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Less Than Two Months to Stop WHO Tyranny | Interview with James Roguski by Yuri Roshka

Iurie Roșca
Hello dear friends, hello dear followers of Chisinau Forum activities. I am Yuri Roshka from Moldova and today we have a special pleasure to have very well-known American journalist and civic activist, if I could say it, Mr. James Roguski. James, hello and thank you for accepting this dialogue, this interview. You know, several days ago, maybe two weeks ago, I had a similar conversation with Dr. Meryl Nass and we talked only about the danger, the threat of this very, very unusual for many of us project, which is prepared to be adopted during the next meeting of WHO. Before, we didn't have this kind of preoccupations or interest, ordinary people or even journalists, what it means WHO and so on, but during four years after this COVID-19 scamdemic or planndemic, we were determined to try to understand what happens and what it means this special operation to promote this new kind of regulations and so-called pandemic treaty.

Iurie Roșca
And I would like to ask you to start directly with your today's article, which is called Quarantine and maybe to explain in very precise and short way which kind of risks are now the main danger for all countries and the nations and communities.

James Roguski
First of all, thanks for having me. It's an honor to meet you and talk to you on this platform here. I've been reporting on this for over two years and so we could probably talk for days about all of the details of what's going on in here. But what I hope to do today is to focus very clearly on just one aspect of the hundreds of different things, which for people who maybe have no idea what we're about to be talking about, you have to go all the way back to 1969. Literally, and we joked a little bit about the space programs and stuff, in 1969 when the United States purportedly sent men to the moon in July of 1969, at that same time, just five days later after the moon landing, the 22nd annual meeting of the World Health Assembly was held in Boston, Massachusetts, and that is when they adopted the international health regulations. Most people have never read them until a couple years ago. I had never read them either. In 2005, they went through a major revision, very, very many, many changes that went into force in 2007. For the last 17 years, that has been the agreed upon way that the nations communicate with the WHO. If there was any kind of outbreak or unusual disease or increased disease rates in their country, every nation is obligated to alert the WHO if something is happening.

James Roguski
Well, it helps to understand first what the international health regulations are really all about. In 2005, what they were trying to do was encourage nations to be comfortable, to be transparent, and not hide problems. If there was an outbreak, if there was some strange disease, if there was an increase in disease rates or death, they didn't want nations to keep that a secret because if it got out of control and then it was a problem, the purpose was to encourage all nations to be very transparent. As soon as something was going on, they're supposed to tell the WHO, and the WHO could then alert the rest of the world.

James Roguski
Well, the flip side to that is the nations very loosely agreed to not panic and slap travel restrictions on the nation where there would be a problem. Now, what happened with Omicron when South Africa and Botswana identified a totally different variant according to them, they immediately told everybody, they made it public to the world, and many nations instituted travel restrictions, and that is exactly what the international health regulations…

Iurie Roșca
When precisely it happens?

James Roguski
I believe it was towards the end of 2021, we went through COVID and then we had a year with all the jabs and delta, alpha, beta, delta, Omicron. What happened was very upsetting to South Africa and Botswana. They transparently told the world, hey, we identified this problem. Turns out it was elsewhere in the world as well, but they were hit with travel restrictions which violated the spirit of the international health regulations. Why would anybody have ever read the international health regulations? Most people have no idea what they really are. They're essentially, if you have a problem, you tell the WHO, if it seems to be a big problem, the WHO tells the world, and we're supposed to deal with it without panicking, but everybody panicked with COVID.

James Roguski
And so fast forward in 2022, the nations put out a directive and they wanted the WHO to oversee negotiations to make amendments to the international health regulations. Now, I was blessed because in November of 2022, I watched a video of the Indonesian health minister talking to the B20, which are the 20 largest nations, but the business leaders, not the government officials. He was talking to the business leaders and he proudly proclaimed that Indonesia was putting forth the idea that they would have a global digital health certification network with a vaccine passport or a testing passport so that people could, you know, move around. Well, the problem is the vaccines don't work. The problem is the tests don't really diagnose whether someone is contagious or sick. And so the…

Iurie Roșca
You mean PCR test, which is not…

James Roguski
It's not a test. Yeah, I refuse to call it a test. It's a laboratory process.

