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Chișinău Forum 2023 poster

How to Beat the Globalists

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I hope you're having a great time. Too bad I couldn't make it up there. I hope this conference has a great success.

And I'm going to talk about how to beat the globalists. And which laws are required to beat them in their own game. Let me share the screen, just a second.

Hi, so here's the presentation [slide 1]. In this place,, I'm uploading this presentation.

[slide 2] This is a paper I wrote with 2000 references.[1] It was a top 0.1% paper in

[slide 3] And this is the first time a government recognized that vaccines didn't work. 9 of 10 COVID deaths were vaccinated. Injecting meant 1300% more lethal than non-injecting. It was from Argentina in June, 2021.

[slide 4] This is another study, very interesting from Johns Hopkins. It's a meta-analysis from 18,000 studies showing that the lockdowns didn't work.

[slide 5] I'm sure you know all this already. But I just wanted to read this part showing that the masons have built this like Stonehenge in Georgia, the Georgia guide stones. And one of the targets they had in stone, engraved in stone was to: “Maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction, wisely improving fitness and diversity”. So here's, it's in stone engraved that they want to reduce the populations where about 8 billion. So it's like 7.5 billion excess population they have to eliminate, exterminate.

And here down, you see, I wrote this research[2] showing how all these masons, illuminatis and everything, they've been planning this for a very long time. And it's all the citations of what they said, proving that they really want to exterminate us.

[slide 6] And here's an ex-illuminati, Ronald Bernard, he's Dutch. And there's a video you should watch where he confesses it was before leaving them that they print, they counterfeit currencies, especially dollars and euros, and launder them in multinational banks. So with this easy money, I mean, it's free money, they bought the world, basically. They bought the listed corporations, they bought the governments, politicians, the big pharma, the universities, everything has been sold out and corrupted by the masons.

[slide 7] And this David Martin, it's very important that you listen to him, proving this plan has been going on for a long time through the patent.

[slide 8] The historical trail of the pandemic, basically started in 1910 with a Rockefeller-Founder-Fleckner report, which changed medicine, and developed this model for basically approving most medicines without being important if they work or not, or if they harm or not. It's all about money. On your right, you see all the financial penalties these multinationals paid, totaling 37 billions in reparations for all the damage they caused. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. So I'm going to go very fast.

[slide 9] So you have links to this plan with Spanish flu, oral polio vaccines.

[slide 10] Then you have the fake flu pandemic of 1976, from poisoning HIV, ATG vaccines, adding this agent to infertilize women.

[slide 11] In the 90s, you have vaccines which caused brain damage, autism, Asperger's, tics, and so on. This is proven in at least 14 countries.

[slide 12] Then you have Hendra virus, the coronavirus weaponization, anthrax, [slide 13] SARS-CoV-1, HPV vaccine, H1N1 flu pandemic, [slide 14] and mosquerix, MERS, Ebola, Zika, and SARS-CoV-2.

[slide 15] These are the VAERS reports of the side effects reported by the vaccines. You can see on your right how it exploded with the COVID vaccines.

Well, this [slide 16] [slide 17] is very interesting. The CDC was recognizing myocarditis and the vaccination didn't stop.

Okay, [slide 18] [slide 19] they went for the kids.

[slide 20] [slide 21] This site,, proved that it was criminal intent. They were testing the dosage, how lethal the vaccines were being applied.

[slide 22] Okay, [slide 23] [slide 24] and here is how they introduced graphene oxide in the vaccines and [slide 25] [slide 26] nanotechnology. For example [slide 27] , on your left, you have the papers. On your right, you have what was actually found in the vaccines [slide 28].

Actually[slide 29], some people started emitting Bluetooth low-energy signals, which were picked up by their phones, and this signal was retransmitted to the brain. To a website, which was a human ID multinational[slide 30][slide 31].

[slide 32] This was discovered by several teams all over the world. Also, you could track people emitting Bluetooth with free apps.

[slide 33] Also, there's ultrasound attacks from the phones[slide 34][slide 36]. And well, also microwave attacks from satellites[slide 37][slide 38][slide 39][slide 40][slide 41].

I mean, this is really amazing. Here[slide 43], you have like clouds. On your right, you have like concentric, radio clouds, basically, which were actually dissolved by microwaves. And on your left, you have clouds with a straight angle here, which is impossible naturally, which shows clouds are being dissolved with some kind of microwave technology.

