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The Long Journey from Venice to Beijing


Meeuwis T. Baaijen's book “The Predators versus The People” is a seminal work among the many very valuable books written by authors from the area of thought and action of our meta-political Resistance.


Its subtitle perfectly characterizes the historical epoch of Modernity: “The Big Picture of the 500-years Secret War against Humanity”. This book could also have been titled “Long Journey from Venice to Beijing”, thus reflecting the journey of the “masters of money” from Venice and Genoa to the Iberian peninsula, in Spain and Portugal, then to the Netherlands and England, then to the USA, to reach China.

It is truly amazing to discover how the author has managed to synthesize an enormous volume of sources and present a complex, coherent and even holistic picture of this historical period that marks our times. It is a journey in time from Venice to Beijing, a vast history of capitalism that has reshaped the face of the world by deforming it into monstrosity. In fact, it is the Great Reset from its origins to the present.

The author does not escape any aspect of the historical course of this historical cycle, highlighting the deep causes that generated these shattering transformations, which destroyed not only the framework, but also the foundations of the world of Tradition, which seemed to continue its evolutionary course, which allowed only slow and perfectly integrated changes in the millenary structures of the Old World. The rise of the “civilization of money” (Prof. Valentin Katasonov), marked by the mysterious, tenacious, subversive and corrosive work of “merchants and moneylenders”, being a frequent theme in the works of an impressive number of authors of yesterday and today, finds an original approach in the book of our friend.

And the considerable number of cited sources, being the most relevant authors who wrote on major New Times topics, gives the book an unbeatable argument, offered by an intellectual who has absorbed for decades all that matters for a deep knowledge of the world. I would like to mention that among the multitude of sources from which they extract their information, three authors deserve to be noted from the beginning: Fernand Braudel, Immanuel Vallerstein and Giovanni Arrighi. I admit, if the first two authors are known to me for many years, I only discovered the last one thanks to our author. I am mentioneing here two books of this Italian author for the benefit of those who have a bow to such readings: “The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power and the Origins of Our Times” and “Adam Smith in Beijing: Lineages of the Twenty-First Century”. I ordered them and I look forward to them.

Step by step, the author dismantles with the skill of a vocational researcher all the founding myths of Modernity, which, having been inculcated through public schools, the sold press and prostituted scholars, have become axiomatic truths for the vast majority. The author's methodical manner of revealing some truths buried in the common grave of the past loathed and denied by those who have wrought “the transfiguration” of the world is vitally necessary now, namely, when many of us consume “truths” of the duration of a click on social networks.

One of the eternal concerns of minds seeking to penetrate the nature of evil, this time being the protagonists of radical historical upheavals (and, it seems, irreversible or even terminal!) it is to correctly discover and describe the identity profile of these entities or groups. We are familiar with the string of names given to them: kleptocracy, plutocracy, corporatocracy, world superclass, global elite, banksters, etc. Our author finds them an original name: Glafia, from Global Mafia. The term seems inspired to us, characterizing the criminal nature, the wicked methods, and the obsession with the accumulation of wealth and power in the hands of a clique that secretly acts behind the scenes of history. This term is rather one of the area of political and economic thought, which reflects the author's research, he is less concerned with philosophical or religious aspects, although they are not overlooked either.

In the context of total cognitive and psychological warfare to which humanity is currently subject, this book is an extremely valuable remedy for acquiring or maintaining an integral vision of reality. While Glafia strategists assault us with social engineers directed at fragmenting and even spraying our perception of the world (mass culture, “music”, film industry, social networking), the book “The Predators versus The People” helps us gather together the events and phenomena around us in a unique and perfectly coherent picture. In a certain way, the present book is the author's reply to the efforts of Glafia to exercise “management of perceptions” and, implicitly, the, to shape the behavior of people for the benefit of this occult group and to the detriment of all others.

Drawing on the tradition of the three authors mentioned above, Fernand Braudel, Immanuel Wallerstein and Giovanni Arrighi, Meeuwis T. Baijen shows throughout his book “migration” the core of the capitalist system (Glafia) from the two medieval Italian cities of Venice and Genoa to Spain, then to the Netherlands, then to England, to arrive after the Second World War in the United States. And the terminal station for this historic moment is China, which was demonstrated in a brilliant od by Giovanni Arrighi in his already mentioned book. That is, our author points out that for 500 years the groups behind the scenes of history have maintained their continuity over time, promoting their immutable strategy of accumulation of world wealth and political power. This periodical migration is also linked to the cycles of modern empires, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, British and American, and, to reach the present moment, which is a transition from the American empire to the Chinese one.

