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No to the imprisonment of Iurie Roșca

Iurie Roşca, one of the founders of the Republic of Moldova and one of the most prominent Moldovan politicians and intellectuals during the entire period of independence, has been subjected to a prolonged criminal prosecution since 2017 for his active political and journalistic activities. There is no doubt that this is a political prosecution against Iurie Roşca, as all the criminal charges against him are absolutely groundless and legally unproven.

Iurie Roşca is widely known outside Moldova, in Europe, in the West and in many other countries, not only as a politician and journalist, but also as an intellectual who has written hundreds of articles and many books well known in academic circles of the above mentioned countries and regions.

For decades of his public and political activity, Iurie Roşca has tirelessly defended the sovereignty and independence of his country and currently has great authority in a significant, especially the most educated part of the Moldovan society. In my deep conviction, this is the reason (trigger) for the activation and reanimation of the already practically dead, legally absolutely untenable accusations against Iurie Roşca, because potentially, as a presidential candidate, he can take part in the upcoming October 20 presidential elections in Moldova. And it is more than obvious that this will create serious problems for both the authorities and the opposition of Moldova.

I personally know Iurie Roşca since 1991, when back in the days of the Soviet Union, he organized the "Kishinev Forum", the purpose of which was to coordinate the efforts of all national-democratic forces in the struggle for the independence of our countries. He persistently continues to unite intellectuals from different countries in the current conditions within the framework of the revived Kishinev Forum, an international platform uniting scientists, researchers, writers and political analysts who oppose the tyranny of the New World Order and the "electronic concentration camp".

And for so many years of our friendship, of which I am very proud, and cooperation, I can say with all responsibility that Yuri Roshka is a steadfast and true patriot of his country, and despite the fact that he has been exposed to persecution and risk for more than 35 years, and no, I repeat no persecution can break him. Roshka is a real fighter, and first of all a fighter faithful to Christ and the people.

I declare my solidarity and full support for Yuri Roshka.

The political persecution against Yuri Roshka must be stopped immediately.

David Shahnazaryan,