[slide 44] And here, you have the cloud curves matching the trajectory of satellites. And here [slide 45] in Spain, for example, also, the clouds don't get into Spain, and you have a draft. So climate change would be artificial climate change.

[slide 52] I'm going to jump here to this wonderful mesh that Merlin has made. And another person, I don't remember his name, but Devotee is his surname, improved and includes many parts of the global plan. It involves environment, control, medical information, social, everything. It's even more complex than that. I've written a paper about that. I'll give you the link at the end.

[slide 53] So the next thread is like a timeline. I kind of imagined how they're going to apply all this.

[slide 56] Okay, and here's the laws we need to stop them. So first we need freedom. We need to stop the WHO power grab on sovereignty by the December, 2023 IHR modifications and international health regulation. They've been modified this year.

So countries have until the 1st of December to stop these modifications, which is a weaponization of the IHRs. And then in 2024, we have the pandemic treaty, which is another weaponization. And basically the first global constitution for the global government.

It's legally binding. Also, we need to repeal the diplomatic immunity of these international organizations, especially WHO. And we need to start asking for measurable definitions for pandemic, epidemics, one health and whole health, because they're using political definitions, definitions which would be twisted and as they wish. And we need to ban politically defined emergencies.

Here I wrote this paper, the threat of the international pandemic. My substack is

[slide 57] And I think we need an anti-conspiracy law.

There's no democracy with Freemasonry, only conspiracy and a uniparty, because they infiltrate all parties. Freemasonry is the enemy of the people and destroy democracy from within. Without Freemasonry, there's no global government.

So we need a real ownership law to stop Mason from hiding behind corporations and offshore front. So we need to know who owns what. It's the only way people will start opening their eyes about how rich these people are. They own practically everything, but everything is hidden between a matrix of corporations owning and with cross participation. So nobody actually knows who owns everything.

And we need to force Mason to identify themselves. There were many projects in the UK and they all flopped because Mason's are everywhere in the UK government. And also we need to ban them from any position affecting common good, public trust and education.

[slide 58] We need to prevent the great crunch or the great financial crisis.

[slide 59] So how would we do that? We grant the right to cash anonymity, paper and digital. We ban banning cash. We ban the central bank digital currencies. We start having real money based on goods, transport, kilometers transported or miles, and human hours. It's like a warrant. And with this, we solve a lot of the counterfeiting problem because money's backed by real assets.

We need to eliminate legal tender and outface a government money. We need to ban fractional reserve banking and ban central banks.

Actually, there's another candidate right now for this weekend's election. And he's the only political candidate right now in the world who actually proposes to ban the central bank. But before that, you need to do all these things because otherwise you are going to have a lot of bank runs and financial crisis.

[slide 60]The other thing we need is pro-democracy laws. The vote should be triple counted, manual by machine and confirmation online by the voters. There's a way to anonymize this because there's so much fraud, massive fraud. In the USA, it's been proven. In Brazil, it's been proven. In Argentina, it's been proven. Everywhere in the world, in Spain. I mean, this is really out of hand. So we need to be very careful with the machines, with companies like Smartmatics, Dominion voting machines, Indra from Spain. All those companies are already compromised.

We need to ban government and balance budget and debt. We need to allow nationals to fund parties, but not corporations and foundations.

And we need to democratize taxes. We have a very simple taxing system that doesn't require an accountant because these billionaires don't pay practically nothing in taxes, okay? Everyone is paying taxes, but they always find, develop the loopholes and they use them because they own the politicians.

We need a direct townhall democracy with direct proportional spending of government income decided by each citizen. This is very important because if we do this, we change democracy to a working model.

And to be feasible, we need the usage of vouchers for like an educational voucher, food, housing, etc.

[slide 61] The last we need is digital freedom. There's no freedom of speech without freedom of reach. Remember Elon Musk said he won't provide freedom of reaching Twitter. So he's not really for freedom of speech. Because you could speak, but if nobody listens to your message, there's no really freedom of speech.

So we need to ban censorship in every way, like deplatforming, account suspensions, shadow banning, algorithmic downlisting, delisting, blacklisting, etc. We need to allow users to report spam and other categories and to use or not what they determine as trusted users to block what or who they want to block.

We need to prevent the great hack, which are planning. They want to bring the internet down and bring a new internet where you are going to be required a government ID to log. So that's the end of digital freedom. So we need to figure out a new internet or a backup system.