In this sense the author easily dismantles the BRICS myth as a conglomerate of countries that would tend to annihilate American supremacy for the benefit of all peoples of the world. None of this. Simply Glafia strategies leave the American ship and embark on the vessel of Chinese world domination. That is, from the Americanocentric unipolarity to the Russian-Chinese multipolarity is only one step, but it also made with diabolical precision by those who usurp real power on a world scale over puppets placed the head of states as an occupation administration. As long as all 193 UN member states as an expression of the undeclared World Government recognize the supremacy of this organization created by Glafia following the two world wars and executes obediently by sold all orders and directives issued by it, as well as by organizations such as WHO, IMF, World Bank, BIS, WTO, WTO, it is absurd to say that there would be a “revolt of the nations” under the umbrella of BRICS. I quote here the series of articles by our British friend, also mentioned by the author, Iain Davis, who published four fundamental articles on the BRICS phenomenon:

In this context it is also worth noting that Meeuwis T. Baaijen also shatters a dominant myth in international relations, namely that they would have nation-states as core subjects. While throughout history empires were the real subjects of the ages of peoples, they determined the course of events and the balance of powers in the world. And the Peace of Westphalia of 1648 that would have laid the foundation for relations between nation-states should not be regarded as dogma, as the textbooks taught us, because of the power relations, peace and war, colonization and territorial expansions were decided only to a minor extent, and sometimes fictitious by the visible/official heads of states. Throughout the history of Modernity, not the states, but the private entities behind them, were the driving force that determined the course of events.

In fact, one of the major contributions of this book is the dynamiting of the myth of nation-states as political-legal entities relevant in history. The author shows with unbeatable arguments that behind each nation-state stood and remains “primate of money”, “National Bank” which is removed from any political authority of the state, being affiliated with the circles he calls Glafia. And who has illusions about this would be good to study at least the role that the Bank of International Settlements plays in international relations, to which are equally subordinated China, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba. I would suggest here a useful book in this regard: “Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World” (

David C. Korten has been warning us since 1995 that it is not states, but corporations that rule the world (

But many of us thought it was only the more recent historical period, linked to globalisation, which has been accelerated by technological advances, particularly in the area of the circulation of goods, persons and information. We have thoroughly mastered the essence of financial capitalism, the process of deregulation, monetarism, and shock therapy promoted by the Chicago school, but we did not necessarily understand that it was only a more advanced stage of control over the wealth of the world and not a new phenomenon.

The author rightly states that all governments and institutions their have now been captured by Glafia, some for centuries, like the Holland, England, Sweden, France and the USA. All newly established nation states claimed sovereignity, but that was always a trick. The pretendence to be democracies was jus a confidence game to obtain the support of common people, and the cheapest and most effective control solution for bankers”. Here it would be necessary to mention the ability of the globalist elites to instrumentalize after the Second World War the process of decolonization, promoted by UN support, which in fact masterminded the destruction of European empires to the advantage of the new US hegemon. Exactly the same happened with the disintegration of the USSR, which we perceived as a victory of “captive nations”, while the disappearance of the communist colossus proved to be again only to the advantage of the US or, more specifically, of the private extraterritorial entities that control this geopolitical mega-power.

Throughout the entire work the author unmasked the great deception of the modern world, which still works perfectly for the bewitched crowds of the System, namely democracy. The whole mythology with the right of peoples to self-government, with the sovereignty of peoples, with universal suffrage, with multi-party system, with elections as an expression of “people's wills”, etc. it's the subject of methodical dismantling to show its perverse and manipulative essence. Moreover, the disavowal of democracy as an instrument of plutocracy has long been widely and extensively dealt with in anti-revolutionary and conservative literature. And the author is absolutely right in bringing it back to the attention of the reader.

After the major event of the false Covid-19 pandemic, a large number of people understood that there is no sovereign state at present, all just being docile instruments in Glafia's hands. Although the masses of viewers continue to consume the drug of electoral performances, remaining in the area of “useful idiots”.

Another strong aspect of this book is the brilliant demonstration that throughout history ALL revolutions have been plotted and inspired from the outside, made with the hands of traitors from within the people concerned and to the detriment of it. “French Revolution”, Bolshevik Revolution, “color revolutions”, “Arab spring”, “Maidan 2014” were staged after the same scenario. It is true that we were told that this was a popular uprising “spontaneous and legitimate”.

We know well that “bourgeois” revolutions pursued the destruction of the Altar and the Crown in the name of a chimera called “republic”, which promised equal rights and elective political power. But any society is hierarchically organized, and the human being cannot exist without a religious feeling. And here I come out a little from the book I am presenting. If we realize that this is the case and that the subversive forces hidden in secret societies such as the Bavarian Illuminati or Masonry have coveted to destroy the authority of the institutions that ensured the order and purpose of traditional societies, we should be concerned about how we renew the thread broken by the conspirators. The order of a society up to the challenge of universal chaos was held on to the immutable authority of God, the King, and the Father (pater familias). Or in the formula of our French friend, the writer Sylvain Durain, “le Christ, Dieu le père”.

