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The pacifist Trump-Putin tandem and the velvet propagandists


Yes-Men with claims of impartiality

Yesterday I published an article about the German author Stefan H. Heuer (, in which I listed a number of "talking heads" who prefer to see the world with one eye, hear it with one ear and think with one hemisphere of the brain. I had in mind those who invariably prefer to present the figure of Putin as a great national leader who has only major achievements. A sort of propaganda draped in intellectual exercises on geopolitical issues. Here is the sentence in my text yesterday:

Unlike a vast majority of commentators in the alternative press, Mr. Stefan H. Heuer doesn't show the superficial and one-sided approach (when it's not just propaganda for money!) that VIPs like Pepe Escobar, Scott Ritter, Alex Jones or Tucker Carlson treat us with.

Initially I was mentioned in the list of Putin's sycophants Colonel Douglas Macgregor, who has simply flooded the Internet with his otherwise valid comments, but who hobbles on the same leg as those listed above. But just then someone had sent me a one-minute video in which Macgregor rightly wondered if Trump had become the tool of a small Middle Eastern state, Israel. And in general, the fact that this speaker deals fairly and openly with the overwhelming influence of the Israeli lobby in US politics prompted me to remove him from that list.

But today I watched a long video of the same Col. Macgregor, which prompted me to get back to the point. Here is that link:

And indefatigable Kremlin propagandist Scott Ritter places this video on his YouTube channel with the following title: “COL DOUGLAS MACGREGOR REVEALS RUSSIA WON UKRAINE WAR US FORCED TO NEGOTIATE UNDER PUTIN’S TERMS”. Which accurately reflects the message of the American colonel with pro-Kremlin sympathies. The basic problem with these one-sided approaches is the following. Their criticism of the aggressive policy of the US, the UK and the EU towards Russia is perfectly true. Just as perfectly true is the perspective on the 2014 coup in Kiev, which was instrumentalized by the American “neocons” (a euphemistic term for the Zionist mafia in Washington!). No less relevant is also the criticism of the Kiev regime, which they prudishly usually call Nazi, while in fact the nature of this regime is par excellence Zionist. We also note here the disapproval by authors like Macgregor of the financing and arming of the Kiev regime, which is being used by American strategists in the proxy war against Russia.

So far so good. I fully subscribe to this view. But unlike respectable authors like Paul Craig Roberts, authors like those listed above prefer to silence vulnerabilities and decisions at least strange (if not directly treacherous!) of Russian administration towards Ukraine. Before we come to the grandiose plans of Trump to bring peace to Ukraine, les us enumerate here only a small part of some decisions of the Kremlin that cannot fail to arouse perplexity and suspicion.

Maidan 2014 and Kremlin reactions

After the 2014 coup in Kiev and the violent removal of President Viktor Yanukovych from power (by the way, his promotion by Kremlin was a huge mistake!) the Russian leadership has rightly stated that it is about criminal actions and an illegitimate regime. But what followed no longer fits into the optics of Russian interests at all. On May 25, 2014, Petro Poroshenko, one of the main organizers of the coup, is elected president of Ukraine. Oddly enough, the Kremlin recognizes him as a legitimate president and agrees to sit at the negotiating table with him.

In February-March 2014, in response to the xenophobic policy of the Ziono-banderovist regime in Kiev, Russia decides to take over the Crimean peninsula. We remind that Russia's takeover of Crimea was preceded by a referendum, in which the absolute majority opted to join Russia. Otherwise it could not be, given the ethnic composition of this area and the linguistic terror unleashed by the regime in Kiev.

Crimea in, Donbass out

But it was precisely in the same period that referendums with identical results were held in the Donbass region. But the two rebel republics were abandoned, “the Russian spring” was betrayed, and the Russian population in these territories was methodically slaughtered by the Ukrainian army for 8 years. In addition, today only the blind and deaf do not know that the leaders of volunteers from the Donbass region, who organized themselves in military structures to defend themselves against the armed aggression of Kiev, they were assassinated one by one at the direct orders of the Kremlin. Aleksey Mozgovoy, Givi, Motorola and a long line of commanders of Russian volunteers in Donbass were methodically killed not by Kiev, but by Moscow. But propagandists like those listed above masterfully bypass such subjects.

“The Minsk agreements” and the presidential nose

Let's remember about so-called “The Minsk agreements”. September 5th 2014. The round of negotiations is taking place , so-called Minsk ― I. Angela Merkel and Francois Holland, plus the OSCE, are the guarantors of the fulfillment of these agreements. February 12th 2015 ― Minsk II. While Russian patriots criticized these actions of the Kremlin, Moscow propagandists from within and from abroad continued to applaud the great achievements of Russian diplomacy. But both Merkel and Holland admitted in 2022 that the Minsk agreements were a hoax, a diplomatic bluff, a maneuver to lure the Russians into a trap and gain time to arm and train the Ukrainian army.

