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Weather Modification Nano-Technology: An Instrument for Global Tyranny


Hello, I am Radovan from the Czech Republic and I'm sending great greetings to the Kishinev Forum participants. I'm sorry I couldn't make it because I just basically learned about the forum this month and I already have some other engagements and a presentation in Slovakia next week. So I called or I gave the name to my presentation with the modification nanotechnology instrument for global tyranny.

I think I'm gonna sort of lay the ground where we are headed. What seems to be the main outcome of the globalists as well described by, for instance, Patrick Wood, sort of a global technocracy. A lot of experts talk about heading towards some kind of a global totalitarian system.

And I think whether modification, whether manipulation nanotechnology could be as a sort of a great tool for the globalists to achieve this end. I have been focusing on this subject for over a decade and I'm still learning because it's very complex. It includes many different elements and factors and you can look at it from a different perspective.

So let me see if I can give you in this short time sort of a overview so you understand how weather climate modification, manipulation can be used for this end. I think it's important to mention that this effort to create sort of a totalitarian order in the world has been long in making and has been sort of predicted and written about, for instance, by Huxley in the Brave New World or Orwell's 1984. So it's really nothing really new.

Recently, Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum in this book, Great Reset and many other of his presentation, he talks about how we live in the fourth industrial revolution and how humans will become part of the digital world. Their physical and biological will sort of mend with the AI and will be connected to the cloud also worth mentioning is the Israeli professor, Yuval Harari, who talks about these subjects a lot that humans will not have free will and are already, as he says, hackable beings. He talks a lot about transhumanism.

So I think it's very connected to the subject that I'm gonna talk about. A long time ago, Ray Kurzweil, the expert from Google and on artificial intelligence talked about how, I think it was like 20 years ago, how nanobots will be circulating in our blood veins connected to the cloud. So how does weather manipulation fit into all of this? Just basic understanding weather modification can be done by chemical biological means or with the use of electromagnetic waves.

And we can really change the weather and the climate as you will see. The weather modification efforts go back to as early as 1940s, the project Cirrus 1947 between the US government, General Electrics and some scientists like Irving Langmuir who got the Nobel Prize for, I think, chemistry. Already in 1962, Vice President Lyndon Johnson said that he who controls the weather will control the world.

So here you have already some linings of ideas that weather can be used to control the world, to control people. He also says, and I quote, from space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the Gulf Stream and change temperate climates to frigid. So, wow, really bold statements by Vice President and later President of the United States.

Also, let me quote the Secretary of Defense of the United States, William Cohen, who in 1997 said that there are already means, as he says, and I quote again, to alter the climate set of earthquakes, volcanoes, remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. And already in the early and late 60s and 70s, we see how weather can be used as a weapon, right? And let me here just point to a couple examples, a Project Nile Blue that was discovered or exposed by U.S. journalists in the 60s, how CIA was manipulating weather to cause droughts and damaged sugarcane harvest in Cuba, or infamous weather manipulation, weather warfare in Vietnam. Also, I would like to mention a recent study by Swiss scientists called Re-evaluation of the Swiss Hail Suppression Experiment using Permutation Techniques shows enhancement of hail energies when seeding.

Basically in their study, they show that hail can be created by cloud seeding methods, right? So the chemical biological method that's being used for manipulation of the weather. So it's very important. So extreme weather, creating hail, rain, floods, creating droughts is a tool that can be used to basically starve people, right? To make them lose their property, to give it away for cheap.

And also we have some already contemporary diplomatic views that as you understand that it's already happening. Forbes just had a recent article about cloud wars, how Iran is complaining that Israel, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates are stealing clouds, so creating drought in Iran. The very similar diplomatic conflict is between India and China.

Because China has basically transformed Tibet into a cloud seeding factory with installing thousands of cloud seeding generators. So that is very important to understand. And also let me mention the electromagnetic waves, how they can be used.

Here I would point you out to a company that is located in the United Arab Emirates as only an example, it's called Climate Global Control Trading. And on their website, they are explaining how they can use very advanced ionospheric technology for weather management that they actually can transfer. And I'm quoting from their website, where the air masses from overvetted areas of the Indian and Pacific oceans onto an area of 3 million kilometers square.

So huge, it's basically area of India. So one company claims that they can move atmospheric rivers and basically, again, create extreme weather. And here we, I think, can talk about climate change because they can basically change the weather on an area as big as India.

I think we can safely talk about climate intervention. And the same with what I already talked about in China. Basically, they claim now, again, in the recent article that they have technology that they can change weather on the area that's bigger than 5 million square kilometers.

So really huge. And finally, where weather manipulation, modification is heading is into nanotechnology that more and more we can see in patents, in experiments, the use of nanoparticles. For instance, I would like to just mention MIT scientists, an article in MIT Technology Review called Scientists Advance Cloud Seeding Capabilities with Nanotechnology, where Dr. Zhou is actually explaining how they design and fabricated a porous nanocomposite of 3D graphite oxide and silica dioxide nanoparticles for weather modification.

So here we are, we have been long, basically, looking at nanotechnology. And if I say long, yes. There was a think piece written in 1996 by our college called Weather as a Force Multiplier Owning the Weather in 2025.

Wow, that's like next year, they claim they can own the weather. And if you look at some of the graphics in this paper, you will be shocked to know that already in the 1990s, they claim they can use different chemicals to manipulate weather. And what they mention is something called smart clouds.

They can create smart clouds with smart dust. And here we are in the realm of nanotechnology for weather manipulation. Smart dust is a system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems, such as sensors, robots.

Or other devices that can detect light, temperature, vibration, magnetism, or chemicals. They are usually operated on a computer network wirelessly and are distributed over some area to perform tasks, usually sensing through radio frequency identification. So we are in the realm of the research that's being done by Dr. Michalcza, as she shows that nanobots are basically circling in bodies of also unvaccinated individuals.

And I would say through research and investigation that it's exactly the weather modification, geoengineering that's being one of the causes of placing, releasing nanotechnology that ends up in our blood and veins. So definitely there is more I could talk about and hopefully one day we can meet in person and have further discussion about the dangers of weather modification for controlling humans and societies to control and create the global tyranny that I talked about in the beginning. So I think I made the 15 minute mark.

So I wanna thank you and I wanna wish you great time in Kishinev on this weekend. And again, I hope that I can meet you Ray and all of you in the near future. So thank you very much for listening and I just sending greetings from the Czech Republic.


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R. Dluhý
Radovan Dluhý is an expert in climate wars from the Czech Republic