In this sense, by means of subersive movements, initially of an intellectual nature, and then also of politics, Glafia has shattered the order of the world and thrown into chaos. The triple decapitation of peoples had devastating diluvian-sized effects. All of a sudden we would find ourselves three times acephalous. Without the spiritual head, without the political head and without the family head. The insidious struggle of the elites, waged under the guise of emancipation and the slogan of freedom, has deprived us of the vertical perception of the world. We found ourselves with a fractured spinal cord in three places. The ordering factors being superimposed, everything became a continuous Brownian movement, chaotic and pointless. By dethroning God, man began to worship himself. Beheading the sovereign, the crowd indulged itself in the temptation of divinization “popular sovereignty”. Defying the head of the family, husband and father, the woman and the children found themselves without a master.

Sure, our author rigorously examines all the key elements of Glafia's strategy to establish the New World Order by imposing the Great Reset as a form of enslavement of all mankind through AI and the vast program included in Agenda 2030. I fully agree with his arguments and position. Glafia must be criticized, its strategies must be exposed and the world must be educated in the spirit of resistance to these plans. But do we have enough weapons to fight, comparable to those of the enemy? In my opinion, no.

In order to better understand the identity of Glafia I think that after we undergo a meticulous analysis the way it has manifested itself throughout history and is currently manifesting itself on a material level (philosophical, philosophical, and, cultural, ideological, economic-financial, political, military, scientific, technological), we need to rise to the level of metaphysical, spiritual and ultimately religious interpretations. In my vizion, it is insufficient to combat scientist cosmogony, with the Big Bang and “cosmic soup”, with the “world as an accident”, with Darwinian evolution and the man coming from the monkey. It is necessary, but not sufficient, to criticize the alchemists, gnostics, and occultists who actually produced the Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment, as well as all modern ideologies as substitutes for religious faith. I greatly appreciate the semantic charge not Enlightenment, but Endarkenment.

And here a statement of paramount importance is required. Beyond the more or less rigged historical factology, the term Enlightenment comes fro sure from the “light-bringer Lucifer”. As well as the name of the secret organization founded by Adam Weishaupt Illuminati. Let us not forget that Lucifer is the first revolutionary in the history of the world. And all the variations of modern ideologies and the symbols that accompany them - from communism to nazism, from feminism to transgenderism, from postmodernism to woke - it is but the expression of a revolt of Luciferian origin, obsessed with overthrowing any hierarchy, any social norm by defiance and inversion. What can be more in vogue than symbols like Prometheus or Venus (with torch in hand), “terrible child”, hippie or LGBT?

In other words, I believe that a truly substantial research like the one our author does would require more space to be given to the religious war that Glafia is waging against humanity. I hope I will not disturb the sensitivity of any of my Western friends if I say that the basic vice of this research is related to contamination with the liberal” “virus, which manifests often paralyzing effects on our worldview. By contesting the world shaped by the Glafia model, we often cannot get rid of the intellectual tics induced by it for hundreds of years. Being anti-System, we are at best creationists and sympathizers of a kind of religious syncretism from the propagandistic arsenal of the Masonic ecumenism that craves the establishment of a One World Religion.

We are captives of our own boundless freedom, having the illusion that we can reinvent the world to our own extent. The temptation of anthropocentrism, of nihilism, of liberal individualism is so strongly imbued in our mentality that even when we combat the System we risk carrying the method vices induced by it.

We are often the unconscious carriers of congenital malady who lead us to believe in a purely Marxist spirit that over time the Church represented an oppressive institution at the mercy of the ruling class. We shun to accept the revealed truth, the mystical reality, the millennial Christian tradition. This is how we are becoming hostages to the progressive ideology that makes us think we are wiser than our ancestors. And since we have lost the celestial compass, the Goddess of Reason cannot replace it.

After all, there is only one truth. It is not the result of autonomous intellectual exercises, but is revealed to us from above, from the love of the Creator of the world. And scientific research, a work of probing the great problems of life, an attempt to understand the world in which we live can be based only on the only lasting foundation of evangelical teaching. From here the true light descends, able to fructify human thought, but also to offer spiritual weapons of struggle with those whom our author endows with the collective name of Glafia. It is true that these secret societies and occult groups are guided by the love of money and the thirst for power. But they do not aspire to the world's wealth, unlimited power, and total control over humanity just because they are vicious. Behind the seen plan, which manifests itself economically, politically and technologically, stands the prince of this world that pushes us to perdition.

And in order to become invincible in our struggle against the tyrannical system of world technocracy or at least to have chances of victory over it we need to make a major paradigm leap towards our millennial past, to the origins, to our Creator and to His Son enlightened by the Holy Spirit. We will not save ourselves by our erudition, nor by civic courage, but only by wisely returning to the path we lost 500 years ago. The voice of Truth has been crying out to us for two millennia:

“But take courage! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

_P.S.: I am waiting for your opinions here: _ P.P.S: My latest book in English, German and French:

Poza de profil

I. Roșca

a conservative journalist from the Republic of Moldova, who in the past was an anti-communist dissident, party leader, MP and deputy prime minister, who is now an anti-globalist author with strong Christian and nationalist convictions.