Putin's reaction to these statements must be inscribed in the anthology of the political-diplomatic stupidity of the century. He literally said the following: “They simply led us by the nose.” Watch the interview with Tucker Carlson:

But Tucker as usual displayed an expression of his face full of wonder, marveling at Putin's wisdom and being deeply grieved by the cunning of Western leaders. Moreover, Putin repeated this ineptia many times, and those who ironized at the expense of the presidential nose were rewarded fully by the Kremlin. So, for example, the hero of “Russian spring” of Donbass, Colonel Igor Strelkov (Girkin) was convicted with 4 years in prison. Which is still better than getting shot like his comrades. But such insignificant cases escape the attention of the great champions of alternative journalism affiliated to the Kremlin.

SMO ― a lost hope of antiglobalists

On 24 February 2022, when Russia intervened militarily in Ukraine, many of us from the anti-globalist camp hoped that the Kremlin had finally decided to act resolutely to end state terrorism promoted by Kiev and its Western sponsors. The SMO that was triggered with its two great goals ― the Demilitarization and Denazification of Ukraine ― seemed to be a blitzkrieg, a swift and victorious police action, which will end the regime in Kiev.

A few days later, on February 25, 2022, the Russian armed forces were at the gates of Kiev. But for reasons hard to accept as honorable, instead of conquering the capital of Ukraine, on April 2 the Russian army retires in panic, leaving behind tanks, armored cars and other military technique. The glorious Russian army has received a personal withdrawal order from the great strategist and unbeatable geopolitical player, the supreme commander, President Putin. But this shameful retreat was also justified by the clever propagandists, being packed in phraseology like “goodwill gesture”.

Step by step Russia abandons its conquered positions

By April 5, 2022 the Russian armed forces had left the regions of Kiev, Sumy, Chernigov and Kharkiv, leaving behind the population who expressed support for Russia to be slaughtered by the criminals from the brigade “Azov” and others killers from the wild gangs of Ukrainian fanatics. The Russian army was able to conquer Kiev without any significant resistance. And the withdrawal from the positions already conquered was not dictated by any military reason, but only by Putin's “ secret advisers”. And what is the interpretation of those tragic events from the perspective of the brave propagandists in the above list? Oh, how miserable Ukrainians are and how hypocritical Westerners are! Shame on them!

On 9 November 2022, the Russian army received orders from the defence minister Sergey Shoigu to leave the strategically important city of Kherson, which is located on the right side of the Dnepr river. The shameful statement by General Sergey Surovikin that preceded the departure of Kherson is yet another “perla” of Putin's strategic thinking. He called this fleeing unmotivated military “a difficult decision”. Has this action of enormous gravity aroused any question or perplexity in the minds of the mercenaries in the service of the Kremlin? Of course not.

And the blame for the abominable atrocities committed by criminals in Ukrainian uniforms committed in the abandoned Kherson was once again attributed only to Kiev, not to Moscow waging at least a strange war.

Prisoners exchanges always in favor of Kyiv

The same lack of critical reaction also accompanied the countless exchanges of prisoners between the Russians and Ukrainians, which were often not at all equitable. I bring here only the most outrageous example in the series of similar concession actions undertaken by Moscow. On the night of September 22, 2022 the Russians exchange 215 Ukrainian prisoners with 55 Russian prisoners, plus the oligarch Victor Medvedchuk. The latter is an old friend of Putin, being also in kinship relations. It turns out that this corrupt and compromised character was worth 160 Ukrainian soldiers.

Forever together, but always apart

Another glorious episode in the history of the SMO and the wise political actions of the Kremlin. On 30 2022 Moscow declares the accession to the Russian state of four Ukrainian regions, Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia. Solemn moments in the State Duma, concert in the Red Square, where Putin sang the state anthem in duet with a certain Shaman, who is a kind of a super star affiliated to the regime. It was a day of triumph of political spectacle in Moscow. A strange mixture of showbiz à la russe and lack of adequacy to reality. And all this at the very moment of catastrophic failures on the front line. Moreover, what is downright grotesque or perhaps rather tragic is something that escapes the great analysts full of loyalty to the Kremlin. Neither at the time of their official accession to Russia, nor at present are the four regions fully controlled by Russia.

Russian military failures as a result of weak leadership

The war lasting more than three years in Ukraine has shattered the myth of the omnipotence of the Russian army, caused millions of human victims and refugees, destroyed the Ukrainian economy, it has severely affected the economy of Europe and Russia. As proof of Russia's military incapacity are the countless drone attacks carried out by the Ukrainian side, which caused enormous economic damage and caused a considerable number of human victims. And the Ukrainian military offensive in the Kursk region of Russia, undertaken on August 6, 2024, shatters any illusion on the military capacity of the Kremlin. By the way, it is good not to forget that the Russian army has not managed to release its own territory from the Kursk region until today. And not because the Russians are not fearless fighters and have no capacity to wage a victorious war. The situation is different. Simply the Kremlin has no permission from those who make decisions to win this war.