We need to ban physical IDs. We need to ban requiring only digital IDs while rejecting physical IDs. We need, oh, I'm sorry. We need to ban max passes, 5G and tracking, nanorouters, stealth tagging and biohacking as I have shown.

[slide 62] We need, real health, to ban abortion, abortifacients, abortion-based vaccines, IVF, embryonic stem cell research and gender ideology. We need to ban general lockdowns and swabbing. And there's a saliva test. You don't need to have this invasive test like swabbing as if they've been weaponized already. We need reparations for vaccine injuries and for people losing their jobs.

We need, number three, we need a definition of death, including both brain and cardiorespiratory death because they changed the definition. Right now they are harvesting people who are still living. They need to inject these people so they won't kick when they're being harvested, okay? They need independent clinical trials, funds through trust supervised by physicians and patients. We can't allow pharma to do design fund and do the testing for the progress. It's never going to work.

We need autonomy to reject any treatment, including vaccines for the patient. We need to repeal any legal immunity to pharma, even retroactive. We need to open science, open research, open stats and data integration. And we need conscientious objections like don't ask, don't tell, no listing of financial objections.

Like for example, they won't be able to use your taxes for abortion-based vaccines, for instance.

We need a patent system, no national patents for tax-funded research. It's unbelievable that these corporations profit from patents developed with taxpayers' money.

We need independent studying, warning signs and reductions of electromagnetic fields, especially 5G.

We need food and water safety law, special independent study label and regulate GMOs and pesticides.

And we need to save the livestock because they want to ban cattle and poultry and replace them with synthetic meats and not meat and all that.

[slide 63] Environmental laws, we need to ban EMF, static attacks and balloon attacks. We need to ban geoengineering and temptress. We need to ban compulsory indoctrination of climate change and comprehensive sexuality education which doesn't follow science. We need to comprehensive study on temperature and atmospheric bubbles. We need to ban net zero because there's no studies about temperature rising meaningfully when carbon trace amounts increase. So let's mix these bubbles with different concentration of carbon dioxide and measure if there's actually a temperature increase. And we'll find out there's no meaningful figures. So with this, we could ban net zero emissions policies. Well, we need to know that war on carbon is war on life.

We need to, an EV, electric vehicle, moratorium, anti-cancer is unproven because people are riding on a 400 voltage power high, high energy power line. So it's probably causing cancer in the midterm.

And we need to repeal anti-scientific environmental laws and stop subsidies, taxing and de-taxing like war on conventional energy, war on cars, war on bulbs, war on meat, rewilding, debridging, sacred forest. You can touch a tree to replace it with a more productive tree, not even that. Reswamping of wetlands. I mean, draining a swamp was something good. Now it's a crime, okay?

We need to prioritize the primary on agriculture and we need a national conservation plan with minimum surface because they are trying to turn every single country into a huge wildlife reservation. So we need to have a rational plan. So we stick to the plan and we don't have extra territory turned into useless.

[slide 64] So this is what can we do if everything fails.

We need to start building communities and like market cooperatives based on real money as I saw an educational co-ops, community patients, community health. Because if we fail, we won't be able to join society because everything will be tracked in your phone. With your wallet, it's going to be the only way you buy, pay and receive salary.

Even your ID's there. Everything, you won't be able to travel outside your 15 minute city. So basically it's going to be an open-air prison if we don't succeed in these laws.

[slide 65] But we need to have hope because truth always wins as has been proven. Life wins over death and love wins over hatred and corruption. So they're doomed from root to collapse.

The culture of death, sickness and death, real happiness comes from making others happy. God is truth, and gives life, God is love. So God will win, of course, he already won at the cross.

This is a battle between light and absence of light, darkness and light always triumphs.

So I ended with a scripture from the Bible which says, “blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness or they will be filled”. So it also says, fight the good fight. So it's very important to keep on fighting, knowing that in the end we will triumph though there could be hard times.

[slide 66] And there's this prayer for peace, especially nowadays.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, may I bring love;
Where there is wrong, forgiveness;
Where there is discord, union;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

Lord, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in self-forgetting that one finds;
it is in forgiving that one is forgiven;
And it is in dying that one rises to the eternal life.

Thank you very much, bye-bye.

Poza de profil

F. Nazar


Scientific Progress Fund, Research Director