Iurie Roșca
Absolutely. It was a joke just to determine people to accept this kind of so-called test, PCR test, which is not a real tool to determine this kind of diseases. But if you allow me, James, excuse me for interrupting you, but I remember now this definition which was changed inside of WHO and I am quoting from this famous now book, “The Indoctrinated Brain” by Dr. Michael Nels from Germany. And he is quoting here five steps in the preparation of crime against humanity. First step. Change the definition of a pandemic. And he is quoting this more or less old definition. An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in the several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses. And during this meeting in 2009, the last part of this sentence, of this definition, with enormous number of deaths and illnesses was cut. And after that, the flu and so on. And it was another step in transforming so-called WHO, not in a consultative body, but in a special agency which is able to impose in any moment a pandemic without any scientific relevance. Yes.

James Roguski
Well, let me make one very technical correction. A declaration is different than imposing. And so a lot of people have been sloppy with the language. And so in the amendments, they're adding to what they currently have. There is no definition of the word pandemic. What you read was essentially just an open discussion. It's not a legally binding term that's in the international health regulations. That's how people talk about it, but it's not actually in the regulations.

James Roguski
So what the current batch of amendments are talking about, all the way back to 2007, the director general, pretty much just because he wants to, can declare a public health emergency of international concern, P-H-E-I-C. Now that does not require any nation to do anything, but it often enables individual health ministers in any given nation to use that declaration as an excuse to do something in their own country under their own law. So there's a difference between a declaration and imposing one's will. Now what they want to add with these proposed amendments is on an even lower level, with even less requirements, what they call an early action alert. They can declare that for pretty much anything they want. On the other end of the spectrum, if they've declared a public health emergency of international concern, if it does get worse, they can sort of slide that into being called a pandemic emergency.

James Roguski
But regardless of whether any of that is declared, let me share with you what I'm hoping to talk about today, which I uncovered the latest available version of the amendments from February 9th. They had been kept secret since September of 2022. They revealed them in December, but the negotiations for more than a year were kept completely secret. And so I'm going to go through this very quickly. In November of 2022, the Indonesian health minister said that they wanted to institute a global health certificate. And if you were tested or vaccinated, then they would let you travel. Now here's some of the amendments. And for people in the world and specifically for people around the United States, this is not an attack on national sovereignty. It's actually a very dangerous expression of national sovereignty. For people in the United States who are aware of state nullification, that would not apply in this case. And for people, myself included, who were advocating exiting the WHO, unless every nation exited the WHO, these rules would still apply. And hopefully you'll see what I'm talking about. So basically, if you're not upset about this, then you're just not aware that this is going on. So this right here is Article 24 of the existing international health regulations. The proposed amendments would include adding the terminology. And I'll just read this. This is for conveyance operators, which is cruise ships or airlines or trains or buses or whatever it may be. And it says, states, parties or nations shall take all practicable measures consistent with these regulations. Make it a little bit larger, maybe so people can see it. To comply with health measures, which may include isolation and quarantine as appropriate, recommended by the WHO and adopted by the state party, including for application on board, as well as during embarkation and disembarkation, getting on or off the plane or a boat or whatever it might be.

Iurie Roșca
They did the same kind of, they applied the same kind of measures, abusive, compulsory and tyrannical, if you want, several years ago during COVID-19 pandemic. Why they are now trying to impose this kind of regulation in the moment they could apply the same measures without this kind of formulations or not?

James Roguski
Well, they're seeking to put it into the international health regulations. The bold print that's in here, and I did not highlight that. That's actually their highlight. This is just a screenshot. And you can look at the bold print is what they're adding to the existing article. Now, if I scroll down a little bit more, also to article 27, very small changes, very important. You can see all of the text and right here, you know, and quarantine.

James Roguski
So the concern is that if you're traveling, they want to be able to make you take a test or prove that you're vaccinated. And if you want to disembark, you know, get off the plane or get off the cruise boat, you might find yourself in quarantine. And one more article that they're changing, or I should say they're not changing. Most people are completely unaware that this is the existing international health regulations. It's double talk. It says invasive medical examination, vaccination, or other prophylaxis shall not be required as a condition of entry of any traveler to the territory of the country, except if they want to. I mean, the double speak is ridiculous, except that under these articles, it does not preclude the nations from requiring medical examination, vaccination, or other prophylaxis or proof of vaccination or other prophylaxis. And down here, again, more double speak, right? It essentially says that they can, I can find the word here, compel the traveler, compel the traveler to undergo vaccination or other prophylaxis. Now, this is very concerning to me. I've been talking about this since November of 2022. The working group for the international health regulation amendments has been trying very hard to keep what they're doing secret. They missed their deadline of January 27th, 2024. They were supposed to present everything four months in advance.

