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The Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah in Modern World

Thank you Yuri, first of all for having me here. It’s an honour once again and is an honour to be in front of everybody here with so great thoughts about the situation right now in our world.

In the Holy Bible we find many references about this tale of the two cities, of Sodom and Gomorrah. These two wicked cities that were exceptionally full of sins. They were inhospitable, had a lot of pride, we can say there was totally the absence of God.

But what was really the biggest sin that brought the divine justice? And brought fire and sulphur from the skies?

In Prophet Ezekiel we learn that they were engaging in abominal or hideous acts. In Leviticus we learn when the word hideous is used, clearly means homosexuality. Αlso in Genesis we learn that when the two angels that appeared as men in Sodom and Gomorrah, and were hosted by Lot, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah surrounded the house and tried to knock down the door, asking Lot to bring these men out, in order to know them better, meaning to copulate with them. As well in the New Testament, in the Epistle of Jude, we are learning that in Sodom and Gomorrah, there was ‘’unnatural lust’’. This is why the term sodomite is attached to homosexuality.

I am coming from a small country which is Greece. It is the country of Plato, of Aristotle, it is a country whose language was used for the words of the Lord in the New Testament. My country is the first orthodox country in the whole world that has legalised same sex marriage. And as well they have the opportunity to have children as they say. But the children can be obtained via a surrogate female body. Also, in the second largest city of Greece, in the beginning of June, will be hosted for about ten days the Euro Pride.

Unfortunately, this is the situation but allow me to say that this isn’t happening only in Greece but it is a common agenda. So, we see the United Nations, all the large organisations, WHO promoting this idea under the term of ‘’inclusivity’’and they even give instructions to schools on how to accept these LBGTQ’s + etc etc because they have been adding letters. Because there are a lot of sexes. The thing is that even with the word B they mean bisexual implying there are two sexes. You see, even in their own language they can’t avoid speaking about the natural reality.

But, how come the world has reached this situation that an idea that was previously unthinkable now has become a policy? The process can be described with the model of Overton’s Window.

Overton’s Window model describes how an idea from unthinkable can sometimes become a policy, a politically acceptable idea. So in the beginning when an idea is unthinkable, it means that only science can touch it because science is objective. And it can research everything. But as science is researching something, after some time some radicals start understanding it and the idea becomes radical. After some point the idea from radical starts becoming acceptable, later on it becomes sensible, later on it becomes popular and after becoming popular, after some time it becomes a policy.

The thing is how this can also happen, does it happen by itself? Like they say to us? The control of information, the control of media, that is surely taking place can help in that or actually is doing that. So, gradually they start promoting the idea and they change their wording, as time is passing, pushing the Overton’s Window.

And again, somebody may ask, how can all the media be controlled? They can, because the Elite class can actually print money out of thin air so they have the power to send the money where it is needed and to whoever is suiting their agenda. So, this is a process that is happening globally as we said. Because there is the bank of international settlements (BIS) and is the central bank of the central banks and all the central banks of the world belong to the bank of international settlements (BIS). And this bank is giving the policies to all the others. And all the others can make money out of thin air and then promote the ideas that they want to promote. This is how the situation is working.

And then we are talking about a pyramid. Now we’re talking about ‘’them’’ and we say ‘’they do’’ and all these things. But who are really ‘’they?’’And who is the one who is at the top of the pyramid? I am afraid that this is right in front of our eyes.

The previous days we watched Eurovison where many LGBTQ’s participated and actually someone won, a boy that thinks is LGBTQ won and says is neutral. But the most important thing is that from Ireland there was a lady that describes herself as LGBTQ, performing in front of everybody’s eyes a satanic ritual. And made very good impressions from what we saw.

So, you understand that the enemy of humanity is right in front of our eyes and is none other than the one that Jesus Christ, our Lord, called the devil. And the devil is clearly -at the moment- trying to copy God in every possible way.

First of all, we have the idea of transhumanism, the connection of humans with machines, with the use of technology, with the use of microchips and all. We are talking about humanity 2.0 as Iurie wrote in his new book. And there, we are talking about a new humanity of course.

As well, he wants to create his own world. A digital world, his own creation, the Metaverse. Where he is making there all the rules 100% .

Also, he wants to be ubiquitous. He wants to surveille us, be everywhere, know everything. And not only that, he also wants to know what we think with the use of microchips in our brains, like the ones of Elon Musk.

He also wants us to denounce the matter and his way of doing it is like WEF (World Economic Forum) said that ‘’ we will have nothing but we will be happy’’.

Also their prophet Yuval Noah Harari, talked about an ark, in the case there was a huge cataclysm. And if this happens, the elites are gonna build an ark and go there and be saved.

We also talk about the wisdom of God. And he also created the most intelligent robot with the name Sophia which in Greek means wisdom.

Also, we are talking about the Holy Communion where we drink the Body and Blood of Christ. And as we know, the elites are drinking blood, especially from children, in order to remain forever young.

All these point to a direction where there is total absence of God exactly as Sodom and Gomorrah. The scienticism means that we, humanity lets say, the way they describe it to us we can be God in the place of God. This is the idea that humanity can do it by ourselves, without God.

After all these thoughts, because all these processes that I am describing, not only have to do with homosexuality, for example the Overton’s Window or the use of money to promote any idea they want. We are talking about the Agenda 2030. We are talking about surveillance, control, and digitalization with the use of technology. And for all those ideas they are using the Overton’s Window. And they are pushing money towards all these directions of Agenda 2030.

And what could be our answer to this?

We have to struggle towards true diversity. God gave everybody talents, different talents. And everyone of us has a different way of learning life, dealing with life, reaching God, evolving and all. So, this is the true diversity that we should struggle with. Everyone has his own way of moving through life. And this is the beauty of creation and what we should aim for.

Apart from that we should do our best to really protect life which homosexuality obviously doesn’t as well as all other ideas such as surveillance and generally all this use of technology. We have to at last leave everything behind, we have to really follow the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and understand really the way we can reach God. We have to unlearn all the things that we have learned since birth, all this fake education which takes us away from God. We have to unlearn all of these and understand better the words of our Lord, going towards Him, having real love about life, having real understanding and in the very end never look back unlike Lot’s wife.

Thank you very much.

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A. Karageorgos
An independent analyst of the current apocalyptic events trying to distinguish between truth and deceit mainly through long online videos, wishing for the help of God and hoping for the salvation of every soul.