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Chișinău Forum 2023 poster

Weaponization of Justice

The article was originally published by Prof. Federico Nazar on

The most unquestionable proof of a global take-over of the judicial system is that not a single court in the whole world condemned those responsible for the harming and useless lockdowns and, not the least, for the lethal and ineffective experimental COVID haccines.

Please read the previous articles to begin to understand what is really going on in this truman show:

Who are The Powers That Be (TPTB) ?

Illuminati David Rockefeller, “finest” quotes:

Illuminati Attali, “finest” quotes:

Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:

Above, Ronald Bernard explained the masonic infiltration of most courts in the world. He had been sentenced to jail by a Belgium court for a financial crime he couldn’t have committed, being in a coma in a public hospital (due to a masonic attempt on his life for daring to leave).

A deep report has proven that illuminati George Soros controls the European Court of Human Rights.

We’ve all seen the blatant lawfare by the Department of Justice against Trump, mostly stopped by a tight Supreme Court ruling. If Trump hadn’t proposed the last Justices for the Senate approval, he’d be in jail for no real crime, due to a masonic judicial coup!

Just like in Julian Assange’s case, another freedom-hero, attorney Reiner Fuellmich, is in jail for a fake crime. I recommend reading the sessions, which prove how rigged the trial is and how compromised Germany is: the German Governmet abducted Fuellmich out of Mexico without an extradition request! (the only country which got away with foreign abduction is Israel).

This isn’t about serious countries becoming banana republics but about SSS (Satanic Secret Societies like freemasonry), all under one command, infiltrating every structure of power or, if not possible, bribing their way up with trillions of counterfeit currency.

After a fake trial, Mr. Yuri Roshka (also written Iurie Rosca) was imprisoned for 6 years (!) just for defending freedom.

Prior to his detainment, he refused to escape to another country, possibly because his martyrdom for the freedom-cause could help others as an example, and because it could be interpreted as if he was guilty. He also refused to open an account for donations for his legal defense and, when he was suggested by a friend to have a pocket Bible in case of his detainment, he sent a picture of all the prayer books he was also planning to take to prison.

Yuri Roshka wrote on 2 Aug 2024: Today I was sentenced to 6 years in prison

Yuri Roshka What kind of IDIOT signs a receipt for a bribe? !!!

Yuri is obviously not an idiot so it's clear that the whole thing is a setup !!!

Yuri was found guilty of “benefiting from (political) influence.”

The case was initiated in 2017 based on a complaint filed by a businessman with a dubious reputation, Alexey Damaskin. The receipt, allegedly written by Yuri Roshka, states that he received 110 thousand dollars from Damascus. Before that, he received 117 thousand dollars.

Roshka denies the accusation and considers it politically motivated:

From the very beginning, the criminal investigation, opened under the previous government in 2017 and now completed, is politically motivated and aimed at silencing an objectionable journalist and politician who sharply criticizes the government.

The illegal transfer of my case from one judge to another, as well as the insulting and illegal treatment of me during the trial, shows beyond any doubt that this is a politically motivated criminal prosecution against me as a journalist and politician.

― Source:

Yuri had previously written on 11 Jul 2024:

Dear friends,

I would like to inform you about my situation as a defendant in a criminal case, which was initiated under the former criminal government (under the conditions of usurpation of state power) in 2017 and is being completed under another government, consisting totally of mercenaries of the Soros network.

The court hearings ended on July 8. I experienced abusive and illegal treatment from the judge. All procedural norms and any right to defense are violated. All our approaches to challenge the judge or to move the examination of the case to another court of equal rank are rejected.

On July 23, the sentence of conviction is to be pronounced. The risk is up to 7 years imprisonment.

Thank you for your cooperation and support. I assure you that if I am incarcerated, I will continue to write from prison. Of course, if I'm allowed to have paper and pen.

I assure you that my colleagues will continue to publish the speeches of the participants at Chisinau Forum 2024 twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If I manage to remain at liberty, I will try to organize another edition of the Chisinau Forum this autumn.

God bless you all.

Sincerely yours,


Yuri created the Chisinau Forum, showcasing renowned international speakers. For example, the following presentation, which seems to have been censored by the International COVID Summit 2023. They refuse to answer when it was presented after asking for it, and it seems they forgot to add it in their publication, possibly because of Robert Malone, who, suspiciously, still refuses to talk about the haccines, the SSS and the real root solutions):

Four little huge things to do for Yuri

  • Please pray for him, Reiner, and all other freedom fighters in jail!
  • On social networks use the hashtag #FreeYuri and you may also use the link to this substack,
  • If you have any contact with politicians, ambassadors, celebrities, please tell them to protest against the Government of Moldova, behind this injustice.
  • Please write a #FreeYori complaint email to:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Or, personlized mail is even better:

Presidential office: Maia Sandu, President of Moldova,,

Members of Parliament: Chairman – Igor Grosu,,,,

Prime-Minister - Dorin Recean:,

Ministry of Justice, Minister - VERONICA MIHAILOV-MORARU:,

Prosecutor general – Ion Munteanu:,

Superior Council of Magistracy:,

Poza de profil

F. Nazar


Scientific Progress Fund, Research Director