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Resisting Transhumanism


Dear friends, I'm very happy and honored to be a part of this prestigious forum. And I think Iurie Roshka for inviting me.

So we're living in interesting times. And the challenges that we're dealing with today are happening on multiple levels. I would like to cover at least three levels of what's going on, and talk about the problem and, importantly, the solution that is complex and multifaceted but extremely important.

So first of all, there's an immediate level, these are all the things that we know about, the transhumanist agenda, and the ambition to blend man and machine. And the total surveillance, or I would say the ambition for total surveillance, that is going somewhat successfully. And the oppression of medical freedom, and personal freedom, physical freedom, and spiritual freedom. And these are all the things that are very real and that are extremely oppressive. And I applaud all of my friends, known and unknown, who are fighting on every practical front.

Then on the other hand, there is a more extended version of the great reset. And so we have to ask ourselves questions like, did the great reset really start in June 2020, when it was announced by the World Economic Forum and when they coined that term? Was it a continuation of something that started decades ago? Or maybe centuries ago? Or is it cyclical, great resets happening again, and again, and again, targeting different groups, different demographics, and right now it's global, and we are seeing ourselves on the receiving end of it, we're facing it, and we're freaking out somewhat, because it's unusual and oppressive, and it feels really, really bad? Or is it something that started maybe a few thousand years ago? And it is an expression of what my Native philosopher friend Steven Newcomb, calls the System of Domination, which is a mindset, the spirit of thriving by putting a boot on another person's face?

And then there's a timeless aspect to that, and I think that the solutions really come from the timeless spiritual depths that each of us has to face. And each of us has to answer the questions, maybe difficult questions, about our own role in this world, why we're here, where we come from, about our ancestors, about history, about the world, about past and present, and future. And I do think that the solutions really come from the depth. And personally, I am of the opinion that anything that happens to us in our lives, comes with the approval of the Creator, in a sense that if there's something that is terrible injustice, and a very difficult challenge, it means that there is a spiritual imbalance that needs to be addressed. And sometimes it's individual, and sometimes it's collective.

And I think that the loving spiritual forces ― regardless of the religion, regardless of your personal theology, but there's a Creator, there are loving spiritual forces ― have a very good ability to match our spiritual imbalances with our circumstance. And sometimes, when collectively we're are lost, and we forgot our roots, and we forgot what this life is about, and we forgot how to be decent to other human beings and to the world around us and to Earth, and to nature, and to the spiritual forces that are watching over us, when we forget how to be decent and righteous, not in the moral sense, but really, in a deep, loving spiritual sense. I think then sometimes we'll meet the circumstance that is extremely challenging. And we can be angry about it, we can be stuck in pain, very, very logical pain of injustice and suffering, or we can ask ourselves a very uncomfortable question: why is it that the Creator wants us to deal with it? What is it that we have to learn? What is it that we have to do? What is the way of our courage today? What is something that we maybe have to understand about our ancestors and their challenges? And what happened early in history in a way that we can move forward with love and constructively, and be victorious over the vampiring forces that are trying to eat us?

And I have found in my personal life that those questions need to be asked. And sometimes ― human psyche is very interesting ― we can avoid asking that question, we can avoid answering them honestly. Because sometimes in order to answer them honestly, we have deconstructed everything that we've ever believed in. We have to deconstruct anything that actually happened to us that we formed ideas around, and explanations, and maybe they're not very honest explanations, sometimes maybe we have to accept the fact that history was different from what we've been taught to believe, that maybe our relationships, our personal relationships were not exactly how we, you know, created stories in our heads about them.

And with that process, it seems like the challenging circumstance just keeps recycling, keeps repeating. That happens in personal life, that happens collectively, on a very large scale. So for example, if we compare the Great Recession of today, and Klaus Schwab and the whole idea of "own nothing and be happy," and surveillance, and the physical and spiritual enslavement that the likes of Klaus Schwab and his masters are trying to impose on us. If we compare that with what the Vatican tried to do, and did successfully to the indigenous people of the Americas, or what they tried to do in Africa, even if we compare the ambition of politicians of a couple of centuries ago, some of them even the founding fathers, and their ambitions, if we look at their letters, and compare that sentiment to the sentiment of the World Economic Forum, are they vastly different? Or are there similarities?

