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Chișinău Forum 2023 poster

The speech by Daniel Estulin for Chisinau Forum 2024

My dear friends. My name is Daniel Estulin. I feel honoured to be able to speak before you at such an important international event. Chisinau Forum is an ideal platform that brings together leading intellectuals from many countries in the academia, authors, researchers, politicians, economists, all those who oppose globalism.

I am here because I want to reaffirm my unequivocal support for those on the front lines who are resisting One World Global dictatorship. This is a global war. It's us against them. Those who want to remain free against those who wish to subjugate us. For the United States, Britain, NATO alliance but also for Israel and their allies, the wholesale spilling of innocent blood is but a sign of desperation on the part of this vile and immoral enemy. ‘The Global War on Terrorism’ is presented by the West as a ‘Clash of Civilizations’, a war between competing values and religions, when in reality it is an outright war of conquest, guided by strategic and economic objectives.

To the hundreds of millions desenfranched and to the millions who have lost everything and to the hundreds of thousands whose loved ones have been tragically killed in Gaza, Palestine, West Bank, Siria, Lebanon, Irak, on the African continent and beyond, whose anger is fresh and sharp, the inanities about the ‘Clash of Civilizations’ and the ‘Good vs Evil’ is a vile Orwellian doublespeak.

The regime-change interventions via Color Revolutions, Arab Springs, and outright invasions is being carried out by the Anglo-American zionist forces to create a new system of control of the world, to replace the now-collapsing world monetary system, the vehicle through which power over the world was previously wielded by the London-based financial empire and its underlings, such as Wall Street. Unending warfare within countries, and wars between satraps, is the New Dark Age agenda for controlling what had once been sovereign nation-states. Yet, if we can't find people willing to take the risk—to face the truth and act on it—what will happen to our society? And this is why this international conference plays such an important role in helping us understand who is doing what to whom and how it is being done on a global scale.

Diplomacy ended on September 11, 2001, and the reality and risks of an open global conflict or a more clandestine secret war of attrition are now being placed in the immediate and unavoidable focus of a world, which has, for the most part, chosen not to understand what is at stake. And this war will not be fought solely with bullets and bombs. It is an economic war, a human resources war, a war between nations and their surrogates, a war that involves leading secret societies and secret service agencies working hand-in-glove with Western governments.

With the shedding of the first blood in Gaza, the dropping of the first bomb, the killing of the first child, and the death of the first freedom-fighter, a one-way border to Hell has been crossed. With the end of a current economic model, Bretton Woods, based on an improbable idea of “infinite expansion” no longer a far-fetched conspiracy but a frightening reality, our civilization has truly reached a point of no return. And with that crossing, economic and political forces have combined to form what I call the Perfect Storm; the ravages of its outburst, now visible for all to see. There is no turning back. I wish I could say it another way, soften the blow, somehow.

The New World Order which I describe in my books and conferences with such determination is here. It is not a monolith; no single group of billionaires sits together in a dark room holding hands, staring at a crystal ball planning our planetary future. It is, quite literally, a new order in which world power aggregates along geographic and also geologic lines, forcing regions to become players against each other and running roughshod over the nationalist sentiments of their subject populations. And so for the first time in history, geography and money is proving to be the ultimate trump cards because geography is governing economic decision-making.

And so, we are gathered together here as one voice against oppression, hatred and unspeakable violence - because there is a general awakening taking place in society. The voices of reason are beginning to be heard and people are beginning to lose their fear. And as the stress points are beginning to break in every corner of the world, there are serious signs of a major political revolt brewing on the Planet. And The FINALE of the global crisis of capitalism may turn out to be a battle between Homo sapiens and the biosphere, and inside Homo itself ― Homo sapiens and Homo robustus ― on the principle of “winner take all.”

And so to overcome the crisis, we need a fundamentally new philosophy of relations with nature; we must rethink, and not just rethink, but unthink, not only the geoculture of the Enlightenment but also Christianity, with medieval theology, coupled with these ancient philosophies, starting from its fathers and founders in another intellectual way ― in other words taking into account almost all, of the intellectual and political mistakes made in the subject stream of historical development over the past 25 centuries.

We need the Promethean-Faustian spirit of burning ― we stand on it and cannot be otherwise. Fire was the first real piece of technology. The Titan of myth, Prometheus, gave humans fire, a gift he stole from the Gods. Prometheus represents the ability of humanity to discover new forms of technology, new universal principles, and to incorporate them into the life and lives of the human species to change the relationship of human beings with the universe as a whole.

The world is living through the last relatively calm decades before the oncoming crisis, which has no analogs in human history and which, it seems, will sweep away not only capitalism with its supporters and opponents but also the entire post-Neolithic civilization. And if humanity succeeds in surviving it, then the new society will most likely be different from what I call the “Civilization of the Pyramids”.

And so overcoming the crisis involves the creation of new knowledge, fundamentally new disciplines (or we could say epistemological programs), with new methodologies and new research subjects. We must in a short period of time develop an adequate theory of post-capitalism as a special case of the theory of social systems, methodologically built on the denial of, above all, the heritage of the bourgeoise XIX century triads, “economics ― sociology ― political science”; this is the path of criticism of political economy that KarlMarx took in his work on Capital and which he never went through to the end, and the Marxists, with the rarest and most rare exceptions, turned away from him altogether.

Human nature is synonymous with the pursuit of excellence. We want to leave something for the next generation, or the generation after that, to show them that we the people, we existed, to show them what we did with our time on Planet Earth, to show that we are immortal. This is the impulse behind the cathedrals, the pyramids, the Great Wall of China, and so many other things on planet Earth. We, as collective humanity, have created over the course of our existence. Because, when we do things for the Truest of Reasons, reasons that benefit humanity, we produce our most significant achievements. And the real reason, the real reason we chose to go to the Moon, as JFK said, was not because it was easy, but because it was hard.

Finally, I would like to say that we are the future. Knowing that we are unique through our divine spark of reason. The elite can steal trillions of dollars of wealth, but they can never be immortal, for they act against the interests of humanity. But we the people, on the other hand, can achieve immortality by doing something great: thinking and working in the name of the common good, the commonwealth.

They say that no man is better than his conversation, that no politician can overcome his speech, but we come to a time when incongruity endangers the destiny of humanity. The idea, the word, and the action are the indispensable units of forward-thinking societies and we must not destroy it if we want to overcome our fleeting individual existence and think of “the collective land of the word: “ours”.

Finally, although dark, heavy clouds are gathering all around us, I look to the future and see reasons for hope. “Close proximity to a majestic mountain is a mixed blessing,” noted Edward Said, “One is at once graced by the magnanimity of its pastures and the bounty of its slopes,” and yet one can never see where one is sitting, under the shadow of what greatness, or the embracing comfort of what assurance. Yes, there is hope and we will prevail.

Thank you so much.

Poza de profil

D. Estulin


Daniel Estulin is a writer and researcher, now based in Mexico. Follow his work on