I greet you, dear friends, and I say, God help you.
So the one who speaks to you becomes newsmaker number 1 today. We are on August 2, 2024 and Yuri Roshka announces that he was sentenced to 6 years in prison with enforcement, plus confiscation, plus confiscation, plus payment of state tax.
What I have been telling you, dear friends, for several months, since the file was improperly forwarded, completely illegally, in the arms of the Honorable Lady Judge Ana Cucerescu. This girl got the file just to get it done with a conviction. So for the sake of, how shall I say, irony, I must remind you that on the 23rd of July, at the penultimate session at the level of the first instance, the prosecutors requested 4 years with enforcement in the case of Yuri Roshka. There are very rare cases when judges offer you a longer term of imprisonment than what the state prosecutors demand.
Now some quick conclusions.
In this way, I am recognized as a dissident, perhaps the number one in the Romanian space. At least at the moment there is no other extremely vocal politician and journalist on a national and international scale who would deserve the big prize, 6 years imprisonment with execution. I will not go over the details that I, and lawyer Iulian Rusanovschi, have told you so many times in the last months(see #JusticeForYuri), I have no illusions about the chances of winning in court number 2.
What I want to tell you on this occasion, with absolute certainty, the decision was not taken in the Republic of Moldova and not by Madam Cucerescu. Judge Ana Cucerescu just skimed, more or less, over the sentence. Why? Because Yuri Roshka must be silenced, Yuri Roshka must be put in the cold, Yuri Roshka must be destroyed, so that his voice can no longer be heard in the public space. I became excessively vocal in their acceptance, in four languages at the same time, Romanian, Russian, English and French. I have become quite visible in the international space, especially in the alternative media and in scientific, academic, journalistic, in the area of international dissidence, resistance, especially through the Chisinau Forum initiative, which I have been organizing regularly since 2017. Even if most of you gentlemen from the Republic of Moldova or Romania did not have the opportunity, perhaps not even the curiosity, to follow these annual conferences, the ones who had to noticed it and and had seen that our international team is able to present a picture, a synthesis of the world today, a holistic, systemic, organic, easy-to-understand interpretation of the state of the world today. And that bothers them a lot.
Now another aspect. Don't think that the government from Chisinau necessarily happy about today's decision at the Chisinau jubilation, Buiucani sector. Perhaps on the contrary, because no matter how you spin it and twist it, the conviction of Yuri Roshka will backfire negatively on the electoral score of this group, which has only one concern for the current year, October 20 ― the day in which they intend to keep Madam Maia Sandu in office as President of the Republic of Moldova. And also on that day to obtain a majority of the votes of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova in favor of joining the European Union. And here is Yuri Roshka, being one of the most insistent and corrosive, critics of the current government, primarily of Maia Sandu, but also of the European Union as an anti-national, anti-Christian project, which first colonizes peoples mentally, then economically, politically and civilizationally, culturally and so on.
Once again, I don't necessarily think that Maia Sandu or Recean or Grosu or others are rubbing their hands, as they start thinking, guys, what have I done? we couldn't help but heed the precious directions from our outside masters, but you don't know what will happen tomorrow, the day after, how the world will react. As I told you, I have no doubt, if I am usually silenced by the mainstream media, today the television screens will explode in the detailed exposition of the legend drawn up by Michael Ivanov as the prosecutor and his accomplices, one Alexei Damaskin, which was the basis of the plasticization, falsification, fabrication of this criminal file and here is that, after so many attempts, by so many governments to see Yuri Roshka in prison. It seems the dream of my enemies is about to come true.
Now what I want to tell you.
Follow my Telegram channel Iurie Roșca. Check out my blog, which is a newer and lesser known, one called https://arcaluinoe.info. Follow my Facebook pages while they're still around. I have the page with Iurie Rosca and the Planul Rosca. That's where we'll try to keep you up to date with what's going on with me and, in fact, what's going on in the world.
Brothers, for me, as a journalist, how can I say it it is more important than any international or national award. I admit, I never received any state award, no matter how small. Any rascal from the Republic of Moldova, who somehow went through the parliament or the government, was honoured with all kinds of orders and medals. But the one who speaks out is always met with scorn from any government, because he is sufficiently categorical in his criticisms, and he shows so many times that the King is Naked, that the country is in ruins, and those who govern it are incapable of exercising the act of governing in the interest of the people for the common good, as we say.
So this is my first reaction.
Keep following our materials. Don't lose hope.
Once again, thank you to everyone who prayed and is praying for me, from Moldova, from Romania, worldwide, from Mount Athos. This is very important to me.
Thanks to everyone who had public reactions. To the few journalists and politicians who wrote about me and spoke in my defense. To the many who have written to me and sent me messages of encouragement on Facebook or Telegram or other social networks.
Don't cry, today I am congratulated, decorated with the biggest possible medal: the satanic globalist system recognizes my merit as a fighter against the new world order. Therefore, I have not lived in vain to this day. I didn't cast a shadow on the Earth for nothing.
And don't forget our saying that I repeat every time on these occasions. horses don't die when dogs want them to.
And tomorrow is the day. And we'll see each other and everything will be fine.
a conservative journalist from the Republic of Moldova, who in the past was an anti-communist dissident, party leader, MP and deputy prime minister, who is now an anti-globalist author with strong Christian and nationalist convictions.