For example, when Thomas Jefferson was communicating in one of his private letters about his plan of getting rid of the Native identity, and moving them maybe beyond the Mississippi, or ideally, having them assimilate, the rhetoric in his letter was very Schwabian. It was extremely Schwabian, and it was shocking to me when I found out about it. And if you grew up believing in the sanctity of the American empire, and you think that Klaus Schwab was challenging the American empire, then it's extremely uncomfortable, and it's very natural to be resentful and to say, oh, that's nonsense, and that's all very wrong. And if you choose to believe that, then it's your choice. I still love you. But if there's any truth to the similarities, and if there's any truth to the similarity of the great reset of today to what was done to the indigenous people, if they were the original receivers of the great reset, sold to the people under different talking points, and different ideologies, and, blasphemously so, in my opinion, also sold under the guise of Christianity, which I don't think that Christ ever taught anybody to kill or to steal, I don't think it happened.

So what do we do with all that? I think that working through those questions is absolutely necessary for us to solve the problems of today. Because if there's unresolved spiritual conflict, it's going to find us, it never fails. The Creator knows how to match people's imbalances with people circumstance. And we can see it as really horrible villains trying to do really horrible things to us, and that is accurate, villains are extremely and fully responsible for their villainy. They have to face the Creator about that. But if we have our own spiritual imbalance, whether it's individual or collective, if we don't face it, if we don't try to sort out facts and history in our personal life, then the circumstance is going to repeat itself. And we may win battles, which … I applaud every battle won, every concrete and practical battle won against the World Economic Forum, their masters, and the people with vampiring ideology and vampiring ambitions, any battle won against them, even the smallest one, I applaud it full heartedly, and I pray for our victory at all times. But I think that in order to be victorious in a stable manner, in a manner that helps us do away with the great reset as a spiritual concept, that helps us really curb the spirit of domination and do away with it in our own life in our own society. I think that requires asking ourselves uncomfortable questions and spending time, really spending time answering them honestly.

And so when it comes to the timeless aspect, which is I think, where all the solutions come from. I think that the most important thing that we can do in order to defeat the great reset, is refuse to throw our fellow brothers and sisters under the bus, and it doesn't matter what color skin they have. It doesn't matter what religion they believe in. It doesn't matter where they ancestry is similar to ours are different, it doesn't matter. What matters is that they are fellow brothers and sisters, they were created by the Creator just like we were. And they may have different beliefs, they even may have beliefs that we completely disagree with. But it's not our job to judge them, to punish them, or to cheer when they suffer, it's not our job to take sides in mobsters' wars, it's not our job to throw our brothers and sisters under the bus because that way, we actually help the vampires.

And I do think that at the root, at the root of what's happening is actually a very, almost literal vampiring agenda. And it has many, many, many aspects. And the angle that I want to present about it is not anger. It's not finger pointing, it's not something like, look, they're horrible vampires, we must condemn them. So, we must protect ourselves against them, that's for sure. And sometimes it's challenging. And that is our job, that is our spiritual responsibility before ourselves before our families or our loved ones. And before the Creator ― protecting ourselves is our spiritual duty. But we have to do it from a place of love for ourselves from a place of love for our loved ones, and for the Creator, and leave the judgment of the Creator, because the big picture is always managed by the Creator. I think we cannot as human beings have an idea as good as a Creator has.

And one of the things that is happening ― and I think it's been happening for centuries, and it's really impacting especially people in the West who have lost touch with the indigenous wisdom, with the community wisdom for a very long time, unfortunately, in many cases. One of the things that vampires do, and I'm going to call them vampires because I think that that's what they are ultimately, first, they create really massive trauma, really massive, massive, massive trauma that comes with a feeling of illogical injustice. Like the world is broken, like the Creator has forgotten about us. And it's really, really giant injustice, and big pain. And that pokes a hole in the person's spirit. If people go some through something like that, it creates a sense of existential imbalance, like things are really not fair. It's like we knew that things have to end well, like a fairy tale, and there's good and bad and good guys win. And all of a sudden, it doesn't work. It creates a massive, just existential pain, and uncertainty and disappointment. And that makes people vulnerable to spiritual abuse. Because when that happens, and when that happens on a massive scale to entire community. Which is, by the way, what was done by the Vatican, to the indigenous and the Americas, or in Africa, they went, and they created this massive injustice where everything all of a sudden was broken and unfair. And that was done before that to our ancestors in Europe and Asia. So that's really an ongoing, great reset in a way.