James Roguski
I got lucky. I found that one of the relevant stakeholders had published a negotiating text, working document on their website. And this is what I'm reporting on. You've been a reporter since you were 18. So, you know, I've got a scoop and I'm trying to get people to pay attention that they have another set of meetings, April 22nd to the 26th, to negotiate these very secret amendments to the regulations. And as far as I'm concerned, adding more authority to nations, to quarantine travelers is absolutely unacceptable, especially with vaccines that don't work and tests that are fraudulent. And this is what I feel people really need to pay attention to.

James Roguski
A lot of things going on in the world, I understand. But as far as the amendments and the treaty and all that sort of thing, we can talk at great length about all the other things, but nobody's been talking about this. And thanks for the opportunity to raise your awareness and everyone else in your audience. You know, I've been reporting on this on and on and on for two years now. Everything is on And while it might be a little bit difficult for people where you live to give me a phone call, I live in California and I always give my phone number. Anybody who has a question can give me a phone call at 310-619-3055. I use Signal and Telegram. I think we got connected on Signal, whether it's Signal or Telegram.

Iurie Roșca
It is very important this kind of openness because many people do not understand exactly what happens. It exists a kind of preoccupation or panic if you want, but how to explain all this stuff, it is not so simple for ordinary people. I would like to ask you now, if you allow me, about these 10 amendments which was published in your article several days ago, 10 key amendments which must be we have to take into account when we're thinking about…

James Roguski
They're unacceptable. Yeah, they're absolutely unacceptable. And so we've talked about, I think, the most important ones. The first one on the list is the director general declaring an early action alert or a fake or a pandemic emergency.

Iurie Roșca
So people have to understand, James, it means one person who is, by accident or not, secretary general or director general of this international body, WHO, can declare by himself, without any consultation of national states and some other experts and so on, that today we have to start to impose to all…

James Roguski
He has the authority to make a declaration. It's not an imposition, it's not an order, it's a declaration.

Iurie Roșca
Yeah, but it is receiving by national authorities as order.

James Roguski
No, no, this is where everyone is confused. It's all psychological, it's all hypnosis. If our health minister has in our national law ― Now, this is the case in the United States, I published this two years ago. Our health minister, the only requirement that he needs to declare an emergency in the United States is if the director general of the WHO says there is an emergency. It's not an order, it enables. So there's this cascade. If the director general just decides to say there's an emergency and then our health minister says there's an emergency, I live in California, then our California governor or our health minister or our county or our city, they say, well, the governor said so because the health minister said so because Tedros said so. That's not an order, it's an enablement.

Iurie Roșca
But anyhow, national, regional and local authorities are reacting like soldiers.

James Roguski
Yeah, exactly. But not so much soldiers, because the soldier would be given an order. That's not what this is. A lot of people are getting it confused. It's not a mandatory requirement. It's hypnosis. It's a psychological head game. And what happens is people report on it. Oh, the director general said you have to do this. No, he said there's an emergency. Y'all do what you want. But then it gets mixed up in everybody's head. And then if you're national health director or your local health director or people in the media, I'm sure you've reported stories where or you know, you've seen other people report stories. And, you know, your view of what was said gets all mangled. Okay. And so the key word is enabling. When the director general triggers this fearmongering, oh, be afraid, be very afraid. And then your nation's officials use that as an excuse to get you to be very afraid and give themselves power. Right? This is what what we're dealing with. And so, in addition to that, now, they want to add for international travel, the in the law, you saw the words quarantine. That's new additional text that they want to add. And after all that we've been through over the last four years, the answer to simply has to be no, you can't give yourself more power to abuse the people just because some vaccine or test is required. The vaccines don't work, the tests are fraudulent. The answer is no.

