During the year 2024 I discovered among the multiple products of the alternative media an author who particularly impressed me. His articles show a vast erudition, lucidity, analytical spirit and professional honesty. It's about someone who prefers to sign off like this: The World Is Not Enough: https://www.worldnotenough.com
I have translated into Romanian and published several texts by this author. And when I discovered the interview that my friend Hrvoje Morić did for "Geopolitics & Empire", I followed his example.
― Yuri Roshka
1. Thank you for accepting this dialog. I have been following your articles for some time and have even translated a number of them into Romanian. I discovered that we have similar views on international political issues. First of all, I would like to ask you to tell us a little about yourself and your platform "The World is Not Enough".
Thank you, Yuri for inviting me to have this conversation with you. And also thank you for translating my articles, it is much appreciated. Looking over your books and articles, I agree we are similarly lined up on the international political scene. There seems to be only a small fringe minority of the alternative community that share our world view. Most have jumped on the Trump bandwagon, or the BRICS bandwagon or the multipolar world bandwagon. My background is varied and due to circumstances, I am forced to stay as low key as possible. I am sure you understand, considering your own legal battles with the establishment in your country.
The World is Not Enough is from a James Bond movie and the pseudonym that I am using 009 is from the same movie. I suppose it is tongue in cheek, though in some ways I feel like a covert agent, albeit working for the good guys, not MI6 who are thoroughly corrupted and compromised.
2. A political analyst, referring to the fact that the military conflict in Ukraine is not called a war by Russian officials but a SMO, because in a war both sides aim for victory. And in the case of Ukraine, neither side is seeking victory. How would you characterize the war in Ukraine?
The war in Ukraine is indeed a Special Military Operation, just like Operation Warp Speed was a special military operation. The globalists always tell you what they are doing in plain sight. Operation means covert activity, like Operation Paperclip, Operation Concord, or Operation Mockingbird.
At the outset of the conflict, it looked to all discerning analysts, that Russia had a legitimate beef against NATO and USA, after the decades of NATO expansion. The 2014 crisis, manufactured by Victoria Nuland bore all the hallmarks of a CIA operation to overthrow the Ukrainian government and install a pliable US proxy regime. If Ukraine became a NATO subsidiary, it would be an existential threat to Russian security, just like if Russia formed a military alliance with Mexico, and started building bases and giving Mexico advanced missiles and weapons. If this happened, the Americans would go berserk.
After three years into the war, or SMO, there have been several very strange events, that contradict this narrative.
First of all, Russia has 10 times the military might of Ukraine, and the war should have been a quick mop up operation, comparable to the 2003 Iraq War, where the US military squashed Saddam's military within a month. Even the most astute analyst, like Scott Ritter[1] predicted over and over again that it would be a quick victory. Yet here we are on Day #1050 and there is still no end in sight. In fact, things have gotten worse for Russia, with a Ukrainian incursion into Kursk, and Russia being forced to hire 10,000 North Korean[2] troops at a cost of $2000 a month for each soldier. This is a $200 million expenditure.
Secondly, the mutiny by Prighozin's Wagner group[3] is extremely disconcerting. Prighozin began posting inflammatory videos on social media, condemning the Russian military's incompetence and corruption, complaining that the reasons for the invasion were based on lies. After staging an aborted coup on Moscow, Prighozin exiled to Belarus and was conveniently killed in a plane crash[4] soon after.
Thirdly, in March 2022, Russian troops had Kyiv surrounded[5] and then inexplicably retreated. Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that the withdrawal was a “gesture of goodwill,” aimed at creating favorable conditions for peace talks. Why did the Russian military not unload some of its formidable arsenal[6] of hypersonic missiles and other advanced missiles for a quick and relatively painless victory?
One thing to note about the myopia within the alternative media ― while many are quick to condemn Israel's war crimes in Gaza and accept the International Court of Justice's verdict that Israel is committing genocide, yet they do not allow that Russia is committing war crimes by a verdict of the same International Court, considering that it is now estimated that there are over 1 million deaths[7] in the conflict and regardless of the justification for Russia's invasion, this is a seriously horrible war. The ICJ found that Ukraine had “a plausible right not to be subjected to military operations by the Russian Federation for the purpose of preventing and punishing an alleged genocide” in its territory.
