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A lucid and profound German analyst


Several days ago I was contacted by someone from Germany who was interested in translating from English some of my articles that I have published recently. This gentleman's name is Stefan H. Heuer. I gladly and gratefully accepted his initiative. And a few days ago he sent me a number of his articles, which he publishes on his blog as well as on the website of our friend Peter Topfer

I have thus discovered an exceptional analyst with a lucid and perfectly valid perspective on international realities, including the tragic developments in Syria, which he has been dealing with for years. Unlike a vast majority of commentators in the alternative press, Mr. Stefan H. Heuer doesn't show the superficial and one-sided approach (when it's not just propaganda for money!) that VIPs like Pepe Escobar, Scott Ritter, Alex Jones or Tucker Carlson treat us with. That is to say, the German analyst is not practicing the vice of the false dichotomy so much in vogue at the moment, according to which there is a division between the "bad guys" in the West versus the “good guys” in Russia/China/BRICS.

When analyzing, for example, the war in Ukraine, the German author does not fall into the trap of simply demonizing the American gangsters and their Western allies. He shows with unbeatable arguments the clumsiness, lack of vision and inability of Putin and his team to face the great challenges Russia has been facing in the last decades. Against the backdrop of the disgusting idolization of Putin's figure, practiced by a multitude of naïve authors, but also by the cohort of professional mercenaries, the German analyst's position is worthy of all appreciation.

I find Mr Stefan H. Heuer's observation perfectly valid that Putin's inconsistency and lack of strategic vision could have two explanations. The first would be the simple political myopia of a character overrun by time and unable to adapt to the radical and rapid changes in the world today. The second, suggested by the German author, would be harder to accept for those who have a perception induced by the dominant media. That is, all the major failures of Russia are the fruit of a well-thought-out strategy by the enemies of Russia and carried out by its eternal ruler. The question is fully grounded and only those lacking critical spirit can ignore it.

When we talk about the exercise of power in a country today it si good to keep in mind that the no. 1 leader is not at all an independent actor. He is just a spokesperson or a frontman for groups of interest behind them. Under the conditions of a “market society” talking about Putin as someone who makes decisions by himself is not exactly appropriate. Under the conditions of a crony capitalism and the exercise of state power in the interests of some mafia clans is not surprising at all the lack of coherence of the Kremlin in relation with Ukraine. Nor are the catastrophic effects that have gone from here unexpected.

I fully share the German author's view of the enormous tragedy that has befallen Syria. Syria has been betrayed by the masters of Kremlin politics. And we have enough elements to suspect that they are far from Russia's borders. To establish their identity is enough to ask ourselves who the collapse of Syria serves. Certainly, Israel. And its two proxy states, the US and Turkey.

I invite our German friend to continue watching the show with the two rescuers of the world, Trump and Putin, who have set out not only to bring peace to Ukraine, but also to annihilate any claim by Europe to have any voice in international politics. Will the European peoples be able to rid themselves of the perverse elites and regain the status of respectable subjects of international relations or the re-dividing of Europe between Anglo-Saxons and Russians is inevitable?

Poza de profil

I. Roșca

a conservative journalist from the Republic of Moldova, who in the past was an anti-communist dissident, party leader, MP and deputy prime minister, who is now an anti-globalist author with strong Christian and nationalist convictions.