Iurie Roșca
James, let's discuss now a little bit about the big picture. How it fits in this big picture of Agenda 2030, digitalization, total control, CBDC. And at the same time, I would like to ask you to explain a little bit why why all nations, big and small, important and not so important, fragile and great powers, reacted in the same way during so-called pandemic COVID-19 without with some exceptions, some African countries and those few prime ministers and presidents passed away quickly during several months. I have the list here of these interesting criminal cases in my view, but I cannot understand or we have to meditate to speculate if you want why Trump and Biden, Putin and Xi Jinping, European Union and BRICS, all these countries or group of countries which are in conflict, diplomatic, economic, ideological, strategic, civilizational, I don't know, are following the same Agenda 2030, digitalization and follow all rules of WHO despite of these contradictions or conflicts.

James Roguski
I know we only have a couple of minutes, so I'll keep my answer very, very brief. We all signed on to the United Nations Agenda. All of the nations of the world signed on to the Framework Convention for Climate Change. All of the many things that all of the nations agreed to do year after year after year, they just continue to agree because we the people were we the people were not paying attention back in the 1990s. And so going all the way back to November of 2022, the Indonesian Health Minister made it very clear that their goal was to set up a digital certificate system for travelers so that if the way he put it was the good way. Well, if you are compliant and you get vaccinated or you pass a certain test, then you can travel. What he conveniently didn't say was if you don't have your vaccine or you don't pass the test, then into quarantine you go. That is what I'm worried about. That is what people need to focus on. There's a million other things going on in the world. There's all kinds of other aspects to these amendments in the treaty and all that sort of stuff. I'm raising awareness about a section that is what they really, really want from these amendments.

Iurie Roșca
Excuse me, when we're talking about freedom of traveling, we have probably to add freedom to go out of your home, go to your work. Those are local issues. Those are local issues that you have to deal with your local government. What I'm talking about is WHO's international health regulations control over international travelers, and they want to add the ability to quarantine people. Sorry, James, we will remain on the same topic, main topic. We are talking about WHO next meeting or general assembly, which will be held during the last days of May and first June. But before it, let's come back to these restrictions of free movement or free traveling. Of course, it's a big problem for us, but when they are installing so-called lockdown and self-isolation and social distancing, it is much more tragic.

Iurie Roșca
And it doesn't matter if it is a norm of this special treaty, pandemic treaty, or this is a kind of local improvisation or national level improvisation. Anyhow, my remark is not directly linked with our, maybe our main topic. Mass nomadism, no border policy, disorganization, free movement of people, goods and services. This is the very core of globalization. One state, one government, one policy, one free of movement and the unisex and transgenderism. All this stuff is linked somehow. Okay, coming back to our main topic. In your opinion, James, why nobody is trying to abandon this organization? Because it is not obligatory for national states to be part of this very strange organization or WHO, because many people are thinking that it is obligatory for countries. We have 194 members and nobody is ready ― I am talking about political class ― to say it loudly: “We have to make WHO-exit” like you postulated in your recent articles.

James Roguski
Well, I certainly would not say nobody. There are people around the world who are advocating for exiting the WHO. I've got an enormous activist toolbox on Various politicians around the world have advocated it. I have a video on that page from Donald Trump who not only said that if he were to become president again, not only would he reject the amendments and reject the treaty and exit the WHO, he actually stated that he would work to abolish it.

Iurie Roșca
We cannot believe Mr. Trump, because Trump is a professional liar. He was part of this game with Fauci and with others and he stopped for the moment the financing of WHO, but he financed Gavi Alliance.

James Roguski
Very, very much understood and agreed. So, whether you believe what politicians say or not, the Prime Minister of Slovakia stated very clearly that his party and he would not support the treaty or the amendments. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stated that he was opposed to the treaty. Iran rejected the amendments from 2022. So, they have enough awareness of what's going on.