Optimistic reports from the front flood the mainstream and alternative media daily. But when we are shown video images from the “liberated localities“, it is very difficult to make any distinction with the images we see from the Gaza Strip. Just ruins, destruction, smoke and no people. Survivors leave those places becoming refugees in European countries.

Trump's peace mission as Putin's lifeline

In this context, the pacifist number one Donald Trump comes out on stage. The recent negotiations in Riyadh between Americans and Russians are, of course, encouraging. No normal man wants to continue the war. But to make statements of a kind made by Duglas Macgregor that Russia has already won the war it means to be totally cut off from the realities on the ground. A winning country does not need to resort to peace talks. It imposes its conditions of surrender to the defeated country. But the Trump administration is intervening with the negotiations right now, because it knows very well that Putin and his team are vulnerable and can be pressured to make concessions to their “American partners”.

It is rightly said that sharing Ukraine will be a business project that will surely benefit the oligarchs in Washington and Moscow. The prey is extremely appetizing, and no one can stand in the way of the two predators. Putin is happy to be recognized as valid dialogue partner by the Americans. An this is because he has a deep inferiority complex to the West, such a characteristic syndrome for homo sovieticus. Having received so many condemnations at the level of the UN General Assembly and an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court, Putin is happy to return to the international arena with Westerners.

The Trump-Putin deal blows up the Kremlin's propaganda scaffolding

Of course, we cannot rule out the fact that the Americans will give some valuable gifts to Putin in exchange for equally major concessions. It may be a matter of territorial concessions at the expense of Ukraine in the first place. But given the fact that Russia's bargaining power is infinitely weaker than that of the US, the Trump Administration will most likely emerge with enormous advantages from this deal.

But what the optimists in Moscow seem to ignore in this situation is their very ideological platform that has been the basis of Putinism for the past decades. Namely, it is about the core principles of classical geopolitics: the conflict between the Sea Power (Thalassocracy) and the Land Power (Tellurocracy). And to trust your geopolitical rivals is to accept from the outset the ungrateful condition of being again lead by the nose.

And then what remains of all the rhetoric of Eurasian ideology, of the existential confrontation with the collective West, of the indestructible tandem with China, of the new global architecture tailored by BRICS+?

The fact that the meeting in Riyadh took place in the absence of Europeans, as well as other geopolitical players such as China, Turkey, UK, India, does not mean at all that only two major actors remain on the international stage. The reshaping of the new world order will still generate many convulsions and surprises.

Donald's gifts to Bibi's advantage or “Take Ukraine and give me Iran.”

And one of the most unpleasant and likely surprises is related to Israel's number one target, Iran. This concession in exchange for Ukraine is coveted by the Trump Administration dominated by Zionists. Do you find such a scenario unlikely? Then remember Putin's recent betrayal of his main ally in the Arab world, Syria. How does this explain? Very simple. The Israel lobby in Moscow is no less influential than the Israel lobby in Washington. And the Chabad Lubavich sect and its leading exponent Benjamin Netanyahu have demonstrated their evil effectiveness not once.

It is appropriate to recall that post-communist Russia has made a tradition of abandoning its own allies. Serbia in 1999, Libya in 2011, Armenia in 2023, Syria in 2024. Will Iran follow in 2025?

Post Scriptum

It is particularly curious to discover among the Kremlin propagandists from US a character like Jeffrey Sachs who was Russia's number one economic hit man. Quote directly from Wikipedia:

…his advice was sought first by Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and by his successor, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, on the transition of the USSR/Russia to a market economy.

Sachs' methods for stabilizing economies became known as shock therapy

It is namely the shock therapy after Milton Friedman's neoliberal monetarist recipe that caused the destruction of Russia's economy and other post-communist economies to the advantage of Western corporatocracy and local criminal clans. And such merits are rewarded with maximum generosity by the Putin regime.

Post Post Scriptum

In the context of scandalous revelations made by the Trump Administration in connection with the corruption of politicians, journalists, experts and artists by USAID, let us do the following exercise of imagination. At some point the mandate of the Kremlin leader Putin it will come to an end. Theoretically, this is possible. And those who will succeed him in government will have the pleasure to publish the full list of the mercenaries recruited from Western analysts and journalists. I suspect that in such a situation we have real chances to find many of the names of the people mentioned in this article.

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a conservative journalist from the Republic of Moldova, who in the past was an anti-communist dissident, party leader, MP and deputy prime minister, who is now an anti-globalist author with strong Christian and nationalist convictions.