3. Trump says he wants to stop the war in Ukraine, while Putin says he's open to peace talks. What is your view on this?
Trump is a pathological liar[8], so nothing he says can be taken seriously. In fact, generally speaking, Trump does the opposite of what he says he is doing. While running on a Make America Great Again mandate, he has systematically made America worse, through a laundry list of policies that have hurt America. While he claims he is a working class champion, during his first year in office, he cut taxes to the corporate sector, thus giving the billionaire class significant breaks and not the working class.
Even if Trump sincerely wanted to stop the war, his handlers have no interest in stopping it, because the war is accomplishing many things for them. Putin's rhetoric that he is open to peace talks is also empty words. If he was open to peace, he would simply withdraw his troops, no negotiations needed.
4. There are views that Trump's concessions to Putin on Ukraine are the result of secret deals that Russia will do nothing to stop Israel's military aggression against several countries in the region.
There is not much resistance to Israel's military aggression against countries in the region. Hezbollah, despite much inflammatory rhetoric from Nasrallah before he was assassinated, did very little to retaliate against Israel. Nasrallah claimed that Hezbollah was pursuing a policy of gradual escalation, but that did not happen. Hezbollah has an arsenal of 150,000 missiles and could have unleashed massive damage on Israeli military and infrastructure targets, but instead they have engaged in a tit for tat war of attrition.
The same is true of Iran. On 31 July 2024, Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of Hamas, was assassinated along with his personal bodyguard in the Iranian capital Tehran by an Israeli attack. This is a direct act of war. If Iran had launched a missile into an American city, all hell would break loose. Yet Iran has done nothing, except empty threats of vengeance. This is similar to the US assassination of General Solemani. Despite vows of vengeance, Iran still has done nothing.
Putin and Netanyahu are friends, and there is no indication that Putin is against the destruction of Gaza, other than mere words of protest.
Why is this happening?
The unsettling yet possible conclusion is that Putin, Trump, Netanyahu are all working together in a grand strategy to do a Great Reset on the entire central chessboard of the Eurasian continent. The conflict in Gaza and Ukraine are merely pretexts for greater regional projects.
5. The next target of Israel and its US vassal is Iran. Can Russia and China prevent the devastation of Iran?
Neither Israel, nor USA, nor even the combined weight of all of NATO could conquer Iran. They could do serious damage, this is true, but Iran is not Iraq or Gaza or Syria or Libya. Despite the fact that US and NATO far outnumber and outgun Iran, it would be a logistical nightmare for an invasion into Iran because, firstly, Iran has a massive state of the art military, and secondly, Iran is riddled with mountain ranges which are fortified with tunnels and defence installations that would bog down any attempt to overthrow the regime long term.
Then we are reminded that Russia, China and Iran fully participated in the lockdowns, mask wearing, social distancing and the vaccine injection program. What does this tell us about who is really running Russia, China or Iran? At the very least it poses serious questions about the alleged conflicts between the West and these nations.
6. How do you explain the fact that an important part of the alternative press has fallen into Trump's trap? Why this fanatical veneration of him?
The alternative press are hopium smokers, and they are stoned out of their brains on a daily basis. This reveals that firstly, most do not have a comprehensive understanding of world affairs, and secondly most are Americans or pro-Americans and they are blinded by their American nationalism. Patriotism is a powerful drug and it is also very addictive. The NAZI regime proved this, by leveraging Germany's wounded national pride and creating a war machine. America is likewise primed by its own wounded national pride, and Trump is the perfect national messiah to lead USA to its downfall.
Most of the alternative community are convinced the nation-state system is sacred, and that a return to nationalism and national sovereignty is the solution to globalism. But the truth is that universalism combined with localism are the antidotes to the global Great Reset project. It is only on the local level, that we as private citizens are able to effectively engage the agenda of the cabal.
I invite you to take a look at the work of Canadian Maggie Braun who single-handedly ended the climate change agenda in her city of Peterborough, by carefully explaining the agenda at a city council meeting. She has created an organisation called KICLEI[9] and she is one of the unsung heroes of the counter revolution that is slowly taking place all over the world.
She is on Substack[10].
Universalism is needed because we have a global problem, not a national problem. It does indeed manifest itself on the national level, but it is ubiquitous and all pervasive across all levels of government. That means, for the Christian nationalists within the alternative community, they need to recognize that all religions, nationalities, ethnicities and races are under assault. Universal values need to be expressed and relied upon to bond the various groups within the alt community together.
