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au hautIn face of total spiritual evil, of superhuman demonic forces, we do not have any chance of success using only human potential. The lack of equality of arms means our eternal defeat.
It is up to us whether we choose to play the role of losers or prefer the mission of conquerors, making a huge paradigmatic leap and donning the armor of new crusaders. To conclude, our choice is very simple: whom to obey, God or Satan. There is no third option. Human autonomy is a perfect trap which blinds us and pushes our Resistance into a suicidal bind
Both days of the event were live streamed. Bellow are listed the likns to the saved transmissions.
Garry Robson, originaire d’Angleterre et vivant actuellement en Pologne, est professeur de sociologie à l’université Jagiellonian de Cracovie, en Pologne. Son livre le plus récent est « Virtually Lost: Young Americans in the Digital Technocracy ».
Rima E. Laibow, M.D., est la directrice médicale de la Natural Solutions Foundation. Diplômée de l’Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1970), elle croit passionnément au droit de chaque Américain de choisir un parcours de santé personnel, sans ingérence du gouvernement ou des entreprises.