So when that happens with a trauma, then people who have not resolved it, they give it to their children without even knowing. And it creates a certain, almost physical, and spiritual condition where the children of the extremely traumatized people carry that sense of injustice. And they no longer feel good. They no longer feel like they are loved by the Creator, they no longer feel worthy. And when a human being feels unworthy, there's certain choices that are made, that person becomes a very easy target of vampiring and when violence keeps on going, then at some point the violence is not even needed, because people automatically put their necks into the yoke. They don't believe in themselves, and they can mask it by not beating their chests, by focusing on money and success and all those things. And it can put their pain in disguise for some time. But at the end of the day, there is an imbalance.

And I think what is happening today is that that imbalance became too big. Too many people are very, very broken on the inside and trying to cover up with glitter, with money with success and there is a need for validation from other people ― which again, has been exploited by the same vampires via social media and financial incentives, and the breaking of the community. And the world is very broken, people are very broken. And I think that we can do several things to essentially stop or at least start starving the vampires out of their energy, out of the energy that is all about eating pain, all about eating anger, and dissatisfaction and disappointment and the sense of abandonment.

There are too many people who feel abandoned and rejected and abused. And that is just how people are. And some people have the means to hide it from themselves. Some people don't have the means and get angry. And so, as individuals, I think that our fight against the Great Reset starts with facing what we are, facing our pain, crying about it and taking it to the Creator. Not just complaining about it, not just being angry about it, but actually taking our pain and our genuine complaints to the Creator. And asking the Creator to solve them in a way that is just, that is known to the Creator as good and fair and spiritually correct. Because the Creator always knows better. And anytime we feel that sense of injustice, anytime we feel the boots on our neck, we cry to the Creator.

And yes, we do things. Absolutely, we will fight, we are courageous, and we protect the people around us and we protect ourselves. But we do not accept our defectiveness just because somebody is abusing us, we do not accept the lie that we somehow deserve to be abused. No, no, no, we don't do that. We take our problems, we take our pain, we take it to the Creator with love and trust. And we tell the Creator, look, I am here, I feel this, I need help, I need love, I need things to be fair and loving, and I need to be treated fairly. You know how, maybe if I don't understand something helped me understand. But make things good. Make things good, the creator make things good, because I'm a good person. I'm a good, blessed person. And I need my life to be good, and fair, and dignified. And I need it and I deserve it. Help me Help me Help me.

And we do that. And we keep doing that. And we ask for guidance. And can you imagine what can happen if millions, billions of people, instead of just punishing themselves for the fact that they were abused before or are abused now, instead of wagging the finger online at Klaus Schwab who doesn't care, go straight to the Creator, or however we pray ― I mean, there are many, many ways to pray, I'm not talking about any particular denomination ― and take our pain to the Creator with a passionate, passionate request to fix it and heal things and make things better. And not even ask for punishment for anybody, asked for fairness, because energy of punishment is it's a toxic energy. And if the Creator thinks that things need to be balanced in a particular way, the Creator will do that. We don't have to think about punishing anybody. We just ask to make our life good, and just and fair and dignified, so that we're happy, and the world is healing, and the world is beautiful. And the Earth is healing, and nature is healing, and our relationship with the Creator, the most important thing, is healing, and that we know what to do. And that we meet people who work with us who love us who respect us, if we keep doing it and doing it and doing it and keep asking for guidance on how to solve specific problems, how to fight the vampires, how to starve them of their energy, and maybe the Creator will guide them to stop being vampires at some point in this life or another in the afterlife.

That's not our business. Our business is to make all of good. And if we keep doing it and doing it and doing it and not feel dejected if it doesn't work right away, if we don't feel things change immediately, then it just means we need more work to do. And we keep doing it and doing it and doing it. And that's our path to love. That's our paths to victory. That's our path to defeating the Great Reset.

And I love you. You're very, very loved, and your work is appreciated. Thank you.

Poza de profil

T. Lena

writer and artist