We are not only citizens of nations, we are also human beings on a great ball spinning in space, in a universe of time and space
7. We have both noticed that in recent years the polarization of relations between the West and Russia has pushed a considerable number of political commentators in the alternative press into the arms of the Kremlin. Criticism of the globalist West is almost always accompanied by praise for the Putin regime. In this case how can we distinguish between the "useful idiots" who see through the false dichotomies and the mercenaries paid by Moscow-based globalists?
One of the prime useful idiots is Alexander Dugin, genius that he is. Here is one of his prime quotes that really sums up the contradictory nature of the viewpoint of much of the alternative press:
The world we are now entering knows neither Canada nor Ukraine. In the multipolar world, there are only genuinely sovereign great powers.
― Alexander Dugin, 8 January 2025
It is interesting to note that Dugin singles out Canada, who Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the “world's first post-national state” in an interview in the New York Times in 2015[11].
His embrace of a pan-cultural heritage makes him an avatar of his father's [Pierre Trudeau] vision. “There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,” he claimed. “There are shared values ― openness, respect, compassion, willingness to work hard, to be there for each other, to search for equality and justice. Those qualities are what make us the first post-national state.”
Dugin cheerleading for his enemies is the ultimate betrayal of everything he supposedly stands for and preaches against. Though Dugin loathes modernity and the neoliberalism of the West, he is advocating their agenda. The post-national order of the multipolar word is the end of the nation-state system. His comment that “there are only genuinely sovereign great powers” is a reference to the poles of the emerging multipolar world. In other words, there will only be a handful of super-nations, such as the North American Union, EU, India, Russia, China, and the UAE who will dominate the New Multipolar World Order.
Whether men like Alexander Dugin, Pepe Escobar, Matt Erhet and Scott Ritter are paid mercenaries is open for discussion, but even if they are unpaid mercenaries, they are still unable to see through the false dichotomies that are intrinsic in the agenda of the globalist cabal.
Another example is Constantine Von Hoffmeister, whose new book MULTIPOLARITY![12] is prefaced with this remark:
The age of unipolar domination is over. MULTIPOLARITY! declares the dawn of a new epoch where ancient and distinct civilizations rise to assert their sovereignty against the waning universalism of the dying liberal West.
The truth is that the age of unipolar domination is, in fact over, and now we are headed into multipolar domination, with the same unipolar globalist actors now in charge of the multipolar project.
Will a multipolar world order be better or worse than a unipolar world order? Maybe the answer is that it will have both positive and negative consequences, though we will have to wait and see.
8. How do you explain the enthusiasm of people with anti-globalist views for the perfectly globalist BRICS project?
We need to default to human nature. People believe what they want to believe, not what is real. It takes courage to face reality and the horrifying truth that we are confronted with is too much truth for some people. Human beings' most basic need is for security, and this goes beyond food, water and shelter security. Emotional and ideological security are human needs, and people automatically and unconsciously default to an ideological believe that makes them feel comfortable. They then rationalise their belief, but much of human belief is emotionally based for reasons of personal security and well-being.
The BRICS project hits all the trigger buttons of a new world order that sounds warm and fuzzy. The Global South is now being given a mega-boost on the world stage and this seems long overdue. The West is in decline and the East is rising. We should have a more equitable and fairer world, with the weaker nations given equal voice on the world stage. This all sounds right and even democratic, yet the hidden hands of the architects of this Great BRICS Reset are not hard to see, if you are looking for it.
9. Chino-mania is also the result of a certain perception of relations between West and East. How would you characterize China's policy today, especially as it relates to the globalist agenda?
China is 100 percent lined up with the entire globalist agenda of climate change, UN Sustainable Goals, The Great Reset, 4IR, AI revolution, surveillance and the vaccine rollout. There is competition between the USA and China, but they are each other's largest trading partner so any hostilities between them are counterproductive for both parties.
China entered into the globalist umbrella in 1971, when Kissinger and Nixon paid a friendly visit to Mao Tse Tung and Chou Enlai. They made a deal with China to allow the transfer of the manufacturing base of the world from USA to China. This deal is still in effect. China would not be where they are today, without the explicit cooperation and assistance of the globalists.
China is the leader in surveillance technology. Half of the surveillance cameras in the world are in China. They are approximately 1 billion surveillance cameras globally, with 54% of them in China. The mass surveillance system includes social media and online monitoring. China has created the Great Firewall to prevent access to western websites such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia.
China had the most aggressive and brutal lockdown during the pandemic.
