be a war on God and of course a war on the Christian family. And I do think that obviously they describe Christianity as polytheism. The Jews will eventually convert, it says so in the Bible.

I think it's extremely important for us Christians to reclaim the Old Testament, to reclaim the prefiguration of Christ in the Old Testament. He's ubiquitous in the Old Testament. And if you take Joseph, for example, you know, in the Old Testament, in Genesis, Joseph is practically the ruler of the world. There is a Judaic school that sees the Mashiach as a type of Joseph. But it will be a type of Joseph that will rule the world on behalf of the Jews. But in the New Testament, Joseph reappears as a simple worker. He doesn't even say a word because he holds the word. He gazes into the eyes of the word. He was the only man ever to do that.

So I want to think about technology in that sense. The technitis and the logos in harmony like a father and son. I think if we have those kind of families, if we have the love of a father for his son, as the basis of our society. That means restoring patriarchy, that natural order, the natural love of the family. Then I think we'll enter a new period of the Holy Spirit, which of course is the third person of the Trinity, which is Mary. You know, Mary represents the Holy Spirit, that's why she's so important as an intercessor in the Catholic Church. We pray to Mary because she intercedes for us.

So the Holy Family basically is the only solution here to try and imitate the grace, the simplicity and the dignity of the simple life. And I think there's a huge movement happening in the world. We just listened to wonderful talks there from people who are into agriculture and coming up with solutions, community building and so on. I've seen that myself. There are wonderful people out there, many of them not Christian at all, but I think they've got their basics right. You know, they're building parallel economies and parallel communities.

That is extremely difficult. But one of the things you have when you try to form a community is… I think we're all so corrupted by the system that we're really in a sort of struggle. We're almost like Jacob and the angel. We're struggling with God all the time and it's constant struggle in our lives. But when I pray the rosary, for example, the fifth joyful mystery where Jesus is found in the temple. And when we pray it, we pray, Quirin de deum in omnibus, seeking God in all things. And Mary and Joseph lose Jesus and find him in the temple. And if you read that passage and you look at the language, you know, Mary calls him technon, my child. And it's the same etymology as techne. Technon is also a child.

And the goal of technocracy is to destroy the possibility of the child and the innocence of the child. That's why they kill children, because children are innocents and they want to kill innocents.

So she calls him technon and Joseph is the technites. And this is the only part in the Bible where Joseph is referred to as father. She said, your father was was worried about you. So here you have, in a sense, that Mary, who's the theotokos, again, the same etymology. Jesus is the technon and St. Joseph is technites.

So when I pray this, I imagine a world where all productive labor, everything that we do, would be this kind of search for God. And I think that, in my view, we really need a re-Christianization of the world. And if we do that, I think then we can possibly dream again. But right now, that what they're doing is they're destroying social hope. It's almost become impossible to dream of a future.

So this is why I entitled this talk Joseph's Dream. It's really to say that there's no point in trying to oppose the New World Order if we don't understand its satanic element and that Christianity is the absolute opposite of that. And that it's either the synagogue of Satan or the Church of Christ. There's no third way here.

So that'll be, that's pretty much it. And thank you again for inviting me.

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G. Ó Colmáin
Gearóid Ó Colmáin is a writer and journalist from Ireland.