James Roguski
The new government of New Zealand rejected the amendments from 2022 and what is needed is really very simple. It's an awareness. Apparently, you've been in the media the vast majority of your adult life. They report on whatever it is they want you to know and they don't report on the things that they don't want you to pay attention to. So, it's up to citizen journalists to report on the information that the mainstream media will not share with you. So, what I'm an advocate of is that regular people, we have the power to take a camera or a phone and express our opinion and share it with other people that we know. Now, social media is doing a very good job of trying to censor people, but if you're watching this video right now, you can take this video and you can share it with someone that you know and they can share it and they can share it and they can share it, but more importantly, you can take any piece of information and take your camera, take your phone and take a screenshot or record a section of these amendments and give your opinion about them in your own words, but if you actually take your camera and record the documents, they cannot then say it's misinformation. What I've been doing for two years is showing people their, meaning the WHO's, information and just saying, were you aware of this? And so, what we did earlier in the video is show people that the amendments that they are pushing for would, amongst many, many, many other things, put into international law the ability to quarantine people if they don't have a vaccine or they don't pass a test.

Iurie Roșca
Okay, James, excuse me for interrupting you, but you know very well that many countries in European Union and not only in our region adopted several measures and laws and restrictions for freedom of speech. We are talking about, you write about it permanently, so-called disinformation, malinformation, and one more term, yeah?

Iurie Roșca
Yeah. Miss-information, dis-information and mal-information. When we're talking about it, how we can oppose them when we are under the risk to be punished, to be imprisoned, to be to lose our money, yeah, and our freedom. Now we are talking about general framework of this so-called pandemic treaty and international regulations for health, but we have to understand that our influence is not so huge. That's why probably we need to have a clear vision how we can stop them, how concretely we have stopped. Our mission is clear. We have to inform, to be truth tellers, truth seekers, and so on. I agree. Now I am asking you precisely, what is the procedure to adopt these regulations and the pandemic treaty by consensus, by majority, by conventions in this general assembly of health?

James Roguski
Well, the one thing I don't do is try to predict the future, okay? What I do is predict what I intend to do, and so there was a saying that they had in 2020, two weeks to flatten the curve, if that was something that made it to your part of the world, okay? Well, we've got two months to flatten the hoop, and what it's going to take, number one…

Iurie Roșca
you mean WHO?

James Roguski
WHO, yeah. What it takes, first step is awareness. Now I'm going to venture to guess, I think you were unaware that these amendments were in the proposal to change the international health regulations. When someone's awareness of this is raised, it's possible that someone would say, oh, I think that's fantastic. I think the government should quarantine everybody who doesn't get a jab. There are people who believe that. Maybe they believe that the tests are not fraudulent, and that if you fail one of these tests, that you should go into quarantine. There are people who believe that. You're probably not going to change their minds, but at this point, the vast majority of people are unaware, and so if you're unaware, you're not going to say anything, and the way they operate, silence is viewed as consent. So if you're aware of this and you say nothing, then you're forfeiting your rights. You don't have to worry about someone taking away your rights.

James Roguski
You're giving them over. So all I encourage people to do is follow what's in your heart, get the information. If you agree, and you think it's a great idea that your government, or I should actually say every other government in the world, if you were ever to travel outside of your home country, and you want to get off the boat, or get off the airplane, or the train, or the bus, or whatever it might be, you would have to show your papers, and you would possibly have to pass a test, or do some sort of prophylaxis, or boom, you're in quarantine. If you're okay with that, then I guess you're okay with that. I think it's unacceptable, and if you think it's unacceptable, if you remain quiet about it, that's the same as saying you agree with it, because your silence is viewed as consent. We have two months to raise a ruckus, have everyone say, wait just a minute. The answer from we the people is no. We do not accept you giving yourself the authority to tell us that your fake vaccines and your fake tests are a good enough reason for you to put someone in quarantine. That is absolutely unacceptable.

Iurie Roșca
I agree with you totally, and I would like to share with you my personal experience. I sent to all our MPs several days ago an upper letter, one person, one member of Parliament reacted and shared my short video on Facebook, just showing that he is more or less free to accept this kind of criticism. All others, parties, members of Parliament, and so on, do not react. Do you know why? Not only because they are not well informed, because all of them were obedient to the Covid story. It's about psychological subordination. It's about lack of capacity to recognize that I am wrong. I was wrong several years ago when I accepted vaccineist ideology and all measures and masks and anti-social distancing and quarantine and lack of any political, economic, and social freedoms. I am asking myself now, and you will of course, how we can determine them. Because now many friends of mine are doing the same thing, writing, sending messages, emails, and trying to contact directly decision makers and members of Parliament. I received today a very special response on behalf of Parliament. Your letter was received and we gave it to Ministry for Health of Republic of Moldova.