So, there is good and bad with China. China lifted over 300 million people out of poverty over the last three decades of growth. Millions of Chinese people are loyal to the CCP because the party made their lives better. China has also provided cheap manufacturing for the whole world. People have to reconcile these contradictory issues.
10. Chino-mania is also the result of a certain perception of relations between West and East. There is an excitement about the giant Belt and Road project. How would you characterize China's policy today, especially as it relates to the globalist agenda?
The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative is another Great Reset project that is happening behind the scenes with zero interference from anyone on the world stage, other than some lame protests from the West, accusing China of creating debt traps for third world countries.
China is literally taking over Eurasia through this massive BRI project and nobody, not even the globalists are stopping them.
The fact is that the BRI is a fantastic project, the greatest infrastructure project in history. It will do a lot of long term good for the whole world, some of it economic good, because it will reduce freight costs and travel time for both goods and travellers. Secondly, international trade leads to peace and the lowering of tariffs and trade barriers means greater harmony and cooperation.
When we see treaties and trade deals and other international agreements being torn up on the world stage, we know this is the sign of impending hostilities and open warfare between nations.
The downside of an extensive rail system that crosses the Eurasian continent is that China can funnel troops and equipment, just as easily as cargo, anywhere on the grid, in the event of resistance.
In one of my articles[13] I touched on this subject and pointed out that the West is fully on board with the BRI. Excerpts from the article:
Many analysts insist that the West, and specifically America have no interest in joining the BRI, and that the West is hostile to the project. Yet, there are some serious problems with this hypothesis.
For starters, China's top export partner is the United States, with over $600 billion in annual trade. If we study our first map, we can plainly see that the US/China maritime shipping route carries the largest volume of containers in the world. The second highest volume of shipping traffic goes from China, through the Strait of Malacca and onward through the Suez Canal, terminating in Europe.

In other words, the United States is already the main Belt and Road partner. There is no need for the US to sign on to build new ports and harbours, when they already are the main shipping destination of Chinese goods, and the infrastructure and trade routes are already well established.
The second point, that is based on geography, and which should be an obvious point ― the United States could not possibly join the BRI road and rail projects, due to the two large oceans separating North America from China and Europe.
The two largest ports in Europe are in Rotterdam, and just south is the Antwerp harbour in Belgium. The western terminus points of the Belt and Road meet at the harbours at Rotterdam and Antwerp.
The Belt and Road Initiative's main theme is to connect Asia with Europe and Africa ― explicitly stated by Xi Jinping[14], from the earliest conception of the project:
The Belt and Road Initiative is rooted in the ancient Silk Road. It focuses on the Asian, European and African continents, but is also open to all other countries. All countries, from either Asia, Europe, Africa or the Americas, can be international cooperation partners of the Belt and Road Initiative. The pursuit of this initiative is based on extensive consultation and its benefits will be shared by us all.
11. The anti-System critics who rail against Agenda 2030, vaccinism, depopulation, electronic GULAG, CBDC, 15-minute cities, etc. are doing a colossal job of bringing the truth to light. But the means of effective resistance are quite modest or perhaps even illusory. Under the technocratic tyranny that is already a reality to hope to stop the globalist agenda by the means of the rule of law is rather naive. How do you see out of this conceptual trap?
It is not enough to bring the truth to light. People have to get involved in the political process. The globalists have no problem getting involved with the political process because they understand that change needs to be legislated, and the only way to legislate change is by becoming a member of the political machine.
Many in the alt community are politically apathetic, to their own demise. The libertarian anarchists want to live in the woods, smoke weed and never pay taxes. This does not change anything. I have done an article on this subject[15], discussing the strategies needed to effectively combat this unprecedented crisis.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK93OgV08vY
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK93OgV08vY
- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/23/wagner-chief-accuses-moscow-of-lying-to-public-about-ukraine-yevgeny-prigozhin
- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66599733
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kyiv_(2022)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Rocket_Forces#Numbers_of_missiles_and_warheads
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Rocket_Forces#Numbers_of_missiles_and_warheads
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Rocket_Forces#Numbers_of_missiles_and_warheads
- https://gather2030.substack.com/p/kiclei-primer
- https://gather2030.substack.com/
- https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/13/magazine/trudeaus-canada-again.html
- https://www.amazon.com/dp/1917646070
- https://www.worldnotenough.com/p/chinas-belt-and-road-initiative-conquers?utm_source=publication-search
- http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-05/14/c_136282982.htm
- https://www.worldnotenough.com/p/a-simple-plan-for-the-alternative