The presidential elections in Romania have attracted a lot of international media interest. And the alternative media seems to have had a good opportunity to test its ability to discern between truth and lies. But just as people in our camp often prefer to be deceived through seduction and impressed by appearances, they count among the supporters and promoters of impostors such as Donald Trump or his clones such as Călin Georgescu.
There are quite a few among us who imagine that there could still be a country in which someone who is not controlled by the System could register a major electoral result. In other words, those who claim to criticize the System become victims of the System because of excessive credulity and wishful thinking. We do not like to believe that the global coup is a fait accompli. It became fully evident in 2020 with the fake pandemic. On this matter, our Swedish friend Jacob Nordangard's book Global Coup: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset is very insightful.
Our electoralist obsession, the religion of republicanism, the myths of “popular sovereignty” and universal suffrage prevent us from accepting that, under the conditions of mass democracy, we cannot reverse the situation in favor of national interests.
Călin Georgescu is a classic example of social engineering, implemented a long time ago. He is a notorious Freemason, a member of the Club of Rome, which he praises to this day, but which he claims to have abandoned a year ago because the Club had moved away from his 'bright ideals'. He has long worked at the UN as an expert on 'sustainable development', which, as we know, is the global elite's strategy for the destruction and enslavement of mankind. Georgescu worked for many years in the Romanian Government, in particular as head of UN programs for the implementation of the sustainable development strategy.
Mr. Georgescu has repeated time and time again publicly the limit-defying lie that the Club of Rome was created by some geniuses, some very wise men, concerned about the fate of humanity for noble reasons. But, he brazenly claims, the luminous and immaculate Club of Rome has been hijacked by villains from its lofty purposes.
What impudence! What hypocrisy! It is well known that this think-tank was created by the globalist billionaire David Rockefeller, with his henchman in this organization being none other than the American strategist Zbignew Brzeziński, the two of them, in complicity with Henry Kissinger, being the main theorists of the New World Order and of “global governance” as a form of technocratic world tyranny. Incidentally, David Rockefeller also created the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group, and the Rockefeller clan also donated land for the UN headquarters after World War II.
Călin Georgescu, however, duplicitously omits these names and facts, preferring to expose the falsified, public relations version, also present on Wikipedia, that the founder of the Club of Rome was the Italian industrialist and economist Aurelio Peccei, whom he keeps extolling alongside another sinister character, whom he declares to be a personal friend. This is Dennis Meadows, the main author of the infamous Club of Rome report Limits to Growth, published in 1972. This report relaunched the Malthusian theory of population reduction on the grounds that the population was growing too fast considering mankind's finite resources. This is the structure that Călin Georgescu has served, and it is this occult network that has parachuted him into Romanian politics, having prepared him meticulously for this moment for decades.
By the way, I hope you haven't forgotten that the false theory of climate change and global warming is also the work of the elitist and philanthropic Club of Rome. One need only peruse the 2018 report of this organization in the service of the globalists, entitled The Climate Emergency Plan: . Has Georgescu breathed a single critical word about the climate change myth promoted by his accomplices, which is the key to establishing a technocratic global tyranny? Of course not. He just says he has resigned from this Club. That is all. And he gets to be believed…
Moreover, Călin Georgescu does not shy away from publicly and repeatedly praises Freemasonry while at the same time denying that he is a Freemason. He declares that it is Freemasonry that has the historical merit of having created the modern Romanian state. Worse still, in praising Freemasonry, he reminds us that Mozart was also a Freemason, and that this did not make him any less brilliant. What crude manipulation! But it's catching on.
After the fall of communism, Romania went through many tragic moments. But this careerist and insider never took a public stand against the tragedy of his own people. He was activated a few years ago and launched himself into Romanian public life after retiring from the UN. And he parasitized the nationalist discourse with great success.
His bombastic speeches, full of references to the sacred symbols of Romanian history and culture, managed to impress many people. And to make it even more credible, he declared himself a sympathizer of the Legionary Movement and its leader Corneliu Codreanu, as well as of Marshal Antonescu.
Călin Georgescu is a classic example of controlled opposition, a simulacrum, a globalist puppet apt at seducing the gullible public. He has been assigned the role of savior, as in the case of Trump. That is why, with the help of manipulation techniques used by the Romanian special services affiliated to the globalists, he was propelled into the second round of the presidential elections.
The trick to cast him into the role of controlled opposition was successful, by having Zionist circles in Romania, such as the Wiesel Institute and Soros networks that support him, vehemently challenge his candidacy, label him as fascist, Nazi, extremist, etc. And to make the legend even more credible, Călin Georgescu was pushed into the second round against a lady, Elena Lasconi, a progressive who runs for a political party manufactured by the Soros network, USR which is pro-LGBTQ, pro-NATO and pro-EU, etc. In other words, Romanians have to choose between one tool of the globalists with the mask of a great patriot and another tool of the globalists without the mask of a patriot. The equation for the second round of presidential elections in Romania imitates the Trump-Harris tandem, thus leading to voting for the false patriot or for the lesser evil embodied by Georgescu.
The globalists' strategy has managed to manipulate anti-globalist dissident circles both because of Călin Georgescu's anti-System discourse and because the world's mainstream media criticized him for his nationalist discourse. I would like to draw attention to the extremely insightful method of spotting such political characters, proposed by our French friend Youssef Hindi. He, commenting on the fulminating appearances of the so-called sovereignists, argues that we are faced in fact with an “Israeli-conformist nationalism,” reminiscent of Vladimir Lenin’s position: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves”. Marine Le Pen, Viktor Orban, Mario Salvini all belong to this cohort. By the way, the latter two have already shown their solidarity with Benjamin Satanyahu after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for genocide crimes. Orban and Salvini invite the Zionist leader guilty of unimaginable crimes to visit Hungary and Italy respectively.
Călin Georgescu must be placed in the same “political family”. Now, another remarkable fact in this event, the Bucharest media is trumpeting that the representative of the big winner Trump, Robert Kennedy Jr. is coming to support Călin Georgescu in the upcoming second-round. Personally, I think this ex-Democrat was accepted into the Trump camp not for his anti-vaccine position, but for his full and ardent support of Israel. So here we have yet another “Israeli-conformist nationalist”. It's also interesting to note here that the entire team of Trump’s future cabinet members consists exclusively of fanatical Zionists or their minions. Their motto is “Israel first!”.
See in this regard just a few video interviews in which the great anti-vaccinationist Robert Kennedy Jr. deifies Israel and demonizes the Palestinians and the Gaza Sector, presenting himself as an excellent promoter of the criminal interests of the Zionists:
In the age of advanced technology and large-scale manipulation, having learned the historical lesson about the merchants and moneylenders who produced the republic and the electoral system to control politics, it is regrettable that so many people in our camp are still deceived by appearances. In such embarrassing situations we can no longer even distinguish between the gullible in good faith and those who have infiltrated us to manipulate us.
Please admire the savior of Romania on a white horse and in Superman armor. These are not fake photos, they are part of the campaign to promote Calin Georgescu.
By the way, Calin Georgescu also practices judo as Putin and also bathes in the lake in the middle of winter. After all, such a superman is not good enough to be voted?
The Society of Spectacle works impeccably. And the audience is very impressed by this theater that has no end.