Iurie Roșca
It means to the body which organized all this nightmare, all this Covid story. You see? How we can wake up, determine this political class which is not interested and could not understand. You are talking about Kennedy, of course. Mr. Kennedy is an honest guy, of course. But Mr. Trump is a politician and he is a candidate. When he will maybe become once again president, I am not sure that he will be able to follow his electoral promises because we have a deep state, we have huge players, private entities which are ruling the game. So we are doing our job.

Iurie Roșca
And another question. Once again, how they will adopt this special measures and pandemic treaty? By majority, by consensus, by acclamations, which is the rule in this WHO?

James Roguski
Sure. Let me answer your first question by asking you a question. If you are like me, you probably get a lot of emails or text messages or other kind of communications and you spend a good part of your day glancing at an email and a text message and a direct message. When someone sends you something, you have a determination as to how much attention you give it. When a second person sends you the same thing, it triggers something in your head. You go, oh, yeah, I think I saw that before. If a third person sends it to you, if a fourth person sends it to you, what if you woke up one morning and there were 20,000 emails all telling you the same thing? Would that affect you differently than just one email? We have the power of numbers.

James Roguski
Now, let me ask you another question. If you got a phone call, if you got a phone call from somebody and they said, hey, I just sent you an email, did you get it? You and I want to know what it is. You and I went back and forth to organize our meeting today. You texted me and we emailed each other and we talked on the phone. The combination of a text message and an email and a phone call and a direct message or a letter or a knock on the door, what if somebody knocked on your door and said, I'd like to talk to you about something? Maybe you would slam the door in their face. Maybe you would go on the porch and have a conversation. Maybe you would let them into your house. If 20 people knocked on your door in succession or called you up and said, I want to schedule a meeting with you to talk about something. I'll schedule it on Tuesday. I'll schedule it on Wednesday. I'll schedule it on Thursday. I want to talk to your staff member. We have the power of numbers that will influence people. One person doing it is good, but what if 100 people watch this video and each of them tell 100 people? That's 10,000.

James Roguski
What if you got 10,000 phone calls tomorrow? Would that have an impact on anything? It could be anything under the sun. Step number one is awareness. Step number two is identifying your allies. You might send this to 100 people and five of them will be on board in agreement that this is a problem. You can spend your time or waste your time trying to convince the other 95 or you could get those five people to reach out to 100 and then maybe you get 25 from that. Now you've got 30. Well, what if every day 30 people called the health minister and said, hey, we need a formal response to the proposed amendments to article 24, 27 and others that would institute quarantine on international travelers. We're not happy about this. Tomorrow, those 30 people make another phone call and tomorrow, the next day, those 30 people make another phone call. Write an email, send a letter, knock on their door. It doesn't take a lot of people to get someone's attention. It's hard for one person to do it. Step number one, become aware.

James Roguski
Step number two, make your own little video, spread the word, share it with your friends. Don't try to convince anybody. Identify your allies. If you get two people or 20 or 200 or 2000, it starts with one. If you're dedicated to do something and you try to find somebody else, 99% of people are not going to comprehend the issue and that's okay. You're looking for allies not trying to convince people who don't want to know. I'm here to tell you there are millions of us who have had enough. The answer is no. After all we've been through over the last four years, they're trying to have secret negotiations to add into international law the right to quarantine people based on vaccines or tests. The answer is that is unacceptable. That will not be allowed to happen and when enough people become aware and take action, it will fail because it must fail.

Iurie Roșca
Okay, dear James Roguski, dear friend, thank you for this exciting conversation. We are in crisis time now. We have less than two months before this so special event which could affect all of us everywhere, all over the world. That's why thank you very much for this interview and for your so strong belief in our fight.

Iurie Roșca
We will translate this video in Romanian. Today we will put our conversation in several platforms and our friends from Chisinau Forum will distribute massively in different countries and we will continue. Thank you very much. God bless you.

James Roguski
Thank you and bless you as well.

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a conservative journalist from the Republic of Moldova, who in the past was an anti-communist dissident, party leader, MP and deputy prime minister, who is now an anti-globalist author with strong Christian and nationalist convictions.
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J. Roguski
Exposing MDM (Mis-Information, Dis-